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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2

Can you simply stop posting at all since stop posting BS is impossible to you!
In fact, I really have no clue where so much non-sense and stupidity can grow but since you cannot off-load this BS at the SDF, it seems you misuse this forum to download yourtwisted reality!

Do us all a favour, and stop with this BS!
Misuse? I told you guys YEARS ago that the Chinese will abuse your playground and the warning was ignored. If anything, there were more than a couple of people who warned the admin staff of such, and the Chinese member of the admin staff gave us warnings and essentially done nothing. Get this straight -- the PDF Chinese cohort do not respect your house.
Apparently, the US Army 'foreign technology exploitation' office is working OT thanks to Ukraine.

Putin's birthday gift to Ukraine: Russia is now Kyiv's largest arms supplier with more than HALF of its tanks​

Ukraine's rout of Russia's armies in Kharkiv oblast last month yielded huge amounts of gear, meaning more than 400 tanks, 600 armoured vehicles, and 44 multiple-launch rocket systems have been captured in working or near-working condition.

It means that, in terms of pure numbers, Russia is now easily the largest supplier of weapons to Ukraine - outpacing all other allies combined.

Interesting article for a good laugh..

Putin's birthday gift to Ukraine: Russia is now Kyiv's largest arms supplier with more than HALF of its tanks​

Yap, all the goodies of 1st tank army. They hugely lost personnel, and seemingly been burdened by excess hardware - they been running 2 man tank crews, and APCs/IFVs without dedicated commanders.
Big gift from Russia

Ukraine “received” 400 tanks of different models from fleeing Russians. Plus 650 armored vehicles.
Interesting, usually a retreating army destroys military equipment however the russians haven’t done that. Dumb.

Ukraine-Überblick: Ukrainische Soldaten bergen einen russischen Panzer nahe Charkiw am 30. September.

Ukrainische Soldaten bergen einen russischen Panzer nahe Charkiw am 30. September. © YASUYOSHI CHIBA/AFP/Getty Images

Big gift from Russia

Ukraine “received” 400 tanks of different models from fleeing Russians. Plus 650 armored vehicles.
Interesting, usually a retreating army destroys military equipment however the russians haven’t done that. Dumb.

Ukraine-Überblick: Ukrainische Soldaten bergen einen russischen Panzer nahe Charkiw am 30. September.

Ukrainische Soldaten bergen einen russischen Panzer nahe Charkiw am 30. September. © YASUYOSHI CHIBA/AFP/Getty Images

Most of these tanks don't work anyway.
Ukrainian servicemen fire with a French self-propelled 155mm/52-calibre gun Caesar towards Russian positions at the front-line in the eastern Ukrainian region of Donbas

Image caption,
Less than 2% of foreign arms deliveries to Ukraine are contributed by France.

US 49%
Poland 22%
Germany 9%
France 2%
Ukrainian servicemen fire with a French self-propelled 155mm/52-calibre gun Caesar towards Russian positions at the front-line in the eastern Ukrainian region of Donbas

Image caption,
Less than 2% of foreign arms deliveries to Ukraine are contributed by France.

US 49%
Poland 22%
Germany 9%
France 2%

Napoleon and Hitler got butt whopped by Russians. French and Germans are cucks. Only the US and Poland fight Russia.
Would love to see how you can stop a sucking chest wound with tampons.......

I mean those Ads saying their absorption rate is good, but I believe no ladies monthly issue is as bad as a sucking chest wound....
why you want to absorb the blood ? to hide the bleeding ?
when i face such patient the last thing i do is hiding the bleeding . instead it must be stopped with pressure till you can have access to a more permanent solution. and believe me tampoon is the last thing you want to use to stop bleeding

Well, that's not going to end well........even if you have gauss, I think you will need hemostat for that..
hemostat is ideal ,but if you don't have that if your pain tolerance is good you can do some miracles with several gauze , at least it can keep you from dying of blood loss
Big gift from Russia

Ukraine “received” 400 tanks of different models from fleeing Russians. Plus 650 armored vehicles.
Interesting, usually a retreating army destroys military equipment however the russians haven’t done that. Dumb.

Ukraine-Überblick: Ukrainische Soldaten bergen einen russischen Panzer nahe Charkiw am 30. September.

Ukrainische Soldaten bergen einen russischen Panzer nahe Charkiw am 30. September. © YASUYOSHI CHIBA/AFP/Getty Images

Usually they just throw their standard issue hand grenade inside. That's usually not enough to set the tank on fire.
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