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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2

Also for the russian cheerleaders here. (Who are awfully silent lately).

Supporting Russia on this , is supporting an unecessry , pointless war of agression , this is simply supporting evil. There is no nicer way to say it. They don't have a moral leg to stand on.

I look at west europeans countries transfering their old stocks of weapons to Ukraine and replacing them with new , even more deadly weapons , and i think what a waste .

Exactly countrary to the visions of the prophests :

" and they shall beat their swords into plowshares, and their spears into pruning hooks; nation shall not lift up sword against nation, neither shall they learn war anymore. "



Ukrainian forces have retaken part of the village of Berkhivka, north of Bakhmut in eastern Ukraine, the Wagner chief has said, branding it a “disgrace”.

In an audio message published by his press service, Yevgeny Prigozhin said:

“Now part of the settlement of Berkhivka has already been lost, the troops are quietly running away. Disgrace!”

He urged Shoigu and Gerasimov to "come to the front."

"Raise the army with pistols, so that they can march forward," Prigozhin added. "Come on, you can do it! And if you can't, you'll die as heroes."

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The Results Of The 1st Day. The Beginning Of The 2nd Wave. Military Summary And Analysis 2023.06.05

Supporting Russia on this , is supporting an unecessry , pointless war of agression , this is simply supporting evil. There is no nicer way to say it. They don't have a moral leg to stand on.

I look at west europeans countries transfering their old stocks of weapons to Ukraine and replacing them with new , even more deadly weapons , and i think what a waste .

Exactly countrary to the visions of the prophests :

" and they shall beat their swords into plowshares, and their spears into pruning hooks; nation shall not lift up sword against nation, neither shall they learn war anymore. "


Well. The europeans all but downsized their armies into oblivion thinking there would not be “another war”.
However it seems that is always a trigger for some dictator to see it as weakness and opportunity to attack.

The new weaponry is to make sure russia and perhaps turkey do not get any weird ideas.
Trump also showed we cannot and should not rely on the USA for our core defence interests either.
Well. The europeans all but downsized their armies into oblivion thinking there would not be “another war”.
However it seems that is always a trigger for some dictator to see it as weakness and opportunity to attack.

The new weaponry is to make sure russia and perhaps turkey do not get any weird ideas.
Trump also showed we cannot and should not rely on the USA for our core defence interests either.
Collectively, the EU/NATO does constitutes a formidable adversary to the singular Russia. But the greatest risk in any collective, or union or confederation or compact, is that all it takes is one dissent or one weakened member to put the entire collective at risk. An aggressor do not have to take on the collective but on that one weakened and/or wavering member. Germany was not economically weakened but was militarily wavering. Same can be made for other in Europe. Back in '19, Emmanuel Macron said that NATO was essentially 'brainless'. Frump may not be an intellectual in the same class as Macron, but Dump have consistently been observant enough to know when he can exploit and when he was being exploited. Objectively speaking, Clump was correct in demanding either NATO steps up or the US steps out.
Collectively, the EU/NATO does constitutes a formidable adversary to the singular Russia. But the greatest risk in any collective, or union or confederation or compact, is that all it takes is one dissent or one weakened member to put the entire collective at risk. An aggressor do not have to take on the collective but on that one weakened and/or wavering member. Germany was not economically weakened but was militarily wavering. Same can be made for other in Europe. Back in '19, Emmanuel Macron said that NATO was essentially 'brainless'. Frump may not be an intellectual in the same class as Macron, but Dump have consistently been observant enough to know when he can exploit and when he was being exploited. Objectively speaking, Clump was correct in demanding either NATO steps up or the US steps out.
Europe better hurry up and take advantage of the puppet Biden while they can. Come ‘24 if any Republican wins the gravy train is over, the US gets absolutely nothing in exchange. Heck we’ve even seen them talking publicly about any pacific conflict not being their problem, who needs friends like that.
I doubt it is as the attacking formations are of about a dozen of vehicles, probably probing Russian defenses to find weak points.

The main thrust will be towards Mauripol IMO. I believe this area to be the weakest in Russian lines along the southern front. Looks like two main lines up to 15-20km deep, then mostly open season towards the Sea of Azov
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