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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2

according to your skewed interpretation of resolution.
”All neccessary measures” is a pretty broad statement.
It does allow to remove the possibility for the Libyan Army to continue to commit atrocities.
no the Donbass wanted to separate from Ukraine after Ukraine banned Russians and told them you are second class citizen , Ukraine bombed them and then Russia entered there,

at the time Russia moved into Crimea not Donbass
The Donbass people were demonstrating, but the actual insurgency was led by Russian FSB agents. Russian troops were there from the start. And no, Russian was not banned. The Ukrainan Parliament declared ”Ukrainan” to be the state language.
Russia cannot invade covertly and then a few months later send in 30,000 troops and claim neutrality. Most killed since 2014 were killed by Russia. If Russia left Ukraine alone, there would be no killings.
The Donbass people were demonstrating, but the actual insurgency was led by Russian FSB agents. Russian troops were there from the start. And no, Russian was not banned. The Ukrainan Parliament declared ”Ukrainan” to be the state language.
Russia cannot invade covertly and then a few months later send in 30,000 troops and claim neutrality. Most killed since 2014 were killed by Russia. If Russia left Ukraine alone, there would be no killings.

There are no ifs and buts in history. What has happened happened. There is no going back.
I wonder why Russia doesn't do carpet bombing and finish it for once and all . They have a nice fleet of high altitude bombers
may be Russia ran out of carpets? er..is than why Putin went to Iran?
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