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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2

Khesanh falls = Ukraine freeing up 8-10 brigades. It's pretty much an end game opener.

10 more brigades with tanks, armour, and artillery open up a possibility for a full frontal onto Donbass, Crimea, or incursions into Russia, or Belarus.
The Khe Sanh battle was fought in 1968…
Sun Tzu says war is won by 3 factors: ren li, wu li, cai li. Man power. Material power. Financial power. France beat England in Hundred Years War because this. England won early battles but didn't have advantage in ren li, wu li, cai li. Likewise, Ukraine won early battles but will lose the war because Ukraine lacks ren li, wu li, cai li.
Sun Tzu says war is won by 3 factors: ren li, wu li, cai li. Man power. Material power. Financial power. France beat England in Hundred Years War because this. England won early battles but didn't have advantage in ren li, wu li, cai li. Likewise, Ukraine won early battles but will lose the war because Ukraine lacks ren li, wu li, cai li.
Nao li is more important.
-Sun Tzu's cousin.

Wow the Kerch Bridge got completely destroyed

Planted explosives on the fuel train?
It could be, someone plant a 1000kg bomb on a train or even a car and leave it on the side or simply an IED.

But I suspect something I heard as a rumor back when Ukrainian uses Neptune Missile to take out Moskva, LM or Ratheon or some contractor may be working with Ukrainian to rewire their missile for Precision strike. I mean normally it wouldn't make sense for a Ballistic Missile like Neptune to be this accurate and hit the precise location of a ship that will blew up like USS Alabama. I had discarded this as rumor before but then they somehow manage to wire HARM on Mig-29. And this? You can't hit a bridge with conventionally guided Ballistic Missile, and precision guided missile are too soft to be able to take out an entire chunk on that. The logical conclusion is someone has been working on Ukrainian Ballistic Missile.
as I said as Europe have no power to protect their companies and is a slave to USA whims , and as we don't care about empty promises and papers and agreement that have no effects .
we care not about it , when USA come on board with agreement then call us as agreement with you guys even don't worth the paper its written on .
you guys simply don't have spine to protect yourself and interesting part we are not the one seeking an agreement , its you guys who crave it
You seems to have forget the reason for this discussion.
Europe is meeting the commitments of the JPCOA.
Iran has signed away their right to develop nuclear arms with the NPT.
The right to retreat from the NPT basically requires that someone threatens Iran with a first strike with nuclear weapons. Threatening a strike if Iran violates the NPT is no cause to retreat from the treaty. Simply avoiding violating the treaty is the reasonable action.
The JPCOA states that enrichment of up to 3,67% is OK. Iran employing 10s of thousands of centrifuges to enrich above 20% is a clear indication of a weapons program. A single toy reactor (5 MW) does not change that.
The US supplied a nuclear reactor to Iran (the toy reactor) thus meeting its obligation to share nuclear technology for civilian purposes.
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