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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2

The Ukrainian army over the recent days has stepped up its attacks against rear garrisons, fuel depots, logistic hubs, troop concentration and Russian artillery systems helped by the delivery of Scalp missiles notably which allowed far away strikes in the south and Luhansk. Ukraine is shaping the battlefield, major actions might happen in the next days/weeks.
He's just mad that the US tried to arrest him.

So did the cheerleaders here accepted the defeat in Bakhmut yet. You know Jewlinsky was saying Bakhmut is in our hearts now when asked if Bakhmut has fallen. Lolol
Lmao, bakhmut was and still remains insignificant. Nothing has changed since its capture, and guess what? The Ukrainians are making progress at encircling the city.

With Wagner leaving the city and leaving its defenses to poorly trained and equipped militias, Bakhmut is gonna go back to Ukraine within a few months, if not earlier.

This is retarded. If Canada accepts a Chinese military base, then that's its own decision and would not justify a military invasion and annexation from the US.

The entire video is so stupid.

Donbass Zugzwang | Air Defense Suppression. Military Summary And Analysis For 2023.05.29

I get it russia can't downgrade a system they built .
oh I forget all their export products or downgraded version of something in their inventory
The issue isn't that they can't, rather it would take too long. You're essentially asking them to re-engineer an existing missile.

The Ukrainian army over the recent days has stepped up its attacks against rear garrisons, fuel depots, logistic hubs, troop concentration and Russian artillery systems helped by the delivery of Scalp missiles notably which allowed far away strikes in the south and Luhansk. Ukraine is shaping the battlefield, major actions might happen in the next days/weeks.
Weeks, not days.

It's good to be optimistic but it's unlikely to be days.

Shaping operations take a long time, and Ukraine has a huge area it needs to cover.
Did worked in Asia. Twice. JPN and SKR, and to a limited extent, Taiwan. The first two were similar to each other. The US did not 'win hearts and minds' much but the main reason why the JPNese and the SKReans changed was, to put it simply, they are a civilized people.

The horrors of 'total warfare' at an industrial scale prompted the creation of a set of moralities, as much as we can abide, to govern behaviors in war and to limit the list of legitimate targets to exclude civilians as much as possible. We did away with slavery, so are you positing some kind of reasoning someone could use to bring that back?
These set of moralities, what specific treaties are you referring to (I am saying it in ernst to learn): were these put in place post WWII ? Or later or earlier? Or more after the 70s?

I am not sure that looked objectively what happened by bombing Hanoi would be considered much different than what Kiev is going through now.
The issue isn't that they can't, rather it would take too long. You're essentially asking them to re-engineer an existing missile.
and the war already took more than a year and has no foreseeable end
He's just mad that the US tried to arrest him.

Lmao, bakhmut was and still remains insignificant. Nothing has changed since its capture, and guess what? The Ukrainians are making progress at encircling the city.

With Wagner leaving the city and leaving its defenses to poorly trained and equipped militias, Bakhmut is gonna go back to Ukraine within a few months, if not earlier.

This is retarded. If Canada accepts a Chinese military base, then that's its own decision and would not justify a military invasion and annexation from the US.

The entire video is so stupid.
So it's confirmed Bakhmut is in our hearts now?
and the war already took more than a year and has no foreseeable end
The only way to end this war is Ukraine annihilate the Russians invasion army. which now has 300,000 men. That’s twice the size when the Russia invasion began.

Russia economy should be brought back into a level that their industry capability can’t attack Ukraine or any country again.

Or Putin falls off the window.

That’s the fastest way to end the bloodshed.

So it's confirmed Bakhmut is in our hearts now?
not even really.
Ukraine disputes its full capture and claims some outskirts.
Russia did not bother to prove conclusive otherwise with pictures that can be geolocated…and is even losing ground surrounding bakhmut so control is not secure.

I think bakhmut was indeed lost. However aside from propaganda purpose it does not change strategic situation.
That’s fake news. Russia’s military campaign is annihilating Ukraine as nation, country and race. That’s not changed. Putin never withdraws any of these demands. You mean Ukraine would accept going into gas chambers to have a peace deal?

In addition Russia’s demands include the US withdraw from Europe, withdraw nuclear weapons, undoing all NATO expansion eastward.

Russia’s new map of Europe even demands Denmark to exclude from the NATO.

Simply ridiculous.
I am not sure that looked objectively what happened by bombing Hanoi would be considered much different than what Kiev is going through now.

From what you write ,one would think it was Ukraine that conducted a surprise attack on " Pearl Sevastopol " eliminationg the Russian fleet in the black see.

And not an unprovoked brtutal invasion of Russia to Ukraine in order to conquer it.

Irrelevant Whatabotism.

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