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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2

As a brit myself, I agree that the island is indeed Britain. Take it or leave it but if one carries out enough research, it's the only logical conclusion. I have linked 3 short clips below, but the sheikh has hours worth of lectures on this topic if you wish to learn more.

So you want to murder your own family then? Wow, you're a sociopath.
This was a discussion a out nuking the UK because it hosts the dajjal. You're literally trying to justify it.

And no, those videos aren't proof of anything.

Just to make things clear, I am not for the Nuking of any country on this planet. However, I agree with the posters claim that Britain is the island of Dajjal.
So how about you stop being a douche and stop jumping to BS conclusions in your mind.
Like I said, take the evidence or leave it. Those who wish to see it will make their own conclusions.
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Just to make things clear, I am not for the Nuking of any country on this planet. However, I agree with the posters claim that Britain is the island of Dajjal.
So how about you stop being a douche and stop jumping to BS conclusions in your mind.
Like I said, take the evidence or leave it. Those who wish to see it will make their own conclusions.
There is no evidence, youtube videos arent evidence of anything. If you don't like it, don't get involved with other people's coversation, especially when you didn't read the entire thing.
There is no evidence, youtube videos arent evidence of anything. If you don't like it, don't get involved with other people's coversation, especially when you didn't read the entire thing.

Just goes to show how retarded your thinking is. Arguing for the sake of arguing. The individual in the Videos is giving HIS evidence. Whether you have the intellectual capacity to understand what he is saying is a different matter.
And in terms of "not liking it", the thing I take exception to is you calling others sociopaths without basis. It's unwarranted.
And finally, it's a public forum; the whole point of which is to engage with each other. Who are you to dictate where I should or should not speak?
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Just goes to show how retarded your thinking is. Arguing for the sake of arguing. The individual in the Videos is giving HIS evidence. Whether you have the intellectual capacity to understand what he is saying is a different matter.
And in terms of "not liking it", the thing I take exception to is you calling others sociopaths without basis. It's unwarranted.
And finally, it's a public forum; the whole point of which is to engage with each other. Who are you to dictate where I should or should not speak?
You got involved in a conversation that had nothing to do with you, and you call me retarded? My comment was advice, not an order. I'm so far being as polite as I can be, but next time I will completely embarrass you if you get involved in a conversation that has nothing to do with you and you decide to make poor arguments.

Personal opinions aren't evidence. The fact that you think otherwise is laughable.

I guess calling for genocide is a sign of a perfectly healthy mind, is that what you're trying to say?
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