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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2


In Adolf's time

In Adolf's time the Slavs and the Yiddish people were one and the same in the eyes of "the blond beast".

Adolf's heirs are so lazy that all they have done is to put Muslims, true Semites and people of Islamic culture in the place of the Yiddish people.
US is unlikely to transfer AIM-120 to Ukraine, and that's even if they agreed to give them F-16. Because while a defensive weapon, they are likely to be seen as a Significant escalation of this war.

On the other hand, if Ukraine really did get the L-159, they are very likely to be implemented as Air Support platform, which mean they are going to use them as Su-25 and drop JDAM, something they already had

I mean, unless US want to support Ukraine on air superiority mission chance of granting ARMAAM is slim.
in that scenario i doubt they fare better than Ukraine migs, they will fall prey to flankers and unlike migs they don't have that much chance of escaping , something to do with their speed

Here it is:

The intercept causes explosion - the missile will not be found intact but in parts.
you mean the warhead remained intact after explosion but the guidance system and casing didn't .
that's a betab-500 aka fab-500 not kinzal
I don’t know I guess however old weapons will get a refresh in electronics. You don’t send old stuffs to war. Makes no sense.
About Russia’s lancet the west will impose more bans on electronic exports to Russia. Without electronics those suicide drones can’t fly. it is not a magic weapon anyway.
Rheinmetall plans to construct factories in Ukraine that will produce tanks, anmmo and other weapons. They will produce most likely drone trucks as well.
Will be interesting.
Drones fighting midair.
Welcome to robot war.

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those factories won't last long , unless Ukraine get some potent air defense in sufficient number not some hand me down relics that other countries don't want anymore
in that scenario i doubt they fare better than Ukraine migs, they will fall prey to flankers and unlike migs they don't have that much chance of escaping , something to do with their speed

Well, they would be operate under SAM umbrella, they are like A-10 in our Air Force, you don't go single in hostile airspace with an A-10. .

They are supposed to be solely for CAS, the area are protected by either SAM or Ukrainian MiG or both, and then they can be used to attack ground target within those area. That's why it's very good for the breakout phase, if they can have it by then. .
The wagners zombies are finished. Prigozhin lost 500 men. He blamed Russia 72th brigade. The regular Russia unit supposed to protect the southern flank however they just pissed off. Or as Prigozhin says, the Russians pissed away.

Putin is more pissed. As part to erase all russian traces Poland wants to rename Kaliningrad to Königsberg or Krolewiec in polish.

there are always raw material suited only for zombification in Russia

Well, they would be operate under SAM umbrella, they are like A-10 in our Air Force, you don't go single in hostile airspace with an A-10. .

They are supposed to be solely for CAS, the area are protected by either SAM or Ukrainian MiG or both, and then they can be used to attack ground target within those area. That's why it's very good for the breakout phase, if they can have it by then. .
a10 is armored , is that aircraft is armored
Let us hope and pray Russia will nuke this evil island called UK. They are now delivering cruise missiles designed to kill the Russian people. Someone really needs to level with that evil island. The sooner, the better.

@waz @WebMaster Again, another harmless post which a user has to have his reputation permanently affected simply because someone doesnt agree with them. No personal attacks, no insults, nothing.
Pattern in Russia's way of fighting war OR Russia's way of fighting war against stubborn US proxies? Ukraine in war in Europe and ISIS + Sunni militants in Middle east/Syria.

How many times I have to remind you to be factual in your posts?



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Turkey supports Free National Army in Syria.

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US supports Syrian Democratic Forces in Syria.

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This group destroyed the Islamic State of Iraq and Levant (ISIL) in Syria:

Led by Kurds, the YPG evolved over time into the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF): a multi-ethnic, multi-religious force in which all the indigenous peoples of the region are represented. Arabs, Assyrians, Armenians, Yezidis, Circassians and Turkmen have fought alongside Kurds to defend their homeland. By 2019, when the SDF had liberated all of Syrian territory from ISIS control, there were some 100,000 fighters (including SDF and Internal Security Forces) under the leadership of SDF commander-in-chief Mazlum Abdi, a Syrian Kurd and former Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK) cadre.[2] The majority of his rank-and-file fighters, however, were Arabs.

Operation Inherent Resolve:

Syrian Democratic Forces also have links with Assad administration in Syria.

Turkey has clashed with Syrian Democratic Forces on the other hand.

With Russian backing (with Moscow pulling out troops and opening up airspace to Turkey), Turkey launched Operation Olive Branch in Afrin in January 2018 (lasting until March 2018). The YPG refused a Russian offer to hand over Afrin completely to the Syrian regime and as a result, Russia allowed Turkey to attack. This temporarily disrupted SDF-US cooperation against ISIS, with the SDF redirecting troops to defend Afrin from the Turkish assault. The earlier Operation Euphrates Shield was also coordinated with Russia, as were most Turkish operations against the SDF.

Nevertheless, despite losing Afrin, the SDF continued to work with the US and liberated the last territory from ISIS in Baghouz on 23 March 2019. But this did not stop Turkey from launching another attack, ‘Operation Peace Spring’, in October 2019. The US made attempts in June 2018 – through the Manbij Roadmap and through a safe zone deal in March 2019 involving Turkey and the SDF – to prevent a further Turkish incursion. However, Turkey demanded that this ‘safe zone’ on its border be completely under its control.

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Iran and Russia support Assad administration in Syria.

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Syria Civil War.png

You were talking about Suhoi, I don't think A-10 Armour can stand a few R-77 strike.

Armour are good for ground fire, not Air to Air, which is what you were talking about.
that's what I mean , this plane will be shoot out of sky with for example a single ilga , a-10 have equipment for defence itself against it and it can survive it in case of being hit with it
that's what I mean , this plane will be shoot out of sky with for example a single ilga , a-10 have equipment for defence itself against it and it can survive it in case of being hit with it
You won't be at that attack profile if you drop JDAM at 30 kilometer up.

And if you do run into enemy anti-air, you still have flare and chaff for defence, same as A-10
You won't be at that attack profile if you drop JDAM at 30 kilometer up.

And if you do run into enemy anti-air, you still have flare and chaff for defence, same as A-10
not work against modern system with modern infra red detectors and algorithms
by the way does it even support JDAM in its current form, I guess Maverick is the best it certified for, wonder if ukraine have any , I always liked AGM-65 and AGM-114 system like those are fantastic for stopping column of tanks
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not work against modern system with modern infra red detectors and algorithms
by the way does it even support JDAM in its current form, I guess Maverick is the best it certified for, wonder if ukraine have any , I always liked AGM-65 and AGM-114 system like those are fantastic for stopping column of tanks
Well, again, what A-10 had against this system, these L-159 also have them. So I don't really know why you think A-10 can survive advance SAM and L-159 cannot.

And I think what aircraft can use what bomb is probably a moot point now as they can probably rig it on anything, I mean they rigged it so Mig-29 can use JDAM, what make you think they can't do it with L-159?

On the other hand, I believe the US L-159 upgrade can drop JDAM. Don't quote me on it tho, don't have time to verify

Lol - I wonder how long it took them to gain those 7km versus lose that 7km…

Months and months of fighting and tens of thousands dead Russians to gain that territory, only to lose it quicker than the time it takes to make a good roast dinner on Sunday?

The Red Army is a joke and they have yet to see the Sharp end of all the new equipment that Ukraine has been given. That surprise still awaits them.
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