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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2

The Russians have 150,000 men, organized in 5 army groups, they can’t move forward nor backward. They are disorganized. They attack Ukraine positions in 100 men group. If Ukraine has enough weapons they can annihilate the Russia army in Donbas in one or two week.

Ukraine can't even beat a bunch of rag tag Taliban in Afghanistan after 10 years let alone Russia. :rofl:
He is a shameless Vietnamese. The Americans bombed the shit out them and killed millions and he is a happy slave having served the American military. It's the same bloodline of Mir Jafar, they are found in every nation in every age.

I agree 100% and as you pointed out these shameless specimens are bred in every nation.
I concede full abolishment took 10-30 years later.

Much much more later ...
Let me rephrase then.
By 1865 majority western powers abolished slavery. Most partially banning it well before this time.
Partially banning slavery for white, Christians, neighbors countries, just shows the west Hypocrisy...

By 1865 95% of the arabs still practiced slavery, and some would happily do so up till 1960, with most being forced to stop by pressure from europe.

Lolz, how can Arabs bans slavery when their under west occupation 😂🤣 that still practice slavery in its colonies? ??
main point still remains. Its fun that your digging for the exceptions on the rule though. However We still remember the barbary states, otttomans, and how almost all the gulf practiced it well past 1900s.
Funny how your Racism tend you to point Ottomans (not Arabs in between) and the Gulf "mini states" and forget mighty U.S.A, can you tell me when slavery was abolished in USA ??? And In Germany as you are a German 🤣😂.

So you Win the battle but lost the war on this point buddy.
All your initial statements are falses concerning Arabs and slavery, that's what's important for me.

Now tell me, how do you feel about the arab slave trade? All those millions of slaves….over all those hundreds and hundreds of years….

Again you are missing completely the point, and calling it "Arab slave trade", i don't balme you too much, being a racist won't help you to have clear ideas.

Where was the biggest slaves concentration, in the Arab or in the west world ?

The west didn't banned slavery for democracy or human rights, they needed cheap labour after the industrial revolution.

I mean sure lets all point at “the white man” but forget four fingers point back at yourself?

Arabs where small employees in the hands of the West big traders and business-men.
NATO called Libya bombing , special operation to protect civilian in Libya , Didn't they ?
Russia is protecting the downtrodden in Donetsk and Luhansk.
well its so until NATO admit to what they really did in Afghanistan , Serbia, Libya and Iraq and compensate them for that.
oh and USA do the same for 90 country they intervened in since WW2
The Libya operation was legalized by a UNSC resolution.
Russia does not even try to pretend their operation is legal.

Ukrainian is clearly preparing for a major counteroffensive in the south.

Without fuel and ammo, not gonna happen.

The Libya operation was legalized by a UNSC resolution.
Russia does not even try to pretend their operation is legal.

Under UN Charter, it is legal to wage war to protect civilians from regime artillery. The US did so in Serbia, Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria. Turkey did so in Cyprus, Syria.
Much much more later ...

Partially banning slavery for white, Christians, neighbors countries, just shows the west Hypocrisy...
From banning slave trade fully or partially early 1800s to abolishment including colonies 1860-1890

And dont lie (again) in 1833 the brits also freed sa and caribean slaves. And atlantic slave trade was outlawed before that which suprise suprise is not about white slaves…

Lolz, how can Arabs bans slavery when their under west occupation 😂🤣 that still practice slavery in its colonies? ??
Barbary states stopped when forced to stop. Same for most of the gulf states, though much later.

Your “custodian” of the holy sites the saudis continued till what 1960?

But please try to wriggle around overwhelming evidence more. It amuses me.
Funny how your Racism tend you to point Ottomans (not Arabs in between) and the Gulf "mini states" and forget mighty U.S.A, can you tell me when slavery was abolished in USA ??? And In Germany as you are a German 🤣😂.
Usa 1865 (bulk of them atleast)
Most arabs and ottomans considerably later. And/or forced to do so instead of from own abolitionist volition.

All your initial statements are falses concerning Arabs and slavery, that's what's important for me.
Main point stands. Arab practiced slavery for longer. We are talking about millions of slaves. And They were more often then not pressured or forced to stop.
Again you are missing completely the point, and calling it "Arab slave trade", i don't balme you too much, being a racist won't help you to have clear ideas.
Its the historic name….
But you only read those parts that you want to read and rip out the rest of the pages i understand…
Where was the biggest slaves concentration, in the Arab or in the west world ?
Well castrated slaves, more slaves dying from the transport, slave children being freemen faster, transporting slaves instead of end destination….
kinda plays against the creation of a distinct group/large concentration.

Does nothing to the amount of people slaved and killed. But an explanation on why this horror is “forgotten” so much compared to atlantic slavery.

But Nice try though. Semantics are all you have. Morals are long gone.
The west didn't banned slavery for democracy or human rights, they needed cheap labour after the industrial revolution.
Ripping out history pages on the motivation of the abolitionist and the debates (sometimes religious) around it? Again?
Arabs where small employees in the hands of the West big traders and business-men.
Estimation of a million european slaves.
Estimations of 9 million black slaves
Slavery from well before and well after the europeans started and stopped it.

Doesnt add up does it?
But please..wriggle more…
The Libya operation was legalized by a UNSC resolution.
no it only legalized to protect civilian , no where it legalized to bomb Libyan army when they engage or don't engage armed rebels in middle of desert hundreds of km away from any settlement .
Russia does not even try to pretend their operation is legal.
why pretend , when NATO attack Serbia it was legal to protect civilian . but when Russia attack Donbas its pretend ?
no it only legalized to protect civilian , no where it legalized to bomb Libyan army when they engage or don't engage armed rebels in middle of desert hundreds of km away from any settlement .


As long as the Libyan Army kept attacking civilians, they are valid targets,

why pretend , when NATO attack Serbia it was legal to protect civilian . but when Russia attack Donbas its pretend ?

Since Russia created the situation in Donbass, it is very different. They cannot claim to be neutral in a war they started.
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