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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2

Prigozhin filling his contract and running, his flanks are already compromised and he knows that staying in Bakhmut is a death sentence.

On the 5 of may he said: he was pulling his troops out of Bahkmut becuase he was not supplied emunition :

"I'm pulling Wagner units out of Bakhmut because in the absence of ammunition they're doomed to perish senselessly "

On the 20 of may he said : They are leaving on the 25 of may , because they have finished capturing the city :

“ Until May 25, we will completely inspect it, create the necessary defense lines and hand it over to the military so that they can continue to work, and we ourselves will go to field camps "

Seems to be a parrtern where he annonces they are to about to leave in 5 days

Attack of 3 Ukrainian infantry fighting vehicles in the Zaporozhye direction. Footage of the attack of three Ukrainian BMP-1s in the Zaporozhye direction in January of this year has been published. The positions of the Russian reconnaissance group of the army special forces and marines of the 177th regiment of the Caspian flotilla were attacked. Three Ukrainian BMP-1s came close to the Russian positions and landed troops. As a result of the ensuing battle, after one of the BMPs was damaged, the Ukrainian units retreated. The details of the battle are unknown, according to the results of the battle, there are wounded on both sides.

A short episode of an oncoming tank battle has been published, a Russian T-80BVM tank, under the command of a fighter with the call sign Altai, with a Ukrainian tank, presumably T-64. Reportedly, a Ukrainian tank leaving the forest belt was attacked by a T-80BVM tank. The video shows part of the battle, where the T-80BVM tank fires a second time at a Ukrainian tank and undermines its ammunition load.

Can we fact check this for a minute? Putin seems welcomed currently in:

North Korea
South Africa

that's already 6 and it cant be all..so why you lying bro?

this means Ukraine has already lost the war- how do we know this? because Ukraine has lost the ground war, because it now sees fighting from the air as its only potential hope to recover its position vis-a-vis Russian army in east Ukraine.

The moment any military has lost the ground war, its lost the war overall, we know this from US losses in Iraq and Afghanistan, and also from Saudis in Yemen- in all these situations, the wars were irreversibly lost and doomed the moment US and Saudi militaries relied primarily on airpower to fight their enemies- airpower didnt destroy Taliban in the end, it made US lose the war, and Saudis airforce hasnt been able to stop the Houthis- those wars were lost!!
Not to forget Putin is most welcome in all GCC arab nations :
Saudi Arabia
Egypt etc
Ignoring the simpletons that think Bakhmut (53rd city of ukraine) falling after a year constitutes some major strategic victory for russia.

How are the F16s going to alter the battlefield?
The russian airforce is mostly MIA due to high initial losses and Ukraines air defence. However it did seem they switched tactic to long range missiles and glide bombs.

Are the F16 going to come with a set of missiles outranging the russians?
Or are they gonna use them more for Jdams/own glide bombs, or perhaps Harm-SEAD?

BY my guess it is more probable to see new russian offensive in summee time then ukrainian counteroffensive.
I do not buy this shit about depletion of russian armor and combat units.
15 months into the war Bakhmut is fallen or not yet? Even if Bakhmut is falling the credit goes to the wagners. The zombies destroyed or more precise they liberating a ruin with enormous sacrifices. Has Russia no shame? Where is Russia army?

Onto Chasiv Yar next. More and more Ukrainian territory will be taken until the Clown of Kiev comes to the table. At the moment whilst "his" people suffer, he's busy holidaying around the world not giving a flying F about pursuing peace. Rather adding more fuel to the fire with his neo-con pals.
F16s for Ukr
Imagine if only 1 crazy Ukr emotional pilot flies to Moscow & does kamakazi attack near Kremlin ????
What do you think Russia will counter attack = Tactical Nukes !!!

What difference does it make if this lone pilot was using a F-16?
Russia is a nuclear armed madhouse turning into a fascist state. All Putins minions insinuate or directly talk about using nukes, as if it would solve all their problems. But so far they havent. I guess some one inside Kremlin do know a nuclear attack is not an option.
How anyone thinks russia will come out of this winners and heroes needs their head examined. Biggest military miscalculation in living memory from the stalled 40 mile column of embarrassment to this. So called second best army in the world have been struggling for nearly a year to take this dump .....

I would still say it was an actual calculation.

It's clearly impossible to capture a country the size of Ukraine with 240k troops, even if it had much smaller military. That's borderline suicidal.

They bet everything on a minute chance of walkover in case the coup they staged against the UA government had succeded. But SBU officials recruited for that were promptly purged/dismissed weeks in advance.

And the para drop on Hostomel airport was already meaningless after the coup has been dismantled. The sole para officer which lived long enough to be interrogated said they were to support "the new government."

Even if they somehow managed to disembark, and push out into Kiyv, there wouldn't be the coup plotter to wait for them there.

The 40 mile columns of trucks would've also be for nothing, as plotters, for whom supplies were carried, would not be there to setup a base in Kiyv, nor the intimidation factor from it played out (this explains why there were so many empty trucks in it.) Instead, they just turned into decays for the less useless part of the invasion force.

The reason a significant part of the invasion been not the military, but Russian police, and 3 letter services is also explained by the desire to use them against the populace, and political persecution after the seizure of power. Against the trained military, however, they had no chances.
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THE FIRST NUMBERS | The End Of Battle Of Bakhmut. Military Summary And Analysis 2023.05.21

F16s for Ukr
Imagine if only 1 crazy Ukr emotional pilot flies to Moscow & does kamakazi attack near Kremlin ????
What do you think Russia will counter attack = Tactical Nukes !!!

What complete Rubbish ..

Ukraine has honoured every commitment it has made to those who are supporting it - and every individual in Ukraine understands the need to do that - so that they can continue to beat Russia on the field.
What complete Rubbish ..

Ukraine has honoured every commitment it has made to those who are supporting it - and every individual in Ukraine understands the need to do that - so that they can continue to beat Russia on the field.
Oh exactly 2 weeks ago Ukrainian drone attempted to kill Putin n Kremlin.
Numerous attacks on crimea civilians etc.
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