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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2

If Russia use nuke in Ukraine, the most appropriate response is to take out any Russian target in Ukraine, end the war so there are no reason for nuke to fly, that's the most appropriate and direct response the US and NATO can give.

I would say, it would be just a nod "it's ok" to Moscow, since they don't really lose anything personal there.

You Americans are used to the idea of a shared agency, that rulers care for fates of their underlings, let alone soldiers.

I would say, anywhere outside of American culture, few elites will ever care more about underlings than, say losing their Rolce & Royce, or their luxury apartment.

There been no point in this war when Putin was more visibly upset & discombobulated than when his yacht was seized in Italy.

Also, he traded 6 super valuable UA commanders + 250 soldiers just for his personal moneyman.

As a Chinese, I have no ability to interpret him as Americans do, but I believe, where you see some high matters like him trying to repay historical injustices, spheres of influence, etc, I see just him doing ultra-commercial mindset things like risk/reward measuring, hedging his bets, going for risk free moves, moving out of assets soon to be illiquid.

Not just nuke, but almost everything else is a bluff from the beginning addressed exclusively at USA, because nobody else, even Europeans, would've understood it, let alone believed in it.

His interest now is to get out of Ukraine, while recouping at least some losses of reputation, and long term money. This is why he keeps doubling his bets, in hopes that one relatively big victory can cover all his previous losses, and I mean losses to him personally — reputational, financial, social, material.

Putin only went for this war because he was 99% sure that he would lose exactly nothing personally even if his army gets smashed. The West has done almost everything in its power possible to render Ukraine as an irresistible risk free adventure with enormous reward hanging in front of him.

Even if NATO will waltz into Ukraine now, and turn every russian conscripts to the last one into kebab, Putin & Co. will still be able spend the rest of their days living in golden palaces in Moscow, surrounded by hordes of likeminded court nobles, like Kims do.

Nuking Moscow would be the most appropriate.
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East Germany had better living standard than West Germany. In East Germany life was laid back and relaxed because of socialism. In Germany today life is difficult and stressful, and birth rate is low and population is aging and declining.

Take a look at the living standard of the US and China. It is not even close. The US living standard is third world compared to China where socialism is rampant.
Moron alert 🚨
LOL I was reading a fun comment in a Dutch news section. The article was explaining how the Dutch government is going to give more weapons to Ukraine and apply more sanctions against Russia. One of the commentators said the most sanctioned group are the people in European capitals who are paying the price at the gas station and at home with gas/electricity bills.

The European citizens have really started feeling the pinch now since Russia turned off the tap. The government is already pleading to the people to conserve energy at homes despite a harsh winter.

What difference will these billions make? I predict that Ukraine is only able to keep it ar a stalemate at best. That too with heavy economic and military support from the US/NATO.
Inflation and recession was ongoing anyway. The war in Ukraine just fast forwarded it.
LOL I was reading a fun comment in a Dutch news section. The article was explaining how the Dutch government is going to give more weapons to Ukraine and apply more sanctions against Russia. One of the commentators said the most sanctioned group are the people in European capitals who are paying the price at the gas station and at home with gas/electricity bills.

The European citizens have really started feeling the pinch now since Russia turned off the tap. The government is already pleading to the people to conserve energy at homes despite a harsh winter.
your government can make it cheaper for you by ditching some these unless green policies that wont solve the imagined global warming. (I just love it when global warming people are protesting that its too expensive to heat their homes. - use the global warming to heat your home fool)
What difference will these billions make? I predict that Ukraine is only able to keep it ar a stalemate at best. That too with heavy economic and military support from the US/NATO.
they will result in the destruction of the russian army in ukraine, thats all.

Shades of Soviet’s in WW2. Untrained kids , with one rifle between four of them sent to fight Only this time they are not defending the motherland

Sure they are. Russians consider Donetsk, Luhansk, Kherson as Russian cities. To Russians, Donetsk, Luhansk, Kherson are as Russian as Moscow, Saint Petersburg.

Moron alert 🚨

China population 1.4 billion. US population 300 million. It is American hardship that makes US birth rate so low. You must accept that fact, even if you are an American.
what is Putin going to buy with Indian rupees? A call center? :lol:

Russia has more trees than any other country. Trees are the natural resource for printing money. Therefore, Russia has more money than any other country.

Russia's largest steel plant reduced to ruble.

more bad news from Russia.

At least 17 people were killed, including 11 children, when a gunman wearing a T-shirt with a red swastika opened fire on Monday in a school in the central Russian city of Izhevsk, Russia’s Investigative Committee reported. The gunman, reportedly armed with two weapons, also killed himself.

I am very convinced now that UA GHQ is intentionally keeping Kherson at low boil, to stress russian logistics, command bandwidth, and provoke russians into wasting reinforcements on it.
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