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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2

please decide what system is this and belong to who

The picture has been posted first on Ukrainian telegram channels, Russians are known to take their own losses and show them as Ukrainian ones. Too many exemples, just like few days ago when the two destroyed Russian MSTAS by Himars were presented as.... himars destroyed by Russian artillery, or that russian channel showing a destroyed "Ukrainian T72" but when they zoomed at the patch of the crew it showed.... russian patches.

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Both sides seem to struggle with offensive actions.

Ukraine having better artillery support and counterartillery.

Russia having the benefit of those minefields and picking up their drone game.

Had been a grind for both so far.
Ukraine might have to wait with their main pushes till they further degrade russian artillery and trenches. Perhaps once the cluster ammo arrives.
Do we actually have data on how the law was actually used instead of what is claimed it could be used for?

This is interesting though. I knew the gov owned a majority, but I always thought it was 50% to 60%.

90% is huge and is certainly a cause for concern.

@Corax no one likes you.
I dont know. But it will definitely lead to self censorship if the authorities have to power to label anything you say as disinformation, and possibly sentence you to jail.
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These systems are deployed in the rear. There's no way for opposing forces to take such close-up photos. Since Ukrainians posted the photos first, it's most likely Ukrainian system.

Really? The only one here and at the SDF, who is a shameful liar and trolling propagandist is You? You simply don't get? :crazy: How often did we ban you already here and there under how many different names!? ShaoLaoDragon but also AustinPowers, Yommie,Tonghua Yongpengsuen, JeremySun, Yongpeng Sun-Tastaufen and others! :omghaha:

LIAR... and indeed a proven shameful liar! :hitwall:

The picture has been posted first on Ukrainian telegram channels, Russians are known to take their own losses and show them as Ukrainian ones. Too many exemples, just like few days ago when the two destroyed Russian MSTAS by Himars were presented as.... himars destroyed by Russian artillery, or that russian channel showing a destroyed "Ukrainian T72" but when they zoomed at the patch of the crew it showed.... russian patches.

honestly to me it seems the trucks were out there and were rusting for at least 6 or more month and then both side in their funny propaganda war post it as new achievement.
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Both sides seem to struggle with offensive actions.

Ukraine having better artillery support and counterartillery.

Russia having the benefit of those minefields and picking up their drone game.

Had been a grind for both so far.
Ukraine might have to wait with their main pushes till they further degrade russian artillery and trenches. Perhaps once the cluster ammo arrives.

Ukraine is running out of time. Rainy season starts in September and next year Biden lose election. Trump won't send a single bullet to Ukraine.


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please decide what system is this and belong to who
The launcher is too damaged to be determined. But the Radar is 92Н6Е, because the 96L6E (dual S-300/S-400) used a single cab, 92H6E (the one used on S-400) are dual cab.

This is the wreck

F0tLJhcXsAAdVqH (1).jpg

You can see the cab under the Radar Panel


This is a 92H6E radar, you can see the same cab under the Radar Panel


This is a 96L6E, you can see the Radar Panel is connected to the Chassis, not a cab.

And I don't think S-300 can use 92H6E Radar, it wasn't in the specification.
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