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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2

Weddings and other activities were targeted. So let's not pussy foot around. This is collateral damage—a war crime, my ***.
Usually targeting a high ranking terrorist. So at least there's a reason for it to be called a collateral. And unlike the russian the US actually admits it. Tell me again the reason why Russia targetted maternity hospital?

Also them using chem weapons in syria. And all the rapes. Like to the Ukrainian this is pretty much their equivalent of the rape of Nanking.

Also Ukrainian review of Iranian made drone:

"They are primitive handmade product, its are not high-tech conveyor belt production. Like the [Turkish] Bayraktar or the Israeli [unmanned aerial vehicle]"
Usually targeting a high ranking terrorist. So at least there's a reason for it to be called a collateral. And unlike the russian the US actually admits it. Tell me again the reason why Russia targetted maternity hospital?

Also them using chem weapons in syria. And all the rapes. Like to the Ukrainian this is pretty much their equivalent of the rape of Nanking.

Also Ukrainian review of Iranian made drone:

"They are primitive handmade product, its are not high-tech conveyor belt production. Like the [Turkish] Bayraktar or the Israeli [unmanned aerial vehicle]"
Its like a modern V-1 fergeltungswaffe. Used exactly like that, just to get revenge. But must be rather easy to shoot down, if not launched in swarms. Point defence with anti aircraft guns is going to have a revival in the future.
With a speed of less than 200 km/h a couple of MG3 with tracers probably have a small chance of shooting it down.
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Its like a modern V-1 fergeltungswaffe. Used exactly like that, just to get revenge. But must be rather easy to shoot down, if not launched in swarms. Point defence with anti aircraft guns is going to have a revival in the future.
At least Hitler doesn't outsource the V-1 & 2 production to a third country. Russia is too dumb to attach a scooter engine to drone now?

Someone should donate Bofors to the Ukrainian.

60-80% of Twitter accounts posting on Russia-Ukraine war bots, 90% ‘pro Ukraine’, finds new study

Scholars from the University of Adelaide studied 5.2 million posts shared between 23 February & 8 March & found the bots may be pushing people to flee their homes in these countries.

Regina Mihindukulasuriya
5 September, 2022 09:33 am IST

Representational image | Russia attacks Kyiv TV tower, Ukraine | 1 March 2022 | Twitter/@DefenceU

Representational image | Russia attacks Kyiv TV tower, Ukraine | 1 March 2022 | Twitter/@DefenceU​

New Delhi: Between 60 and 80 per cent of Twitter handles posting on the Russia-Ukraine war may be bot accounts, a research by scholars from the University of Adelaide, Australia has found. Among other influences, these bot accounts may have been pushing people to flee their homes during the conflict between these two countries, the researchers added.

The researchers also found more “pro Ukraine’ accounts than those that were “pro Russia”.

The paper titled “#IStandWithPutin versus #IStandWithUkraine: The interaction of bots and humans in discussion of the Russia/Ukraine war” was released on 20 August.

The researchers studied 5.2 million posts on Twitter — tweets, retweets, quotes and replies to tweets — shared between 23 February and 8 March this year to understand how bot activity may influence online discussions around the Russia-Ukraine conflict and how bots may influence human emotions.

The studies posts contained hashtags like “StandWithPutin”, “(I)StandWithRussia”, “(I)SupportRussia”, “(I)StandWithUkraine”, “(I)StandWithZelenskyy” and “(I)SupportUkraine”.
Bot accounts were identified using Indiana University’s Botometer — a software which helps identify a bot account.

“We can say that between 60 per cent and 80 per cent of accounts tweeting the hashtags we studied during the first two weeks of the war were bots, as determined using the Botometer,” Joshua Watt, one of the researchers, told ThePrint.

According to Watt, it is not clear whether the bots were influencing people to flee Ukraine or Russia.
Watt added: “We cannot conclude where this is happening due to having no geographical information on the origin of accounts. All we can conclude is that the bot accounts are influencing more discussion surrounding moving/fleeing/going or staying in a country/location.”

More ‘pro Ukraine’ bot accounts

According to the researchers, 90.16 per cent of the accounts tweeting on the Russia-Ukraine war were “pro Ukraine” and only 6.80 per cent were “pro Russia”. “Balanced accounts” — those which showed mixed behaviour — comprised 3.04 per cent.

