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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2

Ukrainians willing to go to war with Russia?
not really, because they would've never rented the balls to do so without NATO support or instruction.
Russia invaded,
yes, outwardly.
ukraine defend itself
nope- Ukraine provoked the invasion, so Ukraine cant play victim, because it ISNT a victim- how come it prepared NATO-grade fortifications since 2014 against frontline in Donbass? what was it predicting or preempting by Russia to do that? Ukraine cant play dumb, unless its stupid- its actions and collusion with NATO threatened Russia, and it was stupid enough to think Russia wouldnt act on that, we know that now.
- did Ukraine have a choice?
offcourse it did- stay neutral and dont compromise Russia's security because of its own selfish interests in aligning with NATO. Ignoring your big neighbor is always foolish- let Iraq try it and find out the hard way, let Taiwan try it, and also find out the hard way.
The Russians literally invaded their country, are you high?

It's like India invading and taking Karachi and Lahore, and then you complaining about Pakistanis fighting back against the invasion.

Diplomacy wouldn't have stopped Russia's armies, so don't give me that bullshit excuse.

This isn't my opinion, this is indisputable fact.
It's awesome when someone said the country that is being invaded to stay neutral......

Maybe US should invade Cuba and Venezuela and then I would ask "why didn't these countries stay neutral and have to be pro-Russia"........
But if you compare it to Aleppo, there seems almost to be a pattern in Russia's way of war-fighting!
Pattern in Russia's way of fighting war OR Russia's way of fighting war against stubborn US proxies? Ukraine in war in Europe and ISIS + Sunni militants in Middle east/Syria.
not really, because they would've never rented the balls to do so without NATO support or instruction.

yes, outwardly.

nope- Ukraine provoked the invasion, so Ukraine cant play victim, because it ISNT a victim- how come it prepared NATO-grade fortifications since 2014 against frontline in Donbass? what was it predicting or preempting by Russia to do that? Ukraine cant play dumb, unless its stupid- its actions and collusion with NATO threatened Russia, and it was stupid enough to think Russia wouldnt act on that, we know that now.

offcourse it did- stay neutral and dont compromise Russia's security because of its own selfish interests in aligning with NATO. Ignoring your big neighbor is always foolish- let Iraq try it and find out the hard way, let Taiwan try it, and also find out the hard way.
Taiwan already doing that

But ccp monkeys can’t do anything about it lolz

Oh sorry not monkey I mean Winnie the Pooh’s loyal donkeys lolz

UK confirms supply of Storm Shadow long-range missiles in Ukraine​

    • Published
      10 hours ago
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Storm Shadow missile (file pic)
By James Gregory
BBC News

The UK has confirmed it is supplying Ukraine with long-range missiles it requested for its fight against invading Russian forces.
The Storm Shadow cruise missile has a range of over 250km (155 miles), according to the manufacturer.
By contrast, the US-supplied Himars missiles used by Ukraine only have a range of around 80 km (50 miles).
The weapons will give Ukraine the "best chance" of defending itself, UK Defence Secretary Ben Wallace said.
They are fired from aircraft, so the longer range means Ukrainian pilots will be able to stay further from the frontlines.
Once launched, the Storm Shadow drops to low altitude to avoid detection by enemy radar, before latching onto its target with an infra-red seeker.
The announcement was made in the House of Commons by Mr Wallace. The decision follows repeated pleas from Ukraine for more weapons from the West.
Mr Wallace said the missiles would "allow Ukraine to push back Russian forces based on Ukrainian sovereign territory".
He said the UK took the decision after Russia "continued down a dark path" of targeting civilian infrastructure in Ukraine.
Mr Wallace wrote to his Russian counterpart Sergei Shoigu in December, he said, to warn that further attacks could result in the UK donating more capable weapons.
He said the missiles were "going into" or already in Ukrainian hands, and described the move as "calibrated and proportionate to Russia's escalations".
"None of this would have been necessary had Russia not invaded," he said.
He said the missiles would be compatible with Ukraine's existing, Soviet-era planes and praised the technicians and scientists who made that possible.
But he warned the range of the British-supplied Storm Shadows was "not in the same league" as Russia's own missile systems - with some of Moscow's weapons being able to travel far further.
Earlier this year, Ukrainian Defence Minister Oleksii Reznikov insisted longer-range missiles would not be used to attack targets within Russia itself.
"If we could strike at a distance of up to 300 kilometres, the Russian army wouldn't be able to provide defence and will have to lose," he told an EU meeting.
"Ukraine is ready to provide any guarantees that your weapons will not be involved in attacks on the Russian territory."
A UK RAF Eurofighter Typhoon with Storm Shadow cruise missiles
Image caption,
The UK's Royal Air Force arms its Eurofighter Typhoon jets with Storm Shadow missiles
In February, UK Prime Minister Rishi Sunak said he was prepared to send long-range missiles to Ukraine, and the British government opened a bidding process for their procurement.
"Together we must help Ukraine to shield its cities from Russian bombs and Iranian drones," Mr Sunak said then. "That's why the United Kingdom will be the first country to give Ukraine longer-range weapons."
On Thursday, Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said Moscow would take an "appropriate" military response to any British-supplied Storm Shadow weapons used by Ukrainian forces.
The Storm Shadow missile has been operated by both British and French air forces and has been used previously in the Gulf, Iraq and Libya.
The British-supplied missiles can only be fired by aircraft, but French missiles can be fired from ships and submarines.

