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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2


Next year Putin will put bobby cars on parade. But with new EU sanctions packages more coming I don’t know if the Russians can produce any bobby cars.

Russia is China protectorate. Russia don't need army.
Putin makes Russia to a slave.
Actually the Russians need a revolution they must get rid of Putin and his Kgp gang in the Kremlin. Maybe in 50 years they can restore their country to the stage before 2014. Before Putin runs amok because oil price crashing. Russia had been on upward trajectory. Living standard rising. Manufacturing, industrial outputs rising. Now Putin’s daily Nazi stories can only impress hard core nationalists.
Putin makes Russia to a slave.
Actually the Russians need a revolution they must get rid of Putin and his Kgp gang in the Kremlin. Maybe in 50 years they can restore their country to the stage before 2014.

Russia has election March next year. If they want to vote Putin out they can do that.
Russia has election March next year. If they want to vote Putin out they can do that.
Nah good luck

Putin controls the army, the government, the parliament, the justice, the security apparatus, the police, the money, the industry, the press. And everything else. All oppositions are either dead, poisoned, thrown off the windows, or in gulags.

A false word like “war” means 5y in jail.

Putin is paranoid he wants to command everything. He is a version of the Kim in north Korea.
You are asking why you or anyone else get a negative rating? Simply since you are constantly lying, constantly spreading hate and most of all on the one side you are oversensitive when anyone denies your lies while at the same time you are personnel insulting, offensive, provocative… shall I continue!??

@The Eagle … please, this must end! He can tell us all his twisted opinion and everyone will accept it, but his constant rants and insults are not acceptable.
And I must ask who are you? A dictator?
Everybody in this forum knows you have a strict Pro-Ukraine stance and you do not hesitate to sacrifice your rules and regulations when it comes to handle any matter that goes against your idealogy.
I have seen you insulting members countless times plus giving a laughing emoji is like a death and life matter for you on each and every comment posted by any neutral or pro Russian member.
You try to forcefully shut people's opinions whenever it comes that they do not agree with you.
Who are you to decide that other people are liers and trolls and spammers?
What is your base or ground to decide?
How do you know you are the only right person and have only right idealogy?
You are a mod and yet your show of power is extremely controversial and racist also.
A mod should be NEUTRAL, UNBIASED and BALANCED when handling a matter, which you are NOT.
I will repeat that your approach is highly immature... You have no quality of being a moderator.
P. S. Copy pasting other people research does not make any person an expert.
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And I must ask who are you? A dictator?
Everybody in this forum knows you have a strict Pro-Ukraine stance and you do not hesitate to sacrifice your rules and regulations when it comes to handle any matter that goes against your idealogy.
I have seen you insulting members countless times plus giving a laughing emoji is like a death and life matter for you on each and every comment posted by any neutral or pro Russian member.
You try to forcefully shut people's opinions whenever it comes that they do not agree with you.
Who are you to decide that other people are liers and trolls and spammers?
What is your base or ground to decide?
How do you know you are the only right person and have only right idealogy?
You are a mod and yet your show of power is extremely controversial and racist also.
A mod should be NEUTRAL, UNBIASED and BALANCED when handling a matter, which you are NOT.
I will repeat that your approach is highly immature... You have no quality of being a moderator.
P. S. Copy pasting other people research does not make any person an expert.
Hiding pain behind a laughing emoji while I expose you? Personally, I am happy that more and more people are coming in my support. You know that you have failed to silence people's voices and opinions.
oh what isnt it why Europeans always cry about why Palestinians dont kiss the boots of Israelis ?

when US destroys Iraq you expect Muslims to love USA?

then you say oh why Palestinians hate Israelis oh why Iraqi hates the West

what a hypocrite
Quote me on making those remarks before throwing around “hypocrite” accusations?

The post i reacted to was very very very poor/malicious russian propaganda considering soviet-pole history around ww2 (that you probably knew nothing about).

you dont many do stop pretending like you dont know

Western nations fund and support Israel to kill Palestinians civilians

so we are happy Russia is totally kicking the back sides of the Western nations especially the US of Evil
EU is largest palestinian aid donor.

Yet you say here we fund and support israel with a direct goal to “kill palestinian civilians”.

Ridiculous nonsence. Please open your eyes and wake up from the whole “palestinian genocide” /“ western devils”propaganda you have been fed/told your whole life.

There can never be a solution to the conflict if your views are so skewed away from reality.
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There is already a discussion to take away these "negativ ratings" and bring up a "unlike" button for all free to use. The same thing as it is with the "like" button, but "unlike", useable by everyone. But maybe the code for this "negativ rating" is the same as it is of the "positive rating". And taking away the "positive rating" only for not to have "negative rating" is not that good imo.
Here is how some people use the negative rating button on this forum.

You are asking why you or anyone else get a negative rating? Simply since you are constantly lying, constantly spreading hate and most of all on the one side you are oversensitive when anyone denies your lies while at the same time you are personnel insulting, offensive, provocative… shall I continue!??

@The Eagle … please, this must end! He can tell us all his twisted opinion and everyone will accept it, but his constant rants and insults are not acceptable.
Why are you so sure that other people have twisted opinions and you don't have the same????
What are your moral grounds to say so?
Who are you to declare such bold decisions? A kind of a prophet?
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First … I‘m not posting on Reddit, second, if you look closely, you surely will be able to see the insult and offence for what he got this rating and third, I‘m not acting as a moderator, but as a regular poster - which is still allowed - the only difference is I can rate such insults as negative!
If he or you would work hard and earn the respect of the owner, you maybe get the same privilege to rate others, but as long as you and he post that way, this unlikely will change.
I can see you have really worked hard to force your opinions and ideologies on many different members here on this forum and many other forums. People get mature when they progress but here the case is the opposite.
Well, I have made enough of my point and I am, personally, much satisfied that I fulfilled my purpose. I have put my voice against bias, dictatorship, and hypocrisy and I will not have any regrets even if I get banned now.
Someone sent me a personal message that ''they will ban you'' but I must repeat that I have no regrets. TopGun786 can be banned, but I will always be here through alternative means, if necessary.

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