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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2


you laugh at all these tragedies, I know.

I have already explained it to you: in Adolf's time the Russians and the Yiddish people were the same in the eyes of "the blond beast".

And the Adolf nostalgists are so lazy that all they have done is to put real Semites where the Yiddish people were.

That's why you are allowed to hate the Russians.

I already thanked you for making me understand the madness of the Adolf.
Tragedies and more tragedies while a German fool laughs

It seems that HaShem wants to punish me for my sins

Or maybe it's just that this beautiful planet and painful world is like this
Tragedies and more tragedies while a German fool laughs

It seems that HaShem wants to punish me for my sins

Or maybe it's just that this beautiful planet and painful world is like this

Let's call it Karma!
LMAO!!! UkroNazis got duped into capturing Piatykhasky and ended up getting shafted! :sarcastic:
Russian's lured them in, then surrounded them and bombed the fcuk out of them and forced a retreat. The UkroNazi pigs ran back with their tails between their legs with less armor and men then they attacked with. NATO stronk tactics working wonders! Slava Cocaini

Bro, you should compose a song with the title "Slava Cocaini." Sounds good.
LMAO!!! UkroNazis got duped into capturing Piatykhasky and ended up getting shafted! :sarcastic:
Russian's lured them in, then surrounded them and bombed the fcuk out of them and forced a retreat. The UkroNazi pigs ran back with their tails between their legs with less armor and men then they attacked with. NATO stronk tactics working wonders! Slava Cocaini

As expected the supa dupa counter offensive that would drive Ukrainians ouf ot that village ended in a failed armor assault from the Russians and never captured it back, in fact Ukrainians are now much more forward that village. Pure copium just like the Makarivka "counter attack and nazis fleeing".
I'm not saying Russia didn't take POWs, it's war of course they did.

What I'm saying is that Sprinter is spreading fake news, as proven multiple times in this very thread.

Slava Cocaini. A Clown high on drugs leading the world to WW3. Who would have thought hey?!?!

It's been over a year, when is ww3 gonna start? I'm getting bored waiting.
It's been over a year, when is ww3 gonna start? I'm getting bored waiting.

Well by the looks of it, your Zionist brothers want it to start ASAP! Forcing Ukrainians to fight to the last Ukrainian in order to piss off the Russians to a point where they'll have no choice but to use nukes. Here's hoping peace prevails, but much to your pleasure, it's looking highly unlikely at this stage.
Well by the looks of it, your Zionist brothers want it to start ASAP! Forcing Ukrainians to fight to the last Ukrainian in order to piss off the Russians to a point where they'll have no choice but to use nukes. Here's hoping peace prevails, but much to your pleasure, it's looking highly unlikely at this stage.

Really? The only ones including here in this forum and thread are some pro-Russian nerds, who constantly threat to nuke Berlin, Washington, Paris, London and whatever when the evil West does not obey to the kind Russians!
Really ... get a look in the mirror and ask yourself if there is not really enough of lies and hate-speech spread by you?
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