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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2

People should all be thanking President TRUMP for Ukraine even still existing. Without the Javelins Trump sent them Ukraine would already be no more. Ukraine BEGGED Obama/Biden for them and they refused. Trump sent them Javlelins and other weapons when he became president, the very weapons they used to impeach him over withholding even though he got them for them in the first place. That's how unhinged Democrats are. Guess what Biden did when he became president? Stop the shipments of weapons. Without those Trump missiles to stop Russian tanks this war would have been over already with Ukraine wiped out. So thank you Trump. Trump sanctioned the Russian pipeline and told the EU to stop buying their gas and funding their military. Biden promptly lifted those sanctions. Easy to see who the real Putin puppet is, eh? But 10% for the Big Guy is all that mattered to Sniffer Joe
Yes credit to Trump
He approved the sale of Javelins to Ukraine, interestingly, after he met Putin in person. Trump realized Putin is a man he doesn’t trust.
Obama refused weapon delivery to Ukraine because he did not want to anger Russia. What a delusion. That sign of weakness encouraged Putin to start wars in Ukraine, Georgia, Moldavia, Syria, and other theatres.

With javelins Ukraine army didn’t have the means to stop Russia tanks it would have lost the war.

Former US Army General who lead the 24th Infantry Division assault on Iraq during Desert Storm
But he did not tell about Ukrainian casualties in Bakhmut. How many? 200,000?

Russia doesn’t have the manpower density at a frontline
Nither does Ukranine has. UNless USA and NATO decide to send their troops into this war instead of just fueling it with money, some weapons, and Ukranian manpower (as sacrifice goats) this war does not seem good for Ukraine. Surely it will weak Russia a lot but in between Ukraine will be raised to the ground.

Trump mishandled...?

Afghanistan was mishandled when that Biden retard left it, when Trump was there he was MOABing the sand monkeys and Taliban didn't dare to act up.

The worst of COVID was during Biden's cadency, Biden just capitalized on the crisis and did nothing to improve it.
Hello Benny!
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US should have never tried a regime change in cavemen societies like Afghanistan, it should have just kept it as a training and weapon tests ground for its military.

Americans ****ed the Afghans militarily, that "America lost to Afghanistan" autistic screech makes no sense, US was superior at every point, but US decision to create a puppet regime failed because they relied on Afghans being able to create any meaningful conventional force. Of course they wouldn't, those are 70 IQ goat herders.
Benny, you seem so angry, and frustrated.... plus desperate to rant random things. Good.
There is hardly a house left standing , and he takes a picture , as if there is something here to be proud of.
We have seen scenes of this type in the Middle East also where some invaders do the same. They dance and drink over the corpses of children they just drained.
Well, I cannot support evil against evil. People think I am pro-Russia... No, I am not. I am against Ukraine... No, I am not.
I am only against the system that brought Ukraine into this mess, sacrificing its people to achieve their own goals.
We have seen scenes of this type in the Middle East also where some invaders do the same.

Yes like in Syria. Towns and city looks the same.



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History reminds us :
Napolean defeated when he tried to invade Moscow back in the day 250 years ago.
WW2 Germany tried to invade Russia across huge border with superior tanks & Messerschmitt figthers yet failed horribly. Stalingrad & Battle of Kursk was easy victory for Germans but what happened there?
Ukraine is already showing the failure to stand up to Russia in less than 1.5 years. Now Russia will double down.
Any country sides with Ukraine is putting its own slap on its face and wasting financial assets, time wasted, betting on the wrong horse and lastly falling for NATO propuganda(not that I am anti NATO but they have clearly lost in logistics to predictions of war).
That is selective memory…
The best analogy to todays Russia is Russia during WWI, after which the Russian Empire ceased to exist.
History reminds us :
Napolean defeated when he tried to invade Moscow back in the day 250 years ago.
WW2 Germany tried to invade Russia across huge border with superior tanks & Messerschmitt figthers yet failed horribly. Stalingrad & Battle of Kursk was easy victory for Germans but what happened there?
Ukraine is already showing the failure to stand up to Russia in less than 1.5 years. Now Russia will double down.
Any country sides with Ukraine is putting its own slap on its face and wasting financial assets, time wasted, betting on the wrong horse and lastly falling for NATO propuganda(not that I am anti NATO but they have clearly lost in logistics to predictions of war).

Germany was fighting a war with US-led forces on the one hand and Soviet Union on the other hand. The Wehrmacht had to split its resources for both fronts and could not reinforce its military force for the Battle of Kursk in 1943 due to this factor.


US was also providing significant military aid to Soviet Union and was focused on plugging Soviet military capability gaps including its logistics needs (i.e., Lend-Lease Act).

German logistics capability was a lot to be desired in comparison:

This is why Germany lost the war in the end.

Yes like in Syria. Towns and city looks the same.


Also, there is another apartheid state in the middle east which you forget to mention. They are bombing the native civilians, day and night, right even now.
It’d be incredible if those 20 Ukrainian brigades just booked it towards Moscow. Talk about surprise, and I doubt there would be any significant resistance in their path since most of the Russian Army is tied up in Ukraine. It’ll never happen, but it’d probably work. The Russian panic would be legendary.
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