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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2

In Iraq the country was fighting a coalition of 30+ country while it's army systematically dismantled for a decade and was under sanction for more
In Ukraine the country was building it's army for last 8 years and 30+ country is actually provide weapon for free for them while Russia is alone in the warif you can't see the difference I don't knew what to say.

The transformation of the Ukrainian military since the dark days of 2014 is simply astonishing. And they’re doing it even now in the middle of a full scale war against a power which on paper should be steamrolling them. Damn impressive.
I would argue that both ROC and CPC were both engage in the same war against the Japanese, that would most likely render this argument moot, because it would have slot in to either definition of the Government of China at that point.

Because that that juncture, there were 2 government existed for China as it was in a civil war before this happened.

Case in point, would you consider a Chinese KMT soldier fighting with Mao's CPC force in China to be a mercenary??
Here, the highlighted, we have the shared nationality clause which would disqualify the soldier from being a mercenary. If he switch side, from KMT to CPC or vice versa, that would be switching political parties.

CWI: How does an understanding of Civil War soldiers as mercenaries reshape our understanding of the relationship between soldiers and the state during the 1860s?​
Marvel: I should point out that I don’t really consider most Union soldiers mercenaries in the popular, pejorative sense of the word, although men who enlisted because they needed the money met the technical definition.​
...opportunity to improve one’s economic condition and social status drew men into the army at least as early as the Revolution.

Wars always attract those who would fight for money and not necessarily amount of money that would be 'excessive' comparable to regular soldiers. That you have to pay your soldiers is inevitable. If we pull in things such as no taxes shopping at the PX/commissary and paid college tuition, that you and I enjoyed when we served, would make us both technically mercenaries if only pay and other in-kind benefits are summed and used.

So absent shared nationality and patriotism, you have no choice but to pay some enlistees extra to entice them to risk limbs and even lives in the fight for the cause. This, I believe, is where the AVG qualified as mercenaries under today's criteria.
I do not think that people generally volunteered to fight against Franco for personal gain. They felt a need to fight fascism. Likewise, there were 10,000 Swedish volunteers fighting for Finland during the Winter War.
Finns were considered brothers, and ”their fight is our fight” was the motto.
”Finlands sak är vår”.
So how would we, including Russia, disqualify the Wagner Group as being mercenaries? We, including Russia, could say that there are neo Nazis in Ukraine, evoking horrific memories from WW II. So instead of having shared nationality, we, including Russia, could say there is a shared threat.

The problem is that no one outside of information controlled Russia believes that. Neo Nazis are everywhere, including the US. They are often, if not usually, loud but usually not politically influential wherever they are. So the neo Nazis justification failed to gain traction across Europe. We, now excluding Russia, can safely assume that the recruitment pitch from Wagner, especially to prisoners, is as high minded as in the past.
The transformation of the Ukrainian military since the dark days of 2014 is simply astonishing. And they’re doing it even now in the middle of a full scale war against a power which on paper should be steamrolling them. Damn impressive.
Yeah its very impressive how effective the Nato training and doctrines are compared to the old soviet model. (Helped with western intel)

However nothing would matter if not for the ukranians showing such incredible motivation and morale. I guess 2014 really shocked them to wake from their previous slumber. While russia came home with a false sense of superiority and overconfidence.

They also pick up fast on new weapons and training. I hear very good things on ukranian recruits.

What a massive difference compared to trying to train the Afghan army……
what s400, pantsir, BUK, TOR doing?

I thought Russian air defenses are the best in the world!!!

Poland just got 5 x HIMARS today

I guess they will be wanting a refund

Russian air defenses successfully did not prevent HIMARS from raining death on Russian troops, as various Russian bases and targets keep getting bombed.
So how would we, including Russia, disqualify the Wagner Group as being mercenaries? We, including Russia, could say that there are neo Nazis in Ukraine, evoking horrific memories from WW II. So instead of having shared nationality, we, including Russia, could say there is a shared threat.

The problem is that no one outside of information controlled Russia believes that. Neo Nazis are everywhere, including the US. They are often, if not usually, loud but usually not politically influential wherever they are. So the neo Nazis justification failed to gain traction across Europe. We, now excluding Russia, can safely assume that the recruitment pitch from Wagner, especially to prisoners, is as high minded as in the past.

Russia ultra nationalists , Italian ultra nationalists? And Ukrainian ultra nationalists. They are all useful to putin. Many have their own direct links too. Often kicking a ball around a mock battlefield. Has media ever looked into the role that certain football firm ( esp the Moscow Spartak ultras) play in all of this managed nationalism?
In Iraq the country was fighting a coalition of 30+ country while it's army systematically dismantled for a decade and was under sanction for more
In Ukraine the country was building it's army for last 8 years and 30+ country is actually provide weapon for free for them while Russia is alone in the warif you can't see the difference I don't knew what to say.
With 73% coming from the US and 25% coming from the UK, how important were the remaining 2%?
I.E: Icelands 2 soldiers did exactly what?

So how would we, including Russia, disqualify the Wagner Group as being mercenaries? We, including Russia, could say that there are neo Nazis in Ukraine, evoking horrific memories from WW II. So instead of having shared nationality, we, including Russia, could say there is a shared threat.

The problem is that no one outside of information controlled Russia believes that. Neo Nazis are everywhere, including the US. They are often, if not usually, loud but usually not politically influential wherever they are. So the neo Nazis justification failed to gain traction across Europe. We, now excluding Russia, can safely assume that the recruitment pitch from Wagner, especially to prisoners, is as high minded as in the past.
The Wagner group members are certainly in it either for the money, or the hope to be free of prison, which are both for personal gain, so according to the traditional definition, they ate mercenaries, but the powers that be has decided that they want to be able to hire people to fight, so they excluded their own nationality or residents.
This allows them to pay risk money for difficult missions, with a simple defense if they are caught.
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Here is another one you can give a negative rating to Deino :sarcastic:


Indeed ... this is nothing but posting stupid propaganda, lies and hate-speech ... exactly the same ultra-low and unspeakable level as someone would post anti-islam cartoons like the ones from Charly Hebdo in order to insult Islam.
Indeed ... this is nothing but posting stupid propaganda, lies and hate-speech ... exactly the same ultra-low and unspeakable level as someone would post anti-islam cartoons like the ones from Charly Hebdo in order to insult Islam.

Except its not propaganda or hate speech is it. It's globally acknowledged verifiable information, that Zionists control positions of power globally in order to achieve their goals.
The Clown of Kiev is just one of their pawns on the grand chess board desperately looking to start a global conflict.
Here is one of his pals....both siphoning money from this tragic war they jointly engineered.

And here is a fellow Jew telling it how it is.

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