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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2

In the end, and not too long from now, Murica will be absolutely irrelevant .

Few countries fear the sanctions of a toothless power on verge of bankruptcy and likely to implode into internal civil war.

US$ might be 1 yen to the dollar.


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Reading Cinderalla books again? All empires eventually collapse as Russia is going through and I know it is paining you. As for EU , at some point its time will come but it won't be in our lives. Till then pls post some more cartoons so you can feel better

Winter coming, do they have winter clothes? Or do they sing to keep warm? It looks to me they don’t go to war they go to a picnic.
Winter is going to be used to train these guys. If Russians could fight in winter and could do it better, they would have done so last November. Not waited till February. This is how long it will take to get these non troops ready
China population 1.4 billion. US population 300 million. It is American hardship that makes US birth rate so low. You must accept that fact, even if you are an American.
US has millions migrating in every year. Who goes to China , nobody. And see how many Chinatowns around the world (evidently, like the Russians, Chinese like to leave China too).

US saved China's *** from Japan in 1940s or part of China would still be occupied land by Japan whose population was even less than US.
US has millions migrating in every year. Who goes to China , nobody. And see how many Chinatowns around the world (evidently, like the Russians, Chinese like to leave China too).

US saved China's *** from Japan in 1940s or part of China would still be occupied land by Japan whose population was even less than US.

While it is true the US has millions of illegal immigrants every year, but the white population is diluted. The US used to be 90% white, now it is only 50% white. Go to any major city in the US and whites are clear minority. This dilutes American identity. I know what a Chinese is. I know what a Russian is. I don't know what an American is. The US has no official language, no cultural identity. In the long run, the US weakens while China, Russia strengthen.
In this Dunya you have to look behind the curtain of satan. All is an illusion. the finest scientists in the world say this is an HOLOGRAPHIC UNIVERSE made upon strings and Quantum particles. The will of Allah is manifest in this dunya. Our beloved Prophet Hz. Muhammad Peace be upon his soul said "If shoeless beduins build high buildings in the desert, than you know JUDGEMENT DAY is near." He said "If women are cloted but still naked than know JUDGEMENT DAY is near"


Dude get off your spiritual horse. It will be here but not because you have some unique insight into when. Muslim rulers have had harems full of women like this for 100s of years and this prediction didn't materialize. It will happen but not because of some great conclusion you have drawn. Sorry to burst your bubble.

Russia has transitioned to state of war and war economy. Even if the US spends billions every month, it's only a drop in the bucket compared to Russia's production rate. With such a low production rate, the US will lose this war just like the US lost in Vietnam and Afghanistan. The moral of the story is. Don't bring a knife to a gun fight.
This sounds like typical communist thought of collective farming and industry that starved the communists for dozens of years.
1. Russia production rate: import from North Korea and Iran
2. Russia war economy: trade in rupees to get Indian outsourced services that nobody wants.

I really think you are Putin in disguise on this forum and its a privilege to have you joined it. Only he would have such a skewed stupid perspective of his country to humilate and decline a perfectly working near superpower to a humiliation of one.

6 Russia aircraft were shot down just last weekend. Where was this wonder missile?
They are waiting for the real war, not this one to bring those out. Its like your wife is getting slapped by a stranger outside in the garden but you keep your knife handy for when the guy comes punches you.

THats why the missiles are being held in reserve....
It's a fake video

First of all, you can see the "Z" tank was travelling down the road toward the buildup area, unless you are claiming Ukrainian using Z tank without taking that mark off, it's quite obvious it was a Russian Assault. Not an Ukrainian Assault.

On the other hand, the landscape between the outside shot and the Ukrainian running around are different. The outside shot is vegetated, but the Ukrainian running around close up, you can see the landscape is barren and scorched. Those are shot in two different places. Most likely two different time.
Israel has not threatened Iran with nuclear attacks.
actually they did , it about 8 years ago , it came out of olmert mouth in anger that they use nuke against iran

Trying to leave without a good cause will have consequences.
assassinations and sabotage are act of war and a very good reason if we decide t leave
It is a trade between Russia an India where both countries are using their own currencies. They're basically bypassing the US Dollar and Euro. Now, you can laugh all you want, but this is how the multipolar world will work.

they aren't, they're staying neutral as much as poss to get cheap fuel, if that wasn't available or runs out then they would be no longer be interested in them until they could provide sommat else of interest... (not military hardware or brains though)...
Dude get off your spiritual horse. It will be here but not because you have some unique insight into when. Muslim rulers have had harems full of women like this for 100s of years and this prediction didn't materialize. It will happen but not because of some great conclusion you have drawn. Sorry to burst your bubble.

This sounds like typical communist thought of collective farming and industry that starved the communists for dozens of years.
1. Russia production rate: import from North Korea and Iran
2. Russia war economy: trade in rupees to get Indian outsourced services that nobody wants.

I really think you are Putin in disguise on this forum and its a privilege to have you joined it. Only he would have such a skewed stupid perspective of his country to humilate and decline a perfectly working near superpower to a humiliation of one.

They are waiting for the real war, not this one to bring those out. Its like your wife is getting slapped by a stranger outside in the garden but you keep your knife handy for when the guy comes punches you.

THats why the missiles are being held in reserve....
I don’t think Russia military has much left in reserves. They stop all arms exports because they need all the stuffs for the campaign in Ukraine, even 70y old weapons, even T90S tanks that were destined for India and Algeria.
Putin is like a rat that is pushed into a corner with no way out.
He is dangerous. He will go all-in. General mobilization is just one step away. After that is nuke the option left on the table. The NATO and Ukraine must prepare scenarios in case Putin resorts to nuclear weapons.
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