Media caption,
Ukraine's President Volodymyr Zelensky says his army needs more equipment ahead of counter-offensive

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Seems like a pattern

Uk does something and then months from now every one in NATO will send long range weapons

Same with tanks…
Let us hope and pray Russia will nuke this evil island called UK. They are now delivering cruise missiles designed to kill the Russian people. Someone really needs to level with that evil island. The sooner, the better.

It's awesome when someone said the country that is being invaded to stay neutral......

Maybe US should invade Cuba and Venezuela and then I would ask "why didn't these countries stay neutral and have to be pro-Russia"........

Yes, I was about to say this sounds like a greenlight for the US to invade any country near us that we don't like.

"Hey they were a threat to us so they got what they got"
Let us hope and pray Russia will nuke this evil island called UK. They are now delivering cruise missiles designed to kill the Russian people. Someone really needs to level with that evil island. The sooner, the better.

The UK is literally a nuclear power.

Also praying for genocide? You think that makes you look like a good person?
Then Ukraine should have used diplomacy you moron. Why was Ukraine titling towards the West?

Vladimir Putin did not like that.

And since when has Russia the right to decide what Ukraine has to want?
Really? They decided to lean towards the West after the Eastern system no longer promised to give a prospering future … at least a less prospering than the Western system.

Overall this is a competition and both sides never play fair, some say its by bribing politicians, others by building up economic pressure and whatever, but no external country has the right to turn these developments with force when a neighbour decides to change its system.

Ukraine never threaten to destroy Russia, never was a military danger for Russia … Russia invaded, Russia started that war, that‘s just that simple.

Are you suggesting that Ukraine should be a Vassal state of the West?

Yes, in fact if they decide to be better with being what you call a „vast“ of the West - IMO a free modern democracy, but here anyone can have is own opinion - Russia has NO right to step this since it wants Ukriane to remain a vasall under Russia‘s boot.
Yes but Russia feels the West is crossing a red line in Russia's national interests and security.

Russia has a right to defend its own interests.

No, plain and simple it has NO right to do so even more when that country has given up all its nuclear weapons in exchange for guarantees of its borders.
Again, any country can decide on its own what relation it prefers, whom‘s „vasall“ it might be, what political system it may accept … by your standard Israel would have any right to attack any arab country in its neighbourhood or Iran since their politics may pose a „crossed red line“ in Israel‘s „national interests and security.“ And it surely has no right to do so.
The Ukrainians are also to blame for their predicament. The world is not so black and white as you make it out to be.

Nice try though.

No, Ukraine is exercising the right of a sovereign nation.
Russia is invading because they lack respect for the sovereignity of their neighbours.

Ukrainians willing to go to war with Russia? Russia invaded, ukraine defend itself - did Ukraine have a choice?
I am simply going to ignore the @Ikbal from now on.

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