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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2

Yes agreed he did not count on them earlier. But by 2021 Dec the way Biden was talking and warning, any deaf/dumb leader would have known what US intentions were. This is called 'reading the leaves'. Counting your entire campaign on a hunch that US is just talking and won't act.

You are going to have get your facts straight and come out of your 'jewish' lobby inferiority complex mindset as if they are some super humans.

Ukraine's jewish population is 0.5% . The comedian president may be jewish but the country is not. As you know its not a monarchy so there is no jewish lobby activation for 0.5% of the country which can be easily relocated.

There was a bigger desire that Russia needed to checkmated here if they proceeded. Unfortunately, Putin went on a hunch and fell for it.

Biden implied that US would be okay if Russia only attacked east/south Ukraine.

That was a masterstroke by the US to pull Russia into a full scale war with NATO and Putin the idiot he is fell for that ploy.

Well, to be honest, I think they did prepared for it, but probably preparing for the wrong thing. Now, I don't know what the Russian did or did not do. But seems to me they are pretty much on a mindset of an occupier, than an invader.

Military Economy is actually very basic when it come down to, it's basically to a term you get twice the stuff that you need and have a way to bring them to battle. Russia failed at both task. They don't have twice the equipment they need for backup in case things didn't go their way, and they don't have means to bring them to battle.

A lot of these equipment issue and manpower issue can be can should be solved BEFORE they enter Ukraine, not after, and when you have to go and beg or buy for ammo in the middle of the war, that's actually unheard of. I mean even at the last stage of WW2 when Germany got rip up pretty good, they don't ask Spain's Franco or Sweden for munition.....

Now, as I said, I don't know, they have time and shown they had prepare for it, but what exactly did they preparing for? I really don't know, maybe they prepare for a celebration in Freedom Square in Kyiv?

Their airforce clearly failed to destroy targets such as Ukrainian airforce, tanks, HIMAARS, artillery, SAM systems, Radars etc. The only conclusion is Russia is not as powerful as we thought they were, no wonder Nato is openly supporting Ukraine. If this was Usa they would destroy all air targets and major ground targets before invasion, yes to occupy a country who hates you or fight gorilla warfare is difficult as seen in Afghanistan.

Ukraine on the other hand would have lost the war but Nato supplies, intelligence, training and Ukrainan people are winning this war for Ukraine, by loosing war i mean Russia would have took all major Russian speaking areas, the Ukrainian speaking areas would be difficult to occupy.
Just curious. If the rest of the world gives in to russian nuclear blackmail now, what prevents Russia from doing it again?
Why isnt Russia scared shitless provoking NATO with all the combined nuclear weapons in its stockpile?
The rest of the world? What do you think China would do if Taiwan declares independence and is about to lose? We would have done the same. The key is balance of power. US and the West is bullying all other countries and disrespecting boundaries. Its not gonna be nice when everything is controlled by the US corporatoracy

Ah you think China would survive if coming to a nuclear exchange between NATO and Russia?
That's my point, Nobody will, so stop poking the bear damn it.
The US has twice the population of Russia. In a one on one war, the US can use its population advantage to crush Russia.

You cannot include all US population.

Republican White kids are no longer interested in joining US military.

Democrat white kids are rich and not interested in joining US military anyway.

That leaves blacks, latinos and immigrants who want a green card to join the US military to be the guinea pigs.

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You cannot include all US population.

Republican White kids are no longer interested in joining US military.

Democrat white kids are rich and not interested in joining US military anyway.

That leaves blacks, latinos and immigrants who want a green card to join the US military to be the guinea pigs.

American young generation is too spoiled to fight. They are lazy bums. They would never fight in Ukraine where there is no hot shower available.
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Well, If we accumulated the total experience on how to use Drone in combat that Ukraine accumulated during this war, and compared them to Israel, Ukraine win a lot.
So why they still moaning to Israel. With the military technology that Ukraine possessed, they should have already have enough know how to improve their drone. As they have already have using the weapon in an actual combat against a big adversary like Russia.
The blockade ended yes, but it set the tone of the what the USSR mindset was going to be from that point on.
we are not talking about strategic mindset of cold war , we are dealing with one question.
Did West Germany had any border dispute with any country at 1955 when it joined NATO ? I'm not aware of any.
we are not talking about strategic mindset of cold war , we are dealing with one question.
Did West Germany had any border dispute with any country at 1955 when it joined NATO ? I'm not aware of any.
Again, you don't need border dispute to go into war. I don't know why you are so dead set on Border Dispute.

I mean, did Austro-Hungary have any border dispute with the Serb before starting WW1?

WW2 is a bit complicated
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