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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2

I do not want to defend this, but are the Russian's different? They do exactly the same, only their also false explanation is different but is this therefore more justified or legal? Just look at the latest coups in Africa, which are surely assisted only to help the peoples. :omghaha:

So you're saying the west, the US and Europe are no better than Russia? Yes, I agree with you :) That's how big powers behave, but then don't be a hypocrite, just accept it :)
So you're saying the west, the US and Europe are no better than Russia? Yes, I agree with you :) That's how big powers behave, but then don't be a hypocrite, just accept it :)

Well, in terms of reaching their political goals on the international stage they are surely not, but at least the freedom within the West for its population is much greater. At least I'm not in danger to drink poisoned tea or to fall out of a window at school, when ever I complain about our ministry for education.

As such they are not really comparable, since the times where the more powerful one can just invade and conquer a weaker one in order to enlarge its own country should be over.
And here - regardless you surely won't agree - the US or any NATO country did not invade any other country for its own, ... and even more so they have not been so stupid to lie something similar to Denazification, Desatanisation, when everyone knows, they just want to reunite Ukraine in an old big-Russia aka Soviet Unit.2.0 including the total destruction of civil infrastructure, the mass-murder of civilians.

Well, at least some minor difference, but yes, so let India reunite Bangladesh and Pakistan into a much larger India, ...
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Indeed, but the times where the more powerful one can just invade and conquer a weaker one in order to enlarge its own country should be over.
And here - regardless you surely won't agree - the US or any NATO country did not invade any other country for its own, ... and even more so they have not been so stupid to lie something similar to Denazification, Desatanisation, when everyone knows, they just want to reunite Ukraine in an old big-Russia aka Soviet Unit.2.0 including the total destruction of civil infrastructure, the mass-murder of civilians.

Well, at least some minor difference, but yes, so let India reunite Bangladesh and Pakistan into a much larger India, ...

Remember the imaginary "weapons of mass destruction" in Iraq? :) no different to the lies told by the Russians about Nazis in Ukraine, although at least there is better credibility for that claim than the imaginary WMDs in Iraq. Putin may be many things, but I don't think even he is stupid enough to want to try and recreate the USSR. He said it was a bad event, certainly from his point of view, but this is another lie and spin by the west, the Russians are not trying to recreate the USSR, even they are not stupid enough to invade NATO block countries in Europe.
Because the "west" takes is upon itself to install and remove leaders in other countries, to take the moral high ground when it suits, to illegally invade other countries all in the name of "democracy" and "freedom".

Here are the reasons why the invasions of Afghanistan and Iraq are legal.

These threads are the appropriate place to try to prove they were illegal.
Everyone trying has failed miserably to do just that.

Syria and Libya are legal due to UNSC resolutions.

Are there any more countries you had in mind?
Remember the imaginary "weapons of mass destruction" in Iraq? :) no different to the lies told by the Russians about Nazis in Ukraine, although at least there is better credibility for that claim than the imaginary WMDs in Iraq. Putin may be many things, but I don't think even he is stupid enough to want to try and recreate the USSR. He said it was a bad event, certainly from his point of view, but this is another lie and spin by the west, the Russians are not trying to recreate the USSR, even they are not stupid enough to invade NATO block countries in Europe.

Agreed and because of precisely this lie that has rightly costed the West immense credibility - even if everybody knew they were working on WMDs. Anyway, my point it is not exactly comparable since the US nor NATO did not integrate it into their own borders, what exactly happens by Russia even more so based on lied historical facts and against signed contracts after which Ukraine gave up its own nuclear weapons.

by the way ...

Russians are hardcore fighters. Putin throws wave after wave fresh reserves into battle with some Russian soldiers wearing nothing but shirts and shorts.
The Russians call Ukraine as US because Ukraine soldiers are well dressed, well armed. But the Russians as hardcore they fight to the death, even in shirts and shorts in foreign country.

Remember the imaginary "weapons of mass destruction" in Iraq? :) no different to the lies told by the Russians about Nazis in Ukraine, although at least there is better credibility for that claim than the imaginary WMDs in Iraq. Putin may be many things, but I don't think even he is stupid enough to want to try and recreate the USSR. He said it was a bad event, certainly from his point of view, but this is another lie and spin by the west, the Russians are not trying to recreate the USSR, even they are not stupid enough to invade NATO block countries in Europe.

As the 2003 invasion was part of the war Saddam Hussein started in 1991 (there were no peace agreement terminating the war, just a ceasefire) things is not what You think it is.

This is the motivation for terminating the ceasefire.

In order to call the 2003 invasion of Iraq illegal, You need to show which requirements to terminate a ceasefire were violated (TIP: there are none).

Even if You insist that it is a new war, you need to show that all valid Casus Belli given by the United States are false. It is not enough to prove that single items are false.

Unless You are able to show this, you claiming that the invasion is illegal is just trolling.

So go ahead and try to prove it in the thread…

If You try to do it here, you are violating the forum rules.
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Here are the reasons why the invasions of Afghanistan and Iraq are legal.

These threads are the appropriate place to try to prove they were illegal.
Everyone trying has failed miserably to do just that.

Syria and Libya are legal due to UNSC resolutions.

Are there any more countries you had in mind?

You're a joke.
So you're saying the west, the US and Europe are no better than Russia? Yes, I agree with you :) That's how big powers behave, but then don't be a hypocrite, just accept it :)
Please…pure landgrabbing and denying peoplehood/statehood is unheard of in this century.
Also attacks on healthcare at a hundred times higher rate might mean “both have attacked healthcare centres” yes…but we are talking about large differences in shade of grey here.

or is that too complex for you to understand?
Please…pure landgrabbing and denying peoplehood/statehood is unheard of in this century.
Also attacks on healthcare at a hundred times higher rate might mean “both have attacked healthcare centres” yes…but we are talking about large differences in shade of grey here.

or is that too complex for you to understand?


I guess this is an acknowledgement that you have no backup data for any of your claims.

No, this is acknowledgement that you're perpetuating the very same lie. But whatever makes you sleep at night.
And France is providing more aid than the UK.
It is the third biggest donor in absolute numbers after the US and Germany.
Or do you have a problem understanding figures?
No problem at all.

If we look at per GDP support, france ranks number 23 in the list. Really in the back of the european line.

thats already disappointing for a european “leader”…however it becomes more embarrassing if we also take into account that France actually has a strong standing military and decent military stocks to give.
Yet does little aside from autopiloting on EU initiatives.

If we add refugee costs france actually drops to the mid 30s, behind UK, US, turkey.

But hey….france-russia ties have always been warm…so not suprising they are lukewarm about this european war…right?

Russia's Black Sea Fleet commander was among dozens of officers killed when Crimea HQ was hit

'Thirty-four officers were killed, including the commander of the Black Sea fleet. Another 105 occupants were wounded. The headquarters are beyond repair,' Ukraine's special forces said in a statement on social media on Monday.

>> Wow - that was a big hit to get some many officers aswell.

UN partition plan with britain controlling the mandate? not really the same already.
also..you had to go back 70 years? I am talking about modern times.

Russia just tried a nakba times 10….
Like its a fucking game of risk.

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