“The ‘ProRussia Not Bot’ account group has the largest outward information flows and significant flows to a range of other groups, having a positive information flow into both ‘ProUkraine’ and “Balanced” account groups, observed the researchers.

This means genuine pro-Russia users have the ability to influence more users on Twitter than genuine users who are pro-Ukraine.

The researchers found “a spike in bots on March 2nd and 4th. The first spike aligns with Russia capturing Kherson (a town in Ukraine), but also when the #(I)StandWithPutin and #(I)StandWithRussia hashtags were trending.”

The research also found noon to 1:00 pm as “the most popular time to tweet in any timezone.

The most commonly-used bot type both by pro-Ukraine and pro-Russia sides is the “self-declared bots — accounts that are transparent about being bots — “suggesting that authorities have identified these bots to be most useful in a information warfare campaign”. Self-declared bot accounts have the word ‘bot’ either in the username or bio.
The research also found the pro-Ukraine side to be using more astroturf bots than the pro-Russian side. Astroturf bots are hyper-active, political bots, continuously following other accounts to increase follower count of that account and/or systematically deleting content from their own account.

How bots trigger emotion

The research studied the words that most commonly appear in the bot accounts to note that “self-declared bots drive more angst about governing bodies. From a pro-Russian perspective, this may be to cause more disruption in the West, and from a pro-Ukrainian perspective, this may be to cause more disruption in Russia”.

The research paper observed that the bots also trigger angst by using angst related words, a majority of which are “surrounding fear and worry”.

The researchers therefore argued that bots and automated accounts “combine to increase fear in the overall discussion of the Russia/Ukraine war”.

The bots also increase online discussion around motion, observed the research paper, by tweeting posts with words like “moving”, “go”, “going”, “leave”, which are potentially associated with staying or fleeing the country.

Combining this with increases in angst suggests that bots could be influencing people’s decisions surrounding whether to flee their homes or not, claimed the paper.

(Edited by Poulomi Banerjee)


Huge meeting engagement reportedly happening north-west of Kreminna right now. RUAF took whatever they had in the area, and threw it trying to preempt AUF strike.

South front: Ukraine has shifted the focus of the offensive to the Western flank this time. Did they anticipated RUAF throwing its reserves near the river?

We are up to a lot of news tomorrow.
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Chechens have very high birth rate, like rebels in Syria and Taliban in Afghanistan. And you now see. The advantage of very high birth rate.
Looks like ur prophesies are coming true , zelenskie knows what's coming ahead he already said defeat of Ukraine is start of ww3 which actually means he will move to Israel and let the world fights so their messiah comes sooner
why you want to absorb the blood ? to hide the bleeding ?
when i face such patient the last thing i do is hiding the bleeding . instead it must be stopped with pressure till you can have access to a more permanent solution. and believe me tampoon is the last thing you want to use to stop bleeding

hemostat is ideal ,but if you don't have that if your pain tolerance is good you can do some miracles with several gauze , at least it can keep you from dying of blood loss
The key word here is "sucking CHEST wound". Can you not already figure out by that already?

No? Okay, Blood will clot, and if this is a chest wound you want to drain the blood as soon as possible as well as stopping it otherwise it will accumulate in your chest, it will fill your lung with blood most likely and you will be choking on your own blood.

And we are talking about tampon being a bad choice for such an occasion by the way, and we are making fun of the people who say Tampon can stop bleeding. In case you have not noticed.

Plus I think if you just use gauze, it will highly possible to developed tension pneumothorax

Ive watched some. Its grotesque and probably running 24/7, but still, anyone with common sense knows this is propaganda.The entire population must be in some state of apathy.
Well, lucky you.....

Yeah, they buy it like they are robot, but then when you look at how people were living in Russia, it wouldn't be surprised, State Apparatus has been in control of daily life since the beginning of Soviet Union, why won't you believe what the state tells you.

The newer generation because their love of technology, they usually follow trend like Youtube, Facebook, IG and all which allow them to receive alternative information, however, there are still a lot of people, young and old believe in the state, mostly the rural and poor, because they don't get access to the same thing people in the city access to.
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