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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2

The key word here is "sucking CHEST wound". Can you not already figure out by that already?

No? Okay, Blood will clot, and if this is a chest wound you want to drain the blood as soon as possible as well as stopping it otherwise it will accumulate in your chest, it will fill your lung with blood most likely and you will be choking on your own blood.

And we are talking about tampon being a bad choice for such an occasion by the way, and we are making fun of the people who say Tampon can stop bleeding. In case you have not noticed.

Plus I think if you just use gauze, it will highly possible to developed tension pneumothorax
to be honnest no you don't want to do that . if you have a sucking chest wound probably your problem is about a pneumothorax not Hemothorax and you want to put a gauze (preferably stained with some oil or cream in middle of the layers) on the wound and fix it on 3 side so the air can leave and not enter back . each side of chest can be filled up to more than 3 liter of blood , if you have a heemothorax , if the bleeding is slow then really you don't want to mess with it , just cover it ad reach some place were they can provide adequate treatment . on other side if the bleeding is massive (blood drainage >1,500 mL after closed thoracostomy and continuous bleeding at 200 mL/hr for at least four hours.) then you are fucked after if you don't have access with proper medical facility i suggest instead of using the tampon to drain the blood , just use it to write your last will , or a latter to the ones you love . no matter what you do , you can't stop the bleeding in the field or even an emergency room . you must go to the surgery room , your chest be opened and surgeon find the site of the bleeding and fix it. by what i see in that kit they put something which is useless instead of something that can save you as in a chest wound its pneumo thorax that is immediate threat not hemothorax and by the way sucking wound is not the most immediate threat , in case of tension pneumothorax (the worst thing that can happen) if we didn't have access to anything else we used to make sucking wound to reduce the pressure in the chest

about using gauze and tension pneumothorax in open chest wounds. the key is how to use it , if you fix it on 4 side of the gauze , then yes it result in tension pneumothorax but if you fix it on 3 side and leave it open on one side then it let air leave when the pressure rise but prevent the air enter into the chest at other time and its actually the recommended treatment until you have access to a facility that they can put a chest tube there .
its called Three Sided Occlusive Dressing

Yap, all the goodies of 1st tank army. They hugely lost personnel, and seemingly been burdened by excess hardware - they been running 2 man tank crews, and APCs/IFVs without dedicated commanders.
You follow Ukrainian Telegram channel, right?

There are call from several Ukrainian to name a newly formed Brigade "1st Guard Tank Brigde" seeing they were armed with 1st Guard Tank Army armor......

to be honnest no you don't want to do that . if you have a sucking chest wound probably your problem is about a pneumothorax not Hemothorax and you want to put a gauze (preferably stained with some oil or cream in middle of the layers) on the wound and fix it on 3 side so the air can leave and not enter back . each side of chest can be filled up to more than 3 liter of blood , if you have a heemothorax , if the bleeding is slow then really you don't want to mess with it , just cover it ad reach some place were they can provide adequate treatment . on other side if the bleeding is massive (blood drainage >1,500 mL after closed thoracostomy and continuous bleeding at 200 mL/hr for at least four hours.) then you are fucked after if you don't have access with proper medical facility i suggest instead of using the tampon to drain the blood , just use it to write your last will , or a latter to the ones you love . no matter what you do , you can't stop the bleeding in the field or even an emergency room . you must go to the surgery room , your chest be opened and surgeon find the site of the bleeding and fix it. by what i see in that kit they put something which is useless instead of something that can save you as in a chest wound its pneumo thorax that is immediate threat not hemothorax and by the way sucking wound is not the most immediate threat , in case of tension pneumothorax (the worst thing that can happen) if we didn't have access to anything else we used to make sucking wound to reduce the pressure in the chest

about using gauze and tension pneumothorax in open chest wounds. the key is how to use it , if you fix it on 4 side of the gauze , then yes it result in tension pneumothorax but if you fix it on 3 side and leave it open on one side then it let air leave when the pressure rise but prevent the air enter into the chest at other time and its actually the recommended treatment until you have access to a facility that they can put a chest tube there .
its called Three Sided Occlusive Dressing

I am not a doctor, I did some basic combat medic thing (It' was a 2 weeks course), a doctor may treat a wound differently, Because they are the one to patch it. As a combat medic, their job is keeping that guy alive so the doctor can treat him.

And in this case, what I was taught is if you don't drain a sucking chest wound, that guy will probably die right then and there because he will drown on his own blood..

A doctor may have different way to do that. I wouldn't know about it.
Majority of British did blindly followed their govt and killed millions of people throughout Asia and Africa just like how Hitler Germans followed their leader.

But why Churchill praised and Hitler condemned? Because victors write the history

Germans created a militancy group called free Indian army.

I imagine of British had lost and Indian freed up through that mechanism we would have been talking about British atrocities today.

Noone talks about how millions were killed by French in Algeria for same reason

Sure Russia is dictatorship, you don't expect more then a single channel but I doubt even without that Russians would have still supported a war seeing what was happening to minsk agreement and ukriane inflexibility in Russian speaking areas

We are seeing lack of freedom in Ukraine too.

