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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2

Looks like Prighozin has been setting things up waiting for this opportunity.

The Russian general's pleas while clutching a gun sure betrays the seriousness of the situation. Putlers silence is quite telling. Bunker boy missing in action??
If this is true, it may not be great news for Ukraine.

Prigozhen may not be a military genius, but he has something that the rest of the Russian generals and Supreme command lacked, charisma. He can unite and raise the morale of Russian troops far more than anyone else in Russia, and that could be decisive when it comes to Russia holding against Ukraine's offensive.

If Prigozhen takes control of the Russian army, things are gonna get far worse for Ukraine, because Prigozhen has actual competent battlefield commanders working for him.
If this is true, it may not be great news for Ukraine.

Prigozhen may not be a military genius, but he has something that the rest of the Russian generals and Supreme command lacked, charisma. He can unite and raise the morale of Russian troops far more than anyone else in Russia, and that could be decisive when it comes to Russia holding against Ukraine's offensive.

If Prigozhen takes control of the Russian army, things are gonna get far worse for Ukraine, because Prigozhen has actual competent battlefield commanders working for him.

No doubt. He is definitely results oriented and pragmatic. But even he can't address the economic disaster the sanctions are wrecking. My guess is he bides his time by offering some concessions/withdrawals to the west/Ukraine and bides his time to regroup and rearm. expect tactical retreats to "advantageous" positions or a shrinking of the front line to pre invasion lines, holding on to their gains in Luhansk/Donetsk.
No doubt. He is definitely results oriented and pragmatic. But even he can't address the economic disaster the sanctions are wrecking. My guess is he bides his time by offering some concessions/withdrawals to the west/Ukraine and bides his time to regroup and rearm. expect tactical retreats to "advantageous" positions or a shrinking of the front line to pre invasion lines, holding on to their gains in Luhansk/Donetsk.
He has said that this war was a stupid idea in the past, so I wouldn't be surprised if he goes back to 2014 lines.

Again, this is all dependent on if any of this is true or not, we have no idea.
Rumor mill says that Putin may have escaped Russia...

Interesting developments

What a circus

The Wagner zombies moving in opposite direction.

Putin gets what he sows.
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