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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2

It is a trade between Russia an India where both countries are using their own currencies. They're basically bypassing the US Dollar and Euro. Now, you can laugh all you want, but this is how the multipolar world will work.

Russia holding a lot of volatile currency with limited global appeal isn't smart it's desperate.
yeah I cants seee russia having its forces obliterated in a NATO strike and taking it on the chin. It would bomb all nato bases in europe come what may.
lol with what?? There is a limit for Russian cruise missile, they would have to launch within 200km from the origin, if NATO took Ukraine, Russia can only launch them either in Kaliningrad or if Belarus is game (which I highly doubt) from Belarus soil, otherwise it will not reach Europe.

Air launch cruise or hypersonic missile will be intercepted by NATO air force, I don't think anyone will disagree NATO would have complete air dominance of the air over RuAF in Europe.

And finally, if Russia do attack Europe via Kaliningrad, it will start WW3. Which mean invasion of Russian territories (most likely Kaliningrad) or use nuclear weapons is not off the table, the matrix is different than losing its force in Ukraine. Because you are now risking losing a chunk in Russia.

So again, it goes back to whether or not Russia wants to start World War 3 over Ukraine. Militarily, it does not worth starting WW3 over Ukraine for Russia.
Cost benefit analysis. Prop powered drones are dirt cheap. They can deplete much more expensive hardware like MANPADS. Especially considering Russia set up a number of factories manufacturing dozens of these a day.
MANPADS are sunk cost with a half-life of a few years, i.e. their battery packs cannot last indefinitely. With the 70+ Russian jets shot down, the economic balance is well on side of stingers: several 100 can be wasted away because of the high return on investment for shooting down the 100x price jets

Sure they are. Russians consider Donetsk, Luhansk, Kherson as Russian cities. To Russians, Donetsk, Luhansk, Kherson are as Russian as Moscow, Saint Petersburg

China population 1.4 billion. US population 300 million. It is American hardship that makes US birth rate so low. You must accept that fact, even if you are an American.

Let me fix that
🚨 this is the first forever moron 🚨
MANPADS are sunk cost with a half-life of a few years, i.e. their battery packs cannot last indefinitely. With the 70+ Russian jets shot down, the economic balance is well on side of stingers: several 100 can be wasted away because of the high return on investment for shooting down the 100x price jets

Manned jets are replaced by drones. Drones are cheaper than MANPADS. Robots are the future of warfare.

Russia holding a lot of volatile currency with limited global appeal isn't smart it's desperate.
Almost as desperate as wielding a nuclear threat as a near superpower/former superpower while taking on an adversary 1/5th its size. Heck even non-global power entities like India, Pakistan, North Korea can do that. And exchanging money for barter (which is what it means to trade in its own currencies).

They can't buy sh*((* with India Rupees unless they need to buy Indian call center agents from Wipro to provide assitance to mobilize recruit minorities
I would say, it would be just a nod "it's ok" to Moscow, since they don't really lose anything personal there.

You Americans are used to the idea of a shared agency, that rulers care for fates of their underlings, let alone soldiers.

I would say, anywhere outside of American culture, few elites will ever care more about underlings than, say losing their Rolce & Royce, or their luxury apartment.

There been no point in this war when Putin was more visibly upset & discombobulated than when his yacht was seized in Italy.

Also, he traded 6 super valuable UA commanders + 250 soldiers just for his personal moneyman.

As a Chinese, I have no ability to interpret him as Americans do, but I believe, where you see some high matters like him trying to repay historical injustices, spheres of influence, etc, I see just him doing ultra-commercial mindset things like risk/reward measuring, hedging his bets, going for risk free moves, moving out of assets soon to be illiquid.

Not just nuke, but almost everything else is a bluff from the beginning addressed exclusively at USA, because nobody else, even Europeans, would've understood it, let alone believed in it.

His interest now is to get out of Ukraine, while recouping at least some losses of reputation, and long term money. This is why he keeps doubling his bets, in hopes that one relatively big victory can cover all his previous losses, and I mean losses to him personally — reputational, financial, social, material.

Putin only went for this war because he was 99% sure that he would lose exactly nothing personally even if his army gets smashed. The West has done almost everything in its power possible to render Ukraine as an irresistible risk free adventure with enormous reward hanging in front of him.

Even if NATO will waltz into Ukraine now, and turn every russian conscripts to the last one into kebab, Putin & Co. will still be able spend the rest of their days living in golden palaces in Moscow, surrounded by hordes of likeminded court nobles, like Kims do.

Nuking Moscow would be the most appropriate.
Well, it's the different between MADMAN and MAD GOVERNMENT.

Right now, Russia is a latter because it has a madman in charge, the problem for the west is not about to take care of 1 person, I mean whatever or whoever Putin is does not concern the West, the only thing concerns the west is that he is in charge of Russia. Which mean all western response is going to targeting this to decouple Putin with Russia. And to do that, you don't take away his money, you take away his army, the source of his power, because once his army is taken away, it will be like a Don without his Lieutenant, he is powerless. Then Russian themselves will sort him out once he is out of power.

There is an old saying "Dictator usually don't have a good Retirment plan" The goal of the west is to put this dictator to retirement, what his "retirement plan" was does not concern the west, that's more for his own people.
Manned jets are replaced by drones. Drones are cheaper than MANPADS. Robots are the future of warfare.

Robots like super hypersonic weapons and invincibility of Russians were supposed to be running over Kiev in 3 days. Since you are watching movies, look at Airwolf too. Super hyper helicopters like the KA-52 being blown out of the sky
Robots like super hypersonic weapons and invincibility of Russians were supposed to be running over Kiev in 3 days. Since you are watching movies, look at Airwolf too. Super hyper helicopters like the KA-52 being blown out of the sky

1 Putin day = 1,000 commoner years. So 3 Putin days = 3,000 commoner years. So the war goes on after you and I died from old age.

Russian tank engages a Ukrainian BMP. Warning. Graphic.

Over time Russia's man power advantage over Ukraine increases. 10 years from now Russia population 150 million compared to Ukraine's 20 million. It becomes more and more difficult for Ukraine to fight. In the end America will back Russia over Ukraine for the sake of profits. America betrayed South Vietnam and Ghani Afghanistan. You cannot depend on America.
May be you have been too busy on twitter reposting Odessa shots to realize that in a few short days a few 100 thousand Russian men have left. Its time for you to leave the keyboard and do your part to deliver the manpower advantage you dream about but is going further and further away.

May be you have been too busy on twitter reposting Odessa shots to realize that in a few short days a few 100 thousand Russian men have left. Its time for you to leave the keyboard and do your part to deliver the manpower advantage you dream about but is going further and further away.

Only the cowards leave. Likewise, millions of Ukrainians cowards fled Ukraine since February. The remaining people are the war mongers. It's going to get ugly next year.
because once his army is taken away, it will be like a Don without his Lieutenant, he is powerless.

Russian 3 letter services are more numerous, better trained, and equipped than the army, and, most importantly, way better paid, just like in China.
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