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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2

Noone recognizes the annexation of Golan.
Everyone knows that Syria is the original aggressor.
strangely but Uncle Sam recognize it
again the mighty trump single handedly blown away your argument
That border agreement was in 1945. The matter did not end there. In 1948, Soviet Union blockaded the city and effectively wanted to starve it to submission. There is your dispute
guys a little history .
the blockade started in 1948, it ended in 1949,
Germany joined NATO in 1955. there was no border dispute no blockade in 1955
Feel free to show a list of obligations which the EU did not meet.
let just say they failed their obligation in helping Iran redesigning Arak Nuclear power-plant , or they failed to honor the deal we had on providing us with Airbus and ATR airplanes . or after USA left deal and reinstate sanction they promised they use Instex , to bypass the USA sanction , they failed to do that
They diverted their regulars to the south, and only left specops, irregulars, leftovers of 1st GTA, and other oddball units (200th arctic warfare brigade) there.

You can guess, none of them were even remotely trained in defence.

All because they wanted Khesanh so much.

Im seeing reports that Ukraine is massing a large amount of troops and armor just to the northeast of Kherson.
Well, Ukraine is slowly gaining the initiative, which is good and anticipate ed.
They have the full collective D.I.M.E. weight of the western alliance behind them. Coalition warfare is the key to western success. If the west can get through this winter and wean themselves off Russian exports (oil, gas, wheat, fertilizer, etc.) then they can bargain with Russia from a position of strength. For the former Soviet republics and eastern bloc nations it will mean putting the specter of the Russian threat to rest once and for all.

The implications of this happens though is that the western alliance could then be free to support other initiatives around the world. For China, supporting Russia maybe necessary, once the Ukraine war ends, to keep the Europeans preoccupied with Russia so they don’t expend as many resources in Asia.

Im seeing reports that Ukraine is massing a large amount of troops and armor just to the northeast of Kherson.
Perhaps, but it could be another feint as they prepare to move somewhere else along the frontline.
Im seeing reports that Ukraine is massing a large amount of troops and armor just to the northeast of Kherson.

The Ukrainian have deployed 2 additional brigade (one of them a Mechanised and the other one was defending Odessa couple of month ago) they move them forward. It doesn't look like they are going to push, because it's just 2 Brigades, more likely they are doing troop replacement and regeneration on the frontline, I am almost certain they are going to pull the 2 Marine Brigade back to Odessa (Or someplace rear) for R&R and would only keep the pressure on in Kherson Area. I could be wrong, but that's the most likely reason, otherwise that would be a troop surge, it either mean they are making another push, or Russia is about to counterattack, I don't think chances of either of those happening is high.

On the other hand, the main event is on the East, now with Lyman taken, the Ukrainian has plan for the East, they just pushed another 3 Brigade SE of Lyman line (54 Mech now directly opposite Lysychansk, 10 Moutain next to 54 to their SE and 93 Mech North of Bakhmut.) Along with 114 and 118 TDF Brigade. The Ukrainian now have 5 Brigade in the entire Area of Lysychansk to Bakhmut line. That's way too much troop there for a defensive line, with Lyman push, I am pretty sure they are going to hit the entire Savtove - Kreminna - Sieverodonetsk line in a general push. All the tale-tell sign are there.

One Last Hoorah before winter. Or they may be doing what they did back in Early September in reverse, try to lure as many Southern Troop to the East now the momentum swing seriously to Ukraine in the East. That could also be the reason. Either that or a general push deeper into Luhansk.
until HIMAR problem is not solved this war is not in favour of Russia

HIMAR is devastating the Russia ammo dumps why throw more men into this war unless you have solved the biggest problem ?

also Russia has no dedicated aircraft for SEAD/DEAD missions and as a result are forced to fly low or ultra low and MANPADS has wiped out their aircrafts even new ones like Su34

Russia needs to find solutions to these issues otherwise this war is going to cost them terribly even newer aircraft like Su34 carry no pods or even try to suppress the enemy air defences

Its clearly visible Russia is failing to deal with the problems your pointing out but if Russia was planning an invasion then they should have considered this.

It shows the incompetence of their military leadership as pointed out by @jhungary They could have imported and prepared for the war. I am guessing they made grave errors in judging the response from Nato and Ukraine.
Only US is capable of repeating that feat.

Russia never imagined that US & NATO will get involved in the war.

Putin under estimated the power of Zelensky and Jewish lobby on the US government.
Yes agreed he did not count on them earlier. But by 2021 Dec the way Biden was talking and warning, any deaf/dumb leader would have known what US intentions were. This is called 'reading the leaves'. Counting your entire campaign on a hunch that US is just talking and won't act.

You are going to have get your facts straight and come out of your 'jewish' lobby inferiority complex mindset as if they are some super humans.

Ukraine's jewish population is 0.5% . The comedian president may be jewish but the country is not. As you know its not a monarchy so there is no jewish lobby activation for 0.5% of the country which can be easily relocated.

There was a bigger desire that Russia needed to checkmated here if they proceeded. Unfortunately, Putin went on a hunch and fell for it.

strangely but Uncle Sam recognize it
again the mighty trump single handedly blown away your argument

guys a little history .
the blockade started in 1948, it ended in 1949,
Germany joined NATO in 1955. there was no border dispute no blockade in 1955

let just say they failed their obligation in helping Iran redesigning Arak Nuclear power-plant , or they failed to honor the deal we had on providing us with Airbus and ATR airplanes . or after USA left deal and reinstate sanction they promised they use Instex , to bypass the USA sanction , they failed to do that
The blockade ended yes, but it set the tone of the what the USSR mindset was going to be from that point on.
Its clearly visible Russia is failing to deal with the problems your pointing out but if Russia was planning an invasion then they should have considered this.

It shows the incompetence of their military leadership as pointed out by @jhungary They could have imported and prepared for the war. I am guessing they made grave errors in judging the response from Nato and Ukraine.
Well, to be honest, I think they did prepared for it, but probably preparing for the wrong thing. Now, I don't know what the Russian did or did not do. But seems to me they are pretty much on a mindset of an occupier, than an invader.

Military Economy is actually very basic when it come down to, it's basically to a term you get twice the stuff that you need and have a way to bring them to battle. Russia failed at both task. They don't have twice the equipment they need for backup in case things didn't go their way, and they don't have means to bring them to battle.

A lot of these equipment issue and manpower issue can be can should be solved BEFORE they enter Ukraine, not after, and when you have to go and beg or buy for ammo in the middle of the war, that's actually unheard of. I mean even at the last stage of WW2 when Germany got rip up pretty good, they don't ask Spain's Franco or Sweden for munition.....

Now, as I said, I don't know, they have time and shown they had prepare for it, but what exactly did they preparing for? I really don't know, maybe they prepare for a celebration in Freedom Square in Kyiv?

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