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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2

If HiMARS or any MRLS were the solution then Russia would have the whole of Ukraine by now. People seeming to be mixing fact and fiction, yes NATO supported Ukraine is counter attacking , in any war a counter attack would be expected and no army worth its salt wouldn't counter attack. . How Russia deals with the the Ukrainian counter attack and how Russia absorbs it are the keys. In WW2 Russia lost 60 Million people but still won the war. Russia has defined it's position and has declared an area to fight for which is a good step towards ending the war. Best for Ukraine to negotiate a settlement before it gets uglier.
Russia lost 6-7 million military personel and about the same number of civilians during WW2. The rest of the estimated loss of 27 million was from the rest of the former sovjet republics.
Its pointless comparing the Sovjet Union from 1940-1945 with Russia of today, eventhough Russia is still waging war as if it still is 1945.
The Russian occupied territories by Ukraine (yellow parts) HaHaHa!

until HIMAR problem is not solved this war is not in favour of Russia

HIMAR is devastating the Russia ammo dumps why throw more men into this war unless you have solved the biggest problem ?

also Russia has no dedicated aircraft for SEAD/DEAD missions and as a result are forced to fly low or ultra low and MANPADS has wiped out their aircrafts even new ones like Su34

Russia needs to find solutions to these issues otherwise this war is going to cost them terribly even newer aircraft like Su34 carry no pods or even try to suppress the enemy air defences
Russia lost 6-7 million military personel and about the same number of civilians during WW2. The rest of the estimated loss of 27 million was from the rest of the former sovjet republics.
Its pointless comparing the Sovjet Union from 1940-1945 with Russia of today, eventhough Russia is still waging war as if it still is 1945.

Most of the Russians who fought in WW2 are Ukranians and Georgians.

Russians are not patriotic like the Ukranians and they are unwilling to fight.
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True, but it's not a big city. It had a pre war population of about 20,000. It can be easily recaptured.
Yes just like Kiev will be captured in 2056 and Kabul in 2098

Ok so whats next ? Didnt russian forces at lyman said they had to defend until putins speech ?
I think they musunderstood the declaration: they thought the celeberation in Moscow was to remind everybody to reduce the territory.
Russia makes chips since 1960s. Russia don't need to import components from the West. Since 2014 annexation of Crimea and Western sanction on Russia, Russia no longer use any Western made component.

For once I will agree with you. They are putting the same 1960s tech in their weapons (offensive and defensive) in the 70s/80s/90s and now and Russian doctrine and weapons get beaten everytime:
1. All Arab/Israeli wars
2. NATO vs. Serbia
3. Israel every day over Syria
4. And an Air Force with 600 combat jets could not overcome Ukraine's primitive 60 jet inventory.
And their 'latest' SU-35 looks like an 80s era airplane with some cosmetic airplane: its like you get older, all the breast implants, butt tucks, and botox still not going to make you younger. Thats whats going on with its current set of components.
Ukraine has recently achieved some degree of success, against Russian forces. So, it is quite possible, that Ukraine might be able to take their lands back from Russian occupation, in due time. Apparently, for quite some time, performance of Russian forces is quite dismal.

If HiMARS or any MRLS were the solution then Russia would have the whole of Ukraine by now. People seeming to be mixing fact and fiction, yes NATO supported Ukraine is counter attacking , in any war a counter attack would be expected and no army worth its salt wouldn't counter attack. . How Russia deals with the the Ukrainian counter attack and how Russia absorbs it are the keys. In WW2 Russia lost 60 Million people but still won the war. Russia has defined it's position and has declared an area to fight for which is a good step towards ending the war. Best for Ukraine to negotiate a settlement before it gets uglier.
At the time Russia was fighting an adversary that was engaged in two fronts. No such division occurs.

Also, people could become cannon fodder then because unfortunately they did not have information. No more than some one does not die from a bacterial infection because of anti-biotics , Russia propoganda has reached its limit: it does not have a population it can send indefinitely.

Once you lose momentum, you are on the run. This is what happened to Germany against Russia when they had to pull back. Unfortunately for Russian empire, its in the same position now here where they are pulling back.
Well since Ukraine has nothing to lose then why don't they join NATO? Best time is now as Russian army is so weak, which will allow NATO to send planes and soldiers in?
They just signed a fast tracked NATO membership I think yesterday morning.....

Well, they can only applies, whether or not they can join depends on all 30 NATO members.
Just wait and see. Putin will be killed like Hitler and Russia will be balkanized like Germany.

You do not know the power of Jews and Zelensky.

Zelensky pledges never to talk to Putin​

Ukraine will not negotiate with Moscow until Putin is replaced as president, Zelensky and his cabinet said

Wow, former KGB , supreme ruler of the Russian empire and you guys are making Zelenskly look like some divine creature? May be if you knew the power of 'jews' 5 months ago and so did Russia, then he should have not invaded. Or is this new found obsession on power of the 'jews' just yesterday when you feel sorry that Russia is the victim
What’s with Kherson? Ukraine should repeat the Lyman moment, not let Russians escape the encirclement. 20,000 Russians will try to break out and link up the eastern river bank.
kherson is harder than you think, as you cannot outflank Kherson (it lies just above a river) And I have a feeling Ukraine don't want to destroy Kherson much like Russian did with Mariupol, Sieverodonetsk and Lysychansk and pretty much every town they invaded. They are already in Artillery range, they can just reduce Kherson to rubble and waltz in with Western and Northern Flank.

It's also notice that Kherson is not the only intended target in the area, Ukrainian also wanted Nova Karkova. Which mean they will need to take Nova Karkova first (which is what they are trying to do) before they can encircle Kherson. On the other hand, the Russian are going nowhere because all the bridge is blown.
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