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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2

That's very suiting, As the Russian Armed Force certainly treat them like pig....

That sound about right.

The thing is, damage this big, it is NOT a small device. I mean it will be sticking out like a sore thumb and unless the Russian is that inept not to pick up an IED on the side of the road or on the rail bridge, I don't really believe it is a IED job.

I would say either a Ballistic Missile or a Suicide VBIED.
& Now it's open season for the hogs.


This will take months to repair, at minimum

Hitting the bridge at that distance in a precision strike is one thing !!! Hitting a FUEL TRAIN at the same train is another thing.

This must be a UAV "co-ordinated" strike with something else..

And it is the "mother of all surgical strikes" in the Ukraine war so far. This is going to hurt Russia esp now we are heading into winter. Looks like Ukraine could have done this strike at any time but chose to wait until now for maximum strategic effect at this stage of the war..

( and it is really good news to wake up go aswell !!!!!! ).

EDIT : Looks like a Drone Ship took at the roadway and the resulting explosion managed to take out the fuel truck as collateral "damage".

Looks like 1 roadway and 1 rail line have been taken out of this war - it does look like one of the roadway is still standing juding by videos taken by people on the bridge after the strike but is it structurally sound enough to be used - looking at the pillars - i suspect it is not useable or safe to do so.

There is no way that rail line is going to be repaired anytime soon as that amount of heat would have caused very significant structural damage to the railway section that would mean that portion of the structure would have to be removed and then replaced entirely - under war time conditions.

I would not be suprised if you see a few more ship-drones take another shot at the bridge.

Fantastic birthday present for Putin ..
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the road damage is due to the explosion on the rail road and there is no sign of damage to the road or truck explosion
by the way if the damage is only to that section and the column are not damaged i say a willing operator can fix it in one week instead of months that mentioned here , and the rail road faster

Really does not look like this can be fixed in a week :


As for the rail bridge , take into account they are working on a tight bridge and not on land , this makes it a lot more complicated.

I say the rail road bridge is repairable and can be repaired very quickly my estimation is at most 2-3 day even less

only a little fire damage , just fix the guards , throw the burned wagon in water and pull the rest to the shore and fix the rails . its done the fire was on the bridge and the worst part of it was not in actual contact with bridge , and more importantly it was open fire and wind moved the heat away .

but about the road bridge that fall in the water , it clearly show some engineering defect otherwise why they must fall with the wave of the explosion

Really does not look like this can be fixed in a week :


As for the rail bridge , take into account they are working on a tight bridge and not on land , this makes it a lot more complicated.

that is the road bridge and depend on how they want to fix it , they can always make a temporary metal bridge fix until the real fix become ready . but what is important is rail road bridge that seems to have received minimal damage
b the way just look at it it literally fall of from the explosion shock waves , you really wonder about the quality of Russian engineering these days , there is no visible damage to the bridge , who is gonna bet there are lots of pocket that get a lot fatten on building this bridge, oh and your photo showed one interesting matter , only half the road bridge fallen , they probably can use the other half in 5-6 day after properly inspecting it and strengthen if there is some structurally weakened areas
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Could the attack on the Crimian bridge signal a larger upcomming ukrainian attack in the south? I personally want to see Ukraine reclaim the Zaporizhzhia power plant, just to humiliate Putin.
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I say the rail road bridge is repairable and can be repaired very quickly my estimation is at most 2-3 day even less

only a little fire damage , just fix the guards , throw the burned wagon in water and pull the rest to the shore and fix the rails . its done the fire was on the bridge and the worst part of it was not in actual contact with bridge , and more importantly it was open fire and wind moved the heat away .

but about the road bridge that fall in the water , it clearly show some engineering defect otherwise why they must fall with the wave of the explosion

that is the road bridge and depend on how they want to fix it , they can always make a temporary metal bridge fix until the real fix become ready . but what is important is rail road bridge that seems to have received minimal damage
b the way just look at it it literally fall of from the explosion shock waves , you really wonder about the quality of Russian engineering these days , there is no visible damage to the bridge , who is gonna bet there are lots of pocket that get a lot fatten on building this bridge, oh and your photo showed one interesting matter , only half the road bridge fallen , they probably can use the other half in 5-6 day after properly inspecting it and strengthen if there is some structurally weakened areas

NO WAY that rail line can be repaired with that amount of heat damage... The pictures you have posted contradict your very words almost as if you did not bother to look at the pictures themselves.
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the amphibious transport only can help you to an extent , it cant replace pipeline or railroads capacities
But it is something. Its not like entire supply is off. Light arms and other equipment by air and water is possible.

Huge letdown. But its for sure surprising to us but top brass must be aware of this possibility in russia.
Wow how did Ukraine do this ?

cant be truck bomb because both sides of the bridge is RUUSIA !

cant be a sea drone as Ukraine has no access to Kerch Strait or Sea of Azov

cant be HIMAR not heavy enough

cant be a ballistic missile as I doubt it has this kind of accuracy

Ukraine took out Crimea Air Base, Moskva Cruiser and now Kerch bridge

and it does it in a way that leaves alot of question as to how

one guy told me Ukrainians were the brains of the Soviet Union, very resourceful people

they are certainly proving that

Slavi Ukrani!
NO WAY that rail line can be repaired with that amount of heat damage... The pictures you have posted contradict you very words as if you did not bother to look at the pictures themselves.
won't be repaired the bridge is completely intact and show no damage , only damage to guards , to replace around 100m of damaged lines will only take several hours . its how we do it these days , Don't knew how Russian do it but even if they want to do it by hand it won\t take more than 1-2 day



the bridge didn\t recieved that much damage because the worst of the heat is actually above the fire not in fire itself , the heat go up and above the fire there was nothing . if the fire was under the bridge or if the bridge had two floor , then it was really damaging . its like you wnt to sink a steel hulled ship with napalm , israel once for 40min bombed a steel hulled ship with fire bombs and the ship stayed a float and when they offered help later the ship refused and sailed under its own power to a friendly port
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