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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2

I’m glad to learn about Ukraine advance on Svatova, because that city is the key to Luhansk oblast. Liberate it and Ukrainian forces can go anywhere. Luhansk front maybe collapse to the 2014 defence line.

That 2014 defense line is much more formidable. But can the russians maintain it considering they will be outranged by precise ukrainian artillery?

With the rate the russians are also losing artillery..ukraine might actually have more punch around that time as well.
Lets see how well the russian mobiks hold positions when they are bombed off the face of the earth.
Breaking the 2014 defence line will be damn interesting given how much defence infrastructure that has been built up there compared with recent defensive lines.

The main push has not started - but you can smell the fear from the Russians - every twitch, every sound, every shell and the Russians are going into melt-down.
Breaking the 2014 defence line will be damn interesting given how much defence infrastructure that has been built up there compared with recent defensive lines.

The main push has not started - but you can smell the fear from the Russians - every twitch, every sound, every shell and the Russians are going into melt-down.
They always have an uptick of pathetic propaganda as well. But it is increasingly looking grim for russia.

I cannot wait to see them drown in their copium.

Also for the russian cheerleaders here. (Who are awfully silent lately).
I thought taking bakhmut and “breaking the back of ukranian army” would see the front lines collapsing?? Maybe it turned out less strategic after all? Or were they actually talking about the russian front lines instead?
I am neutral all tho I am slightly pro-ukriane I believe the battle for Kramatorsk will begin around october-november or december. Also Kramatorsk is where the largest Ukrianian forces are located.

Also I believe the counter-offensive has already happened and it occured in Belgorod and still ongoing
I am neutral all tho I am slightly pro-ukriane I believe the battle for Kramatorsk will begin around october-november or december. Also Kramatorsk is where the largest Ukrianian forces are located.

Also I believe the counter-offensive has already happened and it occured in Belgorod and still ongoing

Belgorod raids are only involving few companies at a time, nowhere near a brigade like. The main goal is to wreak havoc in Russian defenses, demoralize Russians and to force the Russians to divert forces from Ukraine. But that thing is working too well given Russia's incompetence.
So, according to the russian MOD Ukraine launched a full scale attack in the Donbas sunday morning. Two ukrainian mechanized brigades with support units. Of course Russia repelled this assault, killed +250 service members and destroyed 40 tanks, IFVs and APCs.
Only evidence of this is a drone footage showing about ten vehicles crossing a field and one damaged vehicle.
They are in a hurry claiming victory against the upcomming offensive.

Donbass Zugzwang| Escalation & Meat Grinder Along The Entire Front Line. Military Summary 2023.06.04

As I were around 20 years ago, I know that three Casus Belli were presented before the 2003 invasion. You only mention one. Do your research.
Were any of the three Casus Belli met? If so, that is enough for a war.

Then again, a war was not started in 2003.

Saddam Hussein started the war by invading Quwait. Please provide the date when the war ended (with a peace agreement) if you want to argue otherwise. (Tip: You can’t, since there were no peace agreement).

There was continuous low-intensity conflict between the coalition and Iraq during the ceasefire.
Hostilities ceased most of the attacking alliance withdrew. I am mentioning one not because I am picking and choosing facts, BUT because it was the only war on Iraq that was not justified. It was done under false pretext of WMD , not because of some violation of past ceasefire agreement. It wasn’t done because there was low-level conflict.

It was done by making a case to the UN that Iraq was hiding WMD. That you should be able to verify. If war was not started in 2003, then clearly you should talk to the ones of tens of thousands of civilians killed directly or indirectly because of the conflict. Or at a minimum go talk to one of the several thousand American veterans that sustained physical injury in the occupation that followed.

The comment on continuous low-level conflict is a baloney argument. There were no-fly zones and then one outright attack on Iraq using Tomahawks in late 90s.

And also news update for you: Iraq withdrew from Kuwait and its pretty much functioning as an independent country since the end of Desert Storm.

Chances of NATO and US succeeding in Ukraine in-spite of close to $120 billion military hardware to Ukraine at best are nil.

Yes, the US weaponry will inflict huge damage on Russia but in return damage to Ukraine and rest of Europe will be great rather insurmountable. Remember, it is Russia which turned Nazi Germany away from the gates of Moscow, Leningrad and Stalingrad. They instead destroyed Germany/Berlin before allies got there to claim victory.

Yes, there is a merit in seeking peace. Ukraine should give up its obsession on joining NATO and Russia should withdraw. None is likely to happen hence, war will contune.
We are back to the ‘Russia turned Germany away’ as the basis of their might? Germany that was overextended and was fighting three large military forces (Russia, US, UK) with the help fo second rate Axis powers? What about Afghanistan in the 80s, we remember that as well where forget Germany or Ukraine, Russia with full might of USSR could not prevail because of bleeding By a thousand cuts, mostly by the same countries that are lined up against it now.

Don’t take my sentences to imply that Russia should be brought down to its knees. I am just stating the military reality…. I think it is time to settle this with some sort of an agreement
Hostilities ceased most of the attacking alliance withdrew. I am mentioning one not because I am picking and choosing facts, BUT because it was the only war on Iraq that was not justified. It was done under false pretext of WMD , not because of some violation of past ceasefire agreement. It wasn’t done because there was low-level conflict.
Which is falsifying history.
There were many reasons for terminating the ceasefire which were stated in the authorization by Congress. You are simply cherrypicking to fit your agenda.

And ”ending hostilities” does not terminate a war. Especially since hostilities did not end.

It was done by making a case to the UN that Iraq was hiding WMD. That you should be able to verify. If war was not started in 2003, then clearly you should talk to the ones of tens of thousands of civilians killed directly or indirectly because of the conflict. Or at a minimum go talk to one of the several thousand American veterans that sustained physical injury in the occupation that followed.

The comment on continuous low-level conflict is a baloney argument. There were no-fly zones and then one outright attack on Iraq using Tomahawks in late 90s.

And Iraq were continuously firing at the aircraft maintaining the zones, and Congress is stating this as one of many reasons for the authorization.

And also news update for you: Iraq withdrew from Kuwait and its pretty much functioning as an independent country since the end of Desert Storm.

And Saddam Hussein continued with his thing until the US finally had enough of his shit. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.

Any comparision with the Russian War of Aggression falls on its face.
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