The just solution is to let people decide as musk put it out on Twitter but west and probably even Russia won't agree to that
Someone that cannot see the difference between extermination camps and deaths from starvation needs a head exam.
The British clearly prioritized food to other places but also made some unsuccessful efforts to remedy the situation. It was not a goal in itself to exterminate Indians, unlike the German goal to exterminate the Jews.

If Ukraine had a vote on whether they should fight a war against Russia or keep their borders from the time of the Ukraine SSR the result is obvious.
Weddings and other activities were targeted. So let's not pussy foot around. This is collateral damage—a war crime, my ***.
The last 20 years have blurred the lines of what are and aren't war crimes. Unfortunately, it's left up to the belligerents to determine as it suits each's narrative.
What you don’t get, or refuse to acknowledge is that what determines if a war crime is commited or not, is not the presence of civilians, but the military value of a target.
If a wedding is attended by a number of military commanders, it is a valid military target.

War crimes are not about facts on the ground.
They are about
  • Intent
  • information
It is not illegal to ”attack a target without a military value”.
It is not illegal to ”kill civilians”
It is illegal to ”attack a target which you believe have no military value”.

Before you make an attack which may cause civilian casualties You must evaluate the value of the military in the target vs the number of civilian casualties.

The Western armies have lawyers that expect to be consulted. Drone attacks needs approvals by lawyers. Their decisions will be based on the reliability of the information source. If an attack turns out to be based on faulty information, that source will have its reliability downgraded.

I seriously doubt that Russians have the same system. If they simply mass bombard cities, it is not collateral damage (which requires an evaluation). It is simply dereliction of duty and a war crime.
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What you don’t get, or refuse to acknowledge is that what determines if a war crime is committed or not, is not the presence of civilians, but the military value of a target.
If a wedding is attended by a number of military commanders, it is a valid military target.

War crimes are not about facts on the ground.
They are about
  • Intent
  • information
It is not illegal to ”attack a target without a military value”.
It is not illegal to ”kill civilians”
It is illegal to ”attack a target which you believe have no military value”.

Before you make an attack which may cause civilian casualties You must evaluate the value of the military in the target vs the number of civilian casualties.

The Western armies have lawyers that expect to be consulted. Drone attacks needs approvals by lawyers. Their decisions will be based on the reliability of the information source. If an attack turns out to be based on faulty information, that source will have its reliability downgraded.

I seriously doubt that Russians have the same system. If they simply mass bombard cities, it is not collateral damage (which requires an evaluation). It is simply dereliction of duty and a war crime.
Just like In Syria Putin will just say all the people he killed were all terrorists.
Russian are almost fked, its good to see at least one tyrant of the world being decisively humiliated but then as the western doctrine says the balance of the world should be maintained, may be E.U along with ukraine+poland might replace their position of as world powers.
The moment of explo maybe can't confirm if it's real

Russian are almost fked, its good to see at least one tyrant of the world being decisively humiliated but then as the western doctrine says the balance of the world should be maintained, may be E.U along with ukraine+poland might replace their position of as world powers.
The French:
"Am I a joke to you? "

The after photo
Europe is meeting the comittments of the JPCOA.
no its not meeting the commitment , the commitment was removal of sanction , and assistance of rebuilding arak research reactor , after usa left the sanction returned , Europe told us they use their law to make the sanction ineffective , they failed to do that . it can't be explained as simple as that without removal of those sanctions there is no JCPOA
ran has signed away their right to develop nuclear arms with the NPT.
and iran didn't developed , those particles that were found on iranian equipment and started it came from Pakistan use those equipment to make bombs and its proven and reported by IAEA. the only thing you found on iran was that for testing the IR-1 centrifuge some scientists injected them with gases in only one cascade before 180 day requirement to inform IAEA
The right to retreat from the NPT basically requires that someone threatens Iran with a first strike with nuclear weapons. Threatening a strike if Iran violates the NPT is no cause to retreat from the treaty. Simply avoiding violating the treaty is the reasonable action.
no stux.net , scientist assassination by leaked IAEA data and sabotage of our facility is enough also all option on the table of all USA president since George Bush is the Icing on top of the cake, pretty much serious threat and two other country in middle east being nuclear armed and on already threatened Iran with nukes is a good appetizer
The JPCOA states that enrichment of up to 3,67% is OK. Iran employing 10s of thousands of centrifuges to enrich above 20% is a clear indication of a weapons program. A single toy reactor (5 MW) does not change that.
first that toy reactor is given to us by usa so go complain to them . also you fail to differentiate between a research reactor with a reactor designed for producing energy . so go learn about them and then talk about toy reactor. and blame yourself , we were buying fuel for it , you guys prevented producer of that type of fuel to provide it to us under the threat of sanction , so we built that fuel ourselves and now you can suck it up , the genie is out of the bottle . and that 10s of thousands of centrifuge is only less than 1000 centrifuge of IR-1 variant so done make lies about it. as always in this matter you must also blame your thoughtless politician that are swayed easily left and right by lobbies instead of thinking about consequence of their actions
The US supplied a nuclear reactor to Iran (the toy reactor) thus meeting its obligation to share nuclear technology for civilian purposes.
and then prevent the fuel for it to reach Iran thus failed its obligation to share nuclear technology for civilian use
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