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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2

Yeah, some made-up article falsely attributed to Wagner is gonna be the next line of propaganda that some will use. Making false stories doesn't you win this war. We're waiting for the next phase of Russian military offensives. A few "HIMARS" are gonna change the course of war? That is a wishful thinking.

Those few himars were enough to obliterate several important Russian arm depots. The intensity of Russian artillery strikes has decreased compared to last weeks. Russia's war potential is so depleted as are their BTGs. So far Russia's main goals have failed,always seeing them down to give them some false sense of victory.

Meanwhile Ukrainian forces in the Donbass weren't encircled despite Russia's overwhelming superiority in terms of artillery,manpower etc... they were even able to retreat in good order. Ukrainian forces are still resisting despite being outnumbered and outgunned in the Donbass despite Russians throwing everything they have + throwing as cannon fodder LNR/DNR forces (or what's left of them) + wagners + tiktok kadyrovs. (Or again what's left of them,they are quit quite lately...)

With Ukrainian fuel and ammo dumps constantly bombed by cruise missiles. Kherson offensive ain't happening. Ukrainian soldiers lack fuel and ammo to do a major offensive.
war has own logics people have every excuses. why only Nato wars? why don´t you mention Russia wars or USSR wars? what´s about Persia wars or Iran wars?
what´s about Iran wars staged by stooges in elsewhere in the world?
for rationalizing Russia war you use NATO wars not USSR or tzar Russia .
Persia wars , well they are at least more than 3 century old , don't you think they are a little outdated to rationalize anything ?
for rationalizing Russia war you use NATO wars not USSR or tzar Russia .
Persia wars , well they are at least more than 3 century old , don't you think they are a little outdated to rationalize anything ?
Tell me what is outdated? Is there new fashion war? No. War is war, not much changed, the only difference is means.
The Russians have 150,000 men, organized in 5 army groups, they can’t move forward nor backward. Seems disorganized. They attack Ukraine positions in 100 men group. So says UK military intel. Russia defense lines between 50km and 100km. They rely much on artillery. If Ukraine has enough weapons they can annihilate the Russia army in Donbas in one or two week.
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