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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2

until HIMAR problem is not solved this war is not in favour of Russia

HIMAR is devastating the Russia ammo dumps why throw more men into this war unless you have solved the biggest problem ?

also Russia has no dedicated aircraft for SEAD/DEAD missions and as a result are forced to fly low or ultra low and MANPADS has wiped out their aircrafts even new ones like Su34

Russia needs to find solutions to these issues otherwise this war is going to cost them terribly even newer aircraft like Su34 carry no pods or even try to suppress the enemy air defences

Let's not make HIMARS some magical weapon, and the main issue lies with the Russian war machine from tactics, implementation, and logistics (outside of corruption). The Russians are fighting as if it's still World War 1 & 2. They've not advanced in warfighting as one would have hoped. Another issue lies with no NCO and having a conscription-based army; this surprised me the most.

Lastly, Ukraine getting an endless supply of weaponry is another issue Russia didn’t tackle early on.
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Watching Open Source intel late night, it seems like the Ukrainian is pushing Lyman thru Western side, so I am guessing it was the 25th Airborne Brigade that liberated Lyman (Go Airborne) .

Which mean Russia would have moved the bulk of their troop back because the escape route is East thru Torske, I think even with Ukrainian taking Yampil and having eyes on the road to Torske, and probably will bring Arty on retreating Russian, there would be a lot of Russian escaped thru that route or just melted across the river.

On the other hand, I saw a funny post on a Pro-Russian Telegram account, who claims at the last moment Russia still held Lyman and the famous video (with the troop raise the flag on the Lyman administration sign, it was here a few pages before you can check it out if you want) is fake and proceed to try to geolocate the sign and say it wasn't in Lyman, the only problem is, he somehow Geolocated the city "Lyman" to Lyman, Maine, USA and give out the US Map and say Ukrainian were not in Lyman...

Gosh, if Telegram is not blocked here, I would share that post in a jiffy. That's just so freaking funny.

Let's not make HIMARS some magical weapons, and the main issue lies with the Russian war machine from tactics, implementation, and logistics (outside of corruption). The Russians are fighting as if it's still World War 1 & 2. They've not advanced in warfighting as one would have hoped. Another issue lies with no NCO and having a conscription-based army; this surprised me the most.

Lastly, Ukraine getting an endless supply of weaponry is another issue Russia didn’t tackle early on.

Putin sent his best military to invade Ukraine and they got smashed, now he plans to send in untrained Russian conscripts with zero will to fight and they will be nothing more than cannon fodder to keep his insane dream alive for a bit longer
Putin sent his best military to invade Ukraine and they got smashed, now he plans to send in untrained Russian conscripts with zero will to fight and they will be nothing more than cannon fodder to keep his insane dream alive for a bit longer

Indeed, that’s the best part of this war. What wouldn’t Russia do down the road to clean up its image? But then, hopefully, we still see Europe on its toes with Russia.

But the question is, will Pakistanis learn from this and improve? This is the central question.
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Facts? Lolz the world is not black and white, its not a fairytale and the US is a devious evil state, with a history of doing such things, WMDs in iraq yeah?
Yup the US hasn't threatened to use nukes but is the only country that have and is cornering Russia and pushing it to use nukes. Dummies dont realize what they r playing with, lives of millions of ppl.

I agree with that, putin is no better. A dictator and killer of muslims and im glad the whites r killing each other. But the point is, they r pushing the whole world into chaos. The US being super power should strive for ceasefire and peace and not be a cheerleader.
I think you’re blinded by racism and hate.
I’ll just stop there as there’s no point going any further
Hiroshima was 77 years ago, have you forgotten already?

Only US is capable of repeating that feat.

Wow, former KGB , supreme ruler of the Russian empire and you guys are making Zelenskly look like some divine creature? May be if you knew the power of 'jews' 5 months ago and so did Russia, then he should have not invaded. Or is this new found obsession on power of the 'jews' just yesterday when you feel sorry that Russia is the victim

Russia never imagined that US & NATO will get involved in the war.

Putin under estimated the power of Zelensky and Jewish lobby on the US government.
Let's not make HIMARS some magical weapons, and the main issue lies with the Russian war machine from tactics, implementation, and logistics (outside of corruption). The Russians are fighting as if it's still World War 1 & 2. They've not advanced in warfighting as one would have hoped. Another issue lies with no NCO and having a conscription-based army; this surprised me the most.

Lastly, Ukraine getting an endless supply of weaponry is another issue Russia didn’t tackle early on.

HIMARS is good, but it's not as powerful as Smerch / Tornado-S. HIMARS is 227 mm. Smerch / Tornado-S is 300 mm. Comparing HIMARS to Smerch / Tornado-S is like comparing M16 to M14.

Russia never imagined that US & NATO will get involved in the war.

Putin under estimated the power of Zelensky and Jewish lobby on the US government.

While it is true the US and the UK have a capable army, but the fact is their civilians are too cowardly to fight Russians. If this were their grandpas time they'd be fighting in the battlefields of Europe like in WW1, WW2. The fact that they are democracies means whoever goes to war will lose election. And their politicians care more about holding on to their jobs than caring about their Ukraine vassal.

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Putin under estimated the power of Zelensky and Jewish lobby on the US government.
Oh, Almighty God! When will you stop looking for a Jewish finger under everything, just like the Nazis?

For example, for Turkiye, there is a historical reckoning with the Russians over Crimea. The same applies to every country that is a NATO member or has a land border with the Russians.

When Russian incompetence and sheer corruption became evident early in the war, they joined the war with great ambition. The matter is that simple.
IMO the balkanization process works very effectively for both Iran and Russia. Especially for Russia, it will accelerate gradually. Loser.

Totally, I feel Russia will make Yugaslavia look mild, and nice, and Iran...

You see already, it's Iranian Baluchistan, Iranian Kurudistan and Iranian Azerbaijan being first to start organised armed fighting.
What’s with Kherson? Ukraine should repeat the Lyman moment, not let Russians escape the encirclement. 20,000 Russians will try to break out and link up the eastern river bank.

Khesanh is already devouring enormous resources to sustain. Pushing it now will disrupt RU momentum to reinforce Luhansk direction by forcing RU reserve from the south to do a u-turn while going at full speed
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