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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2

Ukrainians were apparently very short on automatic grenade launchers. Significant amounts of Mk 19s coming from USA have made it possible to give multiple weapons per inf company, and dramatically easing assaults on fortified outposts in the south.

Prior, they had to stop, and wait for 81mm or 120mm to deploy, and fire, or wait for tanks, now they have an option to suppress, and clear trench networks from 1km on the go.


US absolutely flooded Ukraine with small arms ammo for months to come. The level of small arms ammo expenditure they can afford now is "prior unimaginable" as one sergeant from 128th brigade said.

That's the one giant benefit of having civilian small arms industry the US have.

Now, compare that with accounts of RU light infantry regularly running out of small arms ammo in the field. Russia had no plan B for infantry supplies when they were launching this campaign.
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Well, that's just the tip of the iceburg, you need to watch Russian State TV program to believe the level of brain washing being pipe into Russian.

It's like back in WW2 when German blindly follow Hitler and when Japanese blindly follow their emperor.
Ive watched some. Its grotesque and probably running 24/7, but still, anyone with common sense knows this is propaganda.The entire population must be in some state of apathy.
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Brainwashed pops what do you expect? & with Russia there's cultural & historical reason for it.
Yes, the Zar is good and his people are not. Im not blind to the fact that Ukraine isnt (or hopefully wasnt) much different. It just blows my mind that 140 million people act like zombies in Russia. They do not strike me as if theyre afraid of fighting - just not against the system.
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I didn't see as much sympathy for Afghans and Iraqis who lost entire families through coalition strikes; do you expect me to feel empathy? This is no different than what's happened in the past; let's call it what it is, collateral damage. Shit happens in war people die, according to American and Western soldiers and officers.
I didn't see as much sympathy for Afghans and Iraqis who lost entire families through coalition strikes; do you expect me to feel empathy? This is no different than what's happened in the past; let's call it what it is, collateral damage. Shit happens in war people die, according to American and Western soldiers and officers.
Except the civilians are the target this time. Blame the ISAF or the coalition all you want but they never targeted children hospitals, concerts, civilian convoys & what have you. This time it's not collateral this is just war crimes & crimes against humanity in general. I'm not even talking about the second Holocaust level of atrocity the Ukrainian will discover after this war.
Except the civilians are the target this time. Blame the ISAF or the coalition all you want but they never targeted children hospitals, concerts, civilian convoys & what have you. This time it's not collateral this is just war crimes & crimes against humanity in general. I'm not even talking about the second Holocaust level of atrocity the Ukrainian will discover after this war.

Weddings and other activities were targeted. So let's not pussy foot around. This is collateral damage—a war crime, my ***.
The last 20 years have blurred the lines of what are and aren't war crimes. Unfortunately, it's left up to the belligerents to determine as it suits each's narrative.
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