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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2

Military Economy is actually very basic when it come down to, it's basically to a term you get twice the stuff that you need and have a way to bring them to battle. Russia failed at both task. They don't have twice the equipment they need for backup in case things didn't go their way, and they don't have means to bring them to battle.
they didn't even prepared 1/3rd of the force and logistic they needed
Now, as I said, I don't know, they have time and shown they had prepare for it, but what exactly did they preparing for? I really don't know, maybe they prepare for a celebration in Freedom Square in Kyiv?
more than prepare the ammo and logistic you must have clear plan and goal if you star , not like Russia that change the objectives several time .
they didn't even prepared 1/3rd of the force and logistic they needed

more than prepare the ammo and logistic you must have clear plan and goal if you star , not like Russia that change the objectives several time .
You do know BOTH ARE COUNTED toward being unprepared.

I mean if you go into a war, shouldn't you be having a solid goal as in what you want to do before you went in? You don't change the objective mid-way thru a war. And you can't say "Oh I don't know how much supply we will need in a war" well, that's your job to know....
The rest of the world? What do you think China would do if Taiwan declares independence and is about to lose? We would have done the same. The key is balance of power. US and the West is bullying all other countries and disrespecting boundaries. Its not gonna be nice when everything is controlled by the US corporatoracy

That's my point, Nobody will, so stop poking the bear damn it.
Russia had 8 years to empower people of Luhansk and Donbass so they can do the fight , if they armed and trained those people and let they finish the job there never would have been such reaction from the NATO.
Their airforce clearly failed to destroy targets such as Ukrainian airforce, tanks, HIMAARS, artillery, SAM systems, Radars etc. The only conclusion is Russia is not as powerful as we thought they were, no wonder Nato is openly supporting Ukraine. If this was Usa they would destroy all air targets and major ground targets before invasion, yes to occupy a country who hates you or fight gorilla warfare is difficult as seen in Afghanistan.

Ukraine on the other hand would have lost the war but Nato supplies, intelligence, training and Ukrainan people are winning this war for Ukraine, by loosing war i mean Russia would have took all major Russian speaking areas, the Ukrainian speaking areas would be difficult to occupy.
Well, I don't know, that's a $64,000 question, by all account, corrupted or not, they should have enough firepower to neuter Ukrainian Air Defence, and if they cannot do that, the Russia can't fly CAP and take out those HIMARS, Radar or whatever.

On the other hand, it's not hard at all to see at the beginning of this war, even with Air Superiority, they (The Russian) will not be able to conquer all the land like they wish, simply because Ukraine is fracking huge, you can't swallow the entire Ukraine or even the entire pre-dominantly Russian Speaking part even without HIMARS and anything else. And the Ukrainian speaking side of Ukraine is virtually a no go for Russia from the get go. That is regardless if Russia able to gain Air Superiority.

Again, go back to a few page before, I have posted a video on Malcome Nance talks about the war before the war happened. You will get some insight as to how hard it is to do operation in Ukraine.

Now bear in mind this video is posted on the February 19, 2022. 5 days before the war.
Again, you don't need border dispute to go into war. I don't know why you are so dead set on Border Dispute.

I mean, did Austro-Hungary have any border dispute with the Serb before starting WW1?

WW2 is a bit complicated
was east and west Germany at brink of war in 1955 ? or any time after the blockade ended ?

From now on they should only use 8 inch guns. And get those 8 inch laser guided rounds pronto. 6 inch guns are not useful in modern war anymore.

you are talking about Russia , they still didn't learn the lesson and follow the Stalin ideology of quantity of the fire over its quality. some may say this defeat was necessary for Russia to wake it up from the cold war dream
was east and west Germany at brink of war in 1955 ? or any time after the blockade ended ?
Are you serious? I am sure US and Soviet Union is just playing a chess match all those year and not talking about actual hostilities.

Again, you are talking about "Hostilities", you don't need a physical dispute or a physical conflict to be in hostilities, if you do, YOU ARE ARLEADY at war one way or another, is it that hard to understand??

On the other hand, as other said in this thread, there are no requirement at all for barring country that have active hostilities to join NATO, again, the process are universal, you only need all other NATO member approve. Sure, individual country may think they don't want to fight for XYZ country and reject the bid, but there are no requirement to preclude country already at war from joining NATO.
Fighting with guns is getting boring.

I am enjoying the blowing up of the Pipelines.

I am waiting for TurkStream pipeline to be destroyed next.

Hope we will hear the good news in the next few days.

Polish made Krab howitzer explodes and destroys itself, indicating poor steel quality.

Kalashnikov shows modernized AK-74.

indicating over use , and not replacing the parts that need changed after 200-300 shell fired . show they have problem replacing the used one so they had to overuse the old ones
Are you serious? I am sure US and Soviet Union is just playing a chess match all those year and not talking about actual hostilities.
actually they were playing chess match, just in the rest of the world it was more bloody than Europe. let keep bloodshed away from the homeland

indicating over use , and not replacing the parts that need changed after 200-300 shell fired . show they have problem replacing the used one so they had to overuse the old ones
Well, that's already on the ground, which mean it is likely had been replaced and discarded.

If that was overuse and have problem replacing it, you will see a bended barrel hanging on the shroud of the Krab.

