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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2

First of all, NO ONE IS AN ANGEL IN THIS WORLD. I have lived in this world and do dirty deed long enough to know that. Every country only have one thing and on thing in their mind, that's themselves. This is true if you are talking about US, UK, Israel, or China, Sudan, South Africa, Russia or even your own country. Do you think Pakistan existed for the good in the world? No, it existed FOR ITS OWN People, and nothing is wrong about that.

Whether or not you take one side over the other is another issue, you may see US is all evil, I am pretty sure you will have the same sentiment if you are a Chinese, but at the same time, if you are an Australian, or British, or Japanese you may see US as an allies, Funny thing is, your view can shift, Japanese used to see US as their enemy, so did the French, so did Germany, so did the Brits. Or what could be Allies can now be foe, see how China turn against US after Vietnam? How Cuba, or Iran

So what's that mean? Nothing, you are going to hate US until probably you die, and it wouldn't change the world aspect anyhow, as long as country work for their own, which is how it should be, there are ALWAYS 2 sides of a coin, you either hate it or you like it, It all summed up by a WW2 quote from an Polish oficer "The only choice you can choose between 2 dictator is, I would rather chosen the one that speak my language" He is referring to the fact that he has to choose to fight for either Soviet Union or Germany during WW2.

Everybody's evil, just which side of evil you want to be in.
Obviously, no one’s angel. Not Russia, Not pak, Not india.

USA is a bully and has everyone in their pockets and their weapon is hypocrisy and their rubbish Currency. They wage wars everywhere for their own benefit and believe themselves to be superior Form of life, narcissistic, feel that they are entitled to everything on earth more than others.
Obviously, no one’s angel. Not Russia, Not pak, Not india.

USA is a bully and has everyone in their pockets and their weapon is hypocrisy and their rubbish Currency. They wage wars everywhere for their own benefit and believe themselves to be superior Form of life, narcissistic, feel that they are entitled to everything on earth more than others.
As I said, everyone is doing what they need to for their own country.

Again, are you going to tell me if Pakistan have the power US have today, they won't do it and they will just exist "for the good of the world"?

You asked him why he support the evil US empire, that's a pointless question because what is evil? It's different between you and me, and it is interchangeable. which mean your question is moot. As I quote, whoever you support, it's going to be evil for somebody anyway, then it beg the question why do you have to ask why support evil, as we all are in one point or the others.

And I am not saying @That Guy is pro-west, I am saying why you ask this question to begin with, I know for a fact @That Guy is not pro-west.
As I said, everyone is doing what they need to for their own country.

Again, are you going to tell me if Pakistan have the power US have today, they won't do it and they will just exist "for the good of the world"?

You asked him why he support the evil US empire, that's a pointless question because what is evil? It's different between you and me, and it is interchangeable. which mean your question is moot. As I quote, whoever you support, it's going to be evil for somebody anyway, then it beg the question why do you have to ask why support evil, as we all are in one point or the others.

And I am not saying @That Guy is pro-west, I am saying why you ask this question to begin with, I know for a fact @That Guy is not pro-west.
To be clear, I'm not anti-west either. After all, I deeply love Canada and consider it my home.

I just wish the collective west didn't do some of the bullshit it does....

...but hey, that's just my opinion.

I told you all, it will end like this once Kremlin will run out of cash.

Just yesterday, some damning news came about Russian exchequer, with Russian major banks being forced to buy overvalue bonds.

I told you all, it will end like this once Kremlin will run out of cash.

Just yesterday, some damning news came about Russian exchequer, with Russian major banks being forced to buy overvalue bonds.
Everyone and their mothers kinda saw it coming, so not really a surprise.
Russians were masterfully concealing the real size of their central bank's ballance sheet, but it came close to my original estimates of how big is their war chest, and how long will they be able to sustain an all out conflict: 16 months.

So it's now either non-stop money printing for them, or ripping private banks with forced bond purchases. The later likely finally tipped the financiers of big men.

They may have quite a bit of FX, and gold left to sell to the populace, and that seems to be the last trick they have.
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