I find it hard to believe why you people always support CIA and the White House blindly while in actual, They are the center of evil in the world. If only people like you had a rational mindset, polarity could be subdued in the world
First of all,
NO ONE IS AN ANGEL IN THIS WORLD. I have lived in this world and do dirty deed long enough to know that. Every country only have one thing and on thing in their mind, that's themselves. This is true if you are talking about US, UK, Israel, or China, Sudan, South Africa, Russia or even your own country. Do you think Pakistan existed for the good in the world? No, it existed FOR ITS OWN People, and nothing is wrong about that.
Whether or not you take one side over the other is another issue, you may see US is all evil, I am pretty sure you will have the same sentiment if you are a Chinese, but at the same time, if you are an Australian, or British, or Japanese you may see US as an allies, Funny thing is, your view can shift, Japanese used to see US as their enemy, so did the French, so did Germany, so did the Brits. Or what could be Allies can now be foe, see how China turn against US after Vietnam? How Cuba, or Iran
So what's that mean? Nothing, you are going to hate US until probably you die, and it wouldn't change the world aspect anyhow, as long as country work for their own, which is how it should be, there are ALWAYS 2 sides of a coin, you either hate it or you like it, It all summed up by a WW2 quote from an Polish oficer "The only choice you can choose between 2 dictator is, I would rather chosen the one that speak my language" He is referring to the fact that he has to choose to fight for either Soviet Union or Germany during WW2.
Everybody's evil, just which side of evil you want to be in.
Why would they?
The Ukrainian backed Russian separatist have not face any when they went into Belgorod. They probably welcome Wagner there in Rostov-on-Don.