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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2

he is a puppet to whom? ok I know you will say to the US. then you say the US is puppet to a capitalist pigs. those pigs are controller by Jews. those jews are in Kiew that is puppet to Zelinskki.
man, wake up, Ronald Reagan was an holliwood actor. became president. don´t make mistake, assume the world looks like CCp.
How can a person without any political experience become a president? Zelensky, like Reagan, is a puppet. The actual power is in the hands of the advisory group arranged by the boss behind the scenes.
While I agree that the Europeans are racists and colonialists but you are right. The history of slavery in the Muslim world, specially the Arab world was as bad if not worse. I personally believe it was worse.
Thank you. This is the first time one actually admit it:
1: happened instead of blatantly denying it
2: was pretty bad, instead of saying how “progressive and uplifting” it was.
Thank you. This is the first time one actually admit it:
1: happened instead of blatantly denying it
2: was pretty bad, instead of saying how “progressive and uplifting” it was.

Muslims defend the religion, that's the nature of Muslims. Vast mojrity of the things in Islam are good which need no defending. But the slavery is a stain in the Islamic history, it was long, it was done on millions of people, it was brutal and crude and inhuman. It is the truth. I admit it because as a Muslim I won't be asked on the day of judgement whether I defended Islam even with the help of falsehood, I will be asked whether I spoke truth.
Thank you. This is the first time one actually admit it:
1: happened instead of blatantly denying it
2: was pretty bad, instead of saying how “progressive and uplifting” it was.
it was, name one military commander or state official from christian slave tradition, you can find countless opposite examples in history of muslim worlds deviations and misdoings of particular individuals does not invalidate principles and conditions of slavery in islamic context. you write from ignorance.
Russia uses the exact logic NATO uses in other countries . how hard its to understand
Then ok then be a man admit it, yes, I learn it from the Nato, not hey that’s special ops shit, liberating the oppressed in Donbas. Russians are not liberating anything, at max they are stealing shoes.

How can a person without any political experience become a president? Zelensky, like Reagan, is a puppet. The actual power is in the hands of the advisory group arranged by the boss behind the scenes.
How can a bus driver become a president in venezuela? A furniture seller a president in Indonesia?
This is zelenskyy pushing out the opposition and consolidating power.

I can foresee what hell is Ukraine will be after the war.

A very zionist type of a snake-pit. Only replace "Palestinians" with "Russians" - assuming any Russian-speakers will be present on the area of whatever rump state the completion of Moscow's military operation will leave behind.

Zelensky was explicit as to where his political source of inspiration for his country lies.

Zelensky: Ukraine will be like Israel, not demilitarized like Switzerland after war​

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky said that Ukraine will not be demilitarized like Switzerland, but a "big Israel."

Published: APRIL 5, 2022 21:27


Why Zelensky's dream of Ukraine becoming 'big Israel' makes Moscow nervous​

Jonathan Cook

12 April 2022 11:37 UTC | Last update: 3 months 5 days ago

The Ukrainian president's comparison bolsters Moscow's claim that Kyiv is intent on a programme of violent 'de-Russification'

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Then ok then be a man admit it, yes, I learn it from the Nato, not hey that’s special ops shit, liberating the oppressed in Donbas. Russians are not liberating anything, at max they are stealing shoes.
NATO called Libya bombing , special operation to protect civilian in Libya , Didn't they ?
Russia is protecting the downtrodden in Donetsk and Luhansk.
well its so until NATO admit to what they really did in Afghanistan , Serbia, Libya and Iraq and compensate them for that.
oh and USA do the same for 90 country they intervened in since WW2
it was, name one military commander or state official from christian slave tradition, you can find countless opposite examples in history of muslim worlds deviations and misdoings of particular individuals does not invalidate principles and conditions of slavery in islamic context. you write from ignorance.
For every one commander or state official that made its way up and eventually free, there are tens of thousands that died from exposure during the forced march, died from castration, were caught for sexual slavery, or were to be used and trained as disposable weapons.

Millions of slaves from africa and europe.
Vast majority arabs also refused to stop slaving unless made to do so by europe changing its stance on slavery.

It seems to me the “succes stories” are the minority here, not the other way around.

Also…your using no true scotsman fallacy.
I have a stronger case to say christian slavery were not “true christians” considering atleast many priests and christians were involved with the abolitionist movements. and that the new testament is silent on the subject as opposed to condoning it as in quran.
NATO called Libya bombing , special operation to protect civilian in Libya , Didn't they ?
Russia is protecting the downtrodden in Donetsk and Luhansk.
well its so until NATO admit to what they really did in Afghanistan , Serbia, Libya and Iraq and compensate them for that.
oh and USA do the same for 90 country they intervened in since WW2
war has own logics people have every excuses. why only Nato wars? why don´t you mention Russia wars or USSR wars? what´s about Persia wars or Iran wars?
what´s about Iran wars staged by stooges in elsewhere in the world?
Muslims defend the religion, that's the nature of Muslims. Vast mojrity of the things in Islam are good which need no defending. But the slavery is a stain in the Islamic history, it was long, it was done on millions of people, it was brutal and crude and inhuman. It is the truth. I admit it because as a Muslim I won't be asked on the day of judgement whether I defended Islam even with the help of falsehood, I will be asked whether I spoke truth.
dude, you know that in islam you can not enslave free man? i
For every one commander or state official that made its way up and eventually free, there are tens of thousands that died from exposure during the forced march, died from castration, were caught for sexual slavery, or were to be used and trained as disposable weapons.

Millions of slaves from africa and europe.
Vast majority arabs also refused to stop slaving unless made to do so by europe changing its stance on slavery.

It seems to me the “succes stories” are the minority here, not the other way around.

Also…your using no true scotsman fallacy.
I have a stronger case to say christian slavery were not “true christians” considering atleast many priests and christians were involved with the abolitionist movements. and that the new testament is silent on the subject as opposed to condoning it as in quran.
Stop reading orientalists and evangelic shits, read some more nuanced and comprehensive works to broaden your narrow perspektive.
You obviously does not understand islamic doctrine about it, basically islamic slavery is like modern contract between employer and employee, deviations from it is completely other subject.
And when you mentioned christianity in that context, please read scriptures what they say about status between master and slave, it is like horror movie.

war has own logics people have every excuses. why only Nato wars? why don´t you mention Russia wars or USSR wars? what´s about Persia wars or Iran wars?
what´s about Iran wars staged by stooges in elsewhere in the world?

European countries used to have war every day before 1946. America is the glue that holds NATO together. When America is too weak to hold NATO together, there will be war every day in Europe.
dude, you know that in islam you can not enslave free man? i

Stop reading orientalists and evangelic shits, read some more nuanced and comprehensive works to broaden your narrow perspektive.
You obviously does not understand islamic doctrine about it, basically islamic slavery is like modern contract between employer and employee, deviations from it is completely other subject.
And when you mentioned christianity in that context, please read scriptures what they say about status between master and slave, it is like horror movie.
I am not discussing the “theocratic ideal” of muslim slavery ( and on top of that only according to certain schools of thought…others have far harsher and different interpretations), but how it was generally practiced in history by arab muslims…

This varies from some mild forms to absolute horrors. And formed the majority and/or was tolerated by the majority.
Where was your ilk when the barbary states constantly pillaged and slaved parts of the european coast…effectively depopulating it?

It is that history i am asking people to atleast be honest about.

It is like someone criticizing british colonialist crimes and i am like “well those were not “truly” christians/british. We are civilised and peaceful.
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