Unless it's your claim that the barrel damaged and overheat from firing and the entire thing flew off. I have never seen failure like that. Again, I am a trained Tanker, and the barrel of a SPG is similar to the barrel on MBT in terms of function.

actually they were playing chess match, just in the rest of the world it was more bloody than Europe. let keep bloodshed away from the homeland
Well, that mean there are hostilities......
strangely but Uncle Sam recognize it

Trump is a moron.

again the mighty trump single handedly blown away your argument

guys a little history .
the blockade started in 1948, it ended in 1949,
Germany joined NATO in 1955. there was no border dispute no blockade in 1955

let just say they failed their obligation in helping Iran redesigning Arak Nuclear power-plant , or they failed to honor the deal we had on providing us with Airbus and ATR airplanes . or after USA left deal and reinstate sanction they promised they use Instex , to bypass the USA sanction , they failed to do that
That’s not what the JPCOA says.
This also says that enrichment should be limited to 3.67%.
The last laugh appears to be on You.
Well, that's already on the ground, which mean it is likely had been replaced and discarded.

If that was overuse and have problem replacing it, you will see a bended barrel hanging on the shroud of the Krab.

Unless it's your claim that the barrel damaged and overheat from firing and the entire thing flew off. I have never seen failure like that. Again, I am a trained Tanker, and the barrel of a SPG is similar to the barrel on MBT in terms of function.
to me it looks like they use it till it broke in half

you usually don't wait that long to replace the barrel , well unless you suggest they broke it after replacing it . that make no sense to me

in jcpoa, there is some technical and financial duty for the countries who were part of it and they failed those.
its not the matter of Iran step back from obligation , its the matter that Iran made the decision you post after other party violated the treaty . we didn't violate the treaty for more than one year after west violation because Europe promised to use instex to render those violation ineffective they failed to do that . jcpoa was not all about Iran must not do something , it was if Iran not do something it receive something instead and west failed to deliver the something we supposed to receive
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These systems along with NASAMS were planned in June are now ready for delivery.

Given pretty much the absence of RuAF, is this a case of delivering because promised? I don't know what value they would provide in defending given they are primarily geared towards surface to air threat, and not ground artillery.

For counter drone, hope they have a better founter-measure.

Germany says it will supply Ukraine with air defense system in days​

Published Sat, Oct 1 20223:59 PM EDT

Key Points
  • Germany will deliver the first of four advanced IRIS-T air defense systems to Ukraine to help ward off drone attacks, its defense minister Christine Lambrecht said.
  • Germany is facing calls to step up its support for Ukraine, including by sending offensive weapons such as the modern tanks Kyiv says it needs to take the fight to Russian forces.
German Defense Minister Christine Lambrecht (R) attends a meeting with members of a Ukraine Security Consultative Group at the U.S. Air Base in Ramstein, western Germany, on April 26, 2022.

German Defense Minister Christine Lambrecht (R) attends a meeting with members of a Ukraine Security Consultative Group at the U.S. Air Base in Ramstein, western Germany, on April 26, 2022.
Andre Pain | AFP | Getty Images
Germany will deliver the first of four advanced IRIS-T air defense systems to Ukraine in the coming days to help ward off drone attacks, its defense minister Christine Lambrecht said during an unannounced visit to Odessa on Saturday.
As air raid sirens sounded in the port city above, Lambrecht held talks with her Ukrainian counterpart Oleksii Reznikov in an underground bunker. Lambrecht had extended a visit to nearby Moldova for the meeting.

“In a few days, we will deliver the very modern IRIS-T air defense system,” she told ARD television. “It is very important for drone defense in particular.”
Ukraine has been seeing more attacks from Iranian-made kamikaze drones in recent weeks, costing lives and causing serious damage to infrastructure.
It first emerged in May that Berlin was considering sending the IRIS-T surface-to-air defense system, which costs 150 million euros ($147 million) apiece.
The German armed forces themselves do not currently own the system, reckoned among the world’s most advanced.
Earlier, meeting her Moldovan counterpart Anatolie Nosatii in Chisinau, she urged Western countries not to be deterred from arming Ukraine by threats that Russia could use nuclear weapons.

“We have to be very careful,” she said. “But we mustn’t let ourselves be paralyzed.”
Germany is facing calls to step up its support for Ukraine, including by sending offensive weapons such as the modern tanks Kyiv says it needs to take the fight to Russian forces.
Berlin has so far resisted such calls, arguing that such moves would escalate the situation and pointing out that no other country has so far sent tanks more modern than old Soviet stock sent by former Warsaw Pact countries.
we are not talking about strategic mindset of cold war , we are dealing with one question.
Did West Germany had any border dispute with any country at 1955 when it joined NATO ? I'm not aware of any.
West Germany never recognized East Germany as a sovereign state, but part of Germany.
Trump is a moron.
you receive no argument from me there, but here we have a word that say "a moron throw a rock in a well that 100 sage can't remove" . the moron was USA president and had the power to do a lot of damage and he actually used that power to do those damage to both others and USA itself
to me it looks like they use it till it broke in half

you usually don't wait that long to replace the barrel , well unless you suggest they broke it after replacing it . that make no sense to me
well, again, I don't know how long have they been using that gun, as I said, it can be critical failure, it's uncommon but it happened. But most likely scenario is that they are either in the process or before/after the replacement. I mean not tank gun, but I did burn a few of M240 Barrel myself for overusing it, they are made to be able to change with minimal effort for a reason.
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