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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2

Sure ok, let's be honest. Did you learn history at school? Did they teach you about the Cuban missile crisis? When Russia placed missiles in Cuba, what were the Americans prepared to do? What have they done to Cuba since then? Hypocrite much?! 😂 Look, you need to stop thinking in black and white, this is not about 'good' Vs 'evil', this about competing global powers, power projection, and checkmating your opponent. It's all very Machevellian.
Same old same respons - look what the US once did. . History will tell you how Russia became what it is today, and that has everything to do with single countries seeking protection in a mutual defence organization. Russia is trying to disrupt, because of what I said earlier.
This may not be black and white, but dont make the mistake thinking authoritarian countries should be treated equally with the rest of us.

Russia is not a global power and shouldnt be treated as such. Its a regional power with way to many nukes, which is basically the only real power projection it has. Russias attempt of power projection is unfolding in Ukraine. Not impressive but devastating for the some 100 km they are able to project its forces outside Russia, when the defender is backed by a defensive organization.
You can gauge the level of morale between Afghanistan and Ukraine by looking at how many people fled the country in how much time.

2.7 million refugees out of 40 million population, 6.75% of the population fled in 20 years (<0.34% / year).

8.1 million refugees out of 43.7 million population, 18.5% of the population fled in 1 year.

This is why Ukraine will never be like Afghanistan.
You actually can't.

Unlike Afghanistan, Ukraine has an open border where they can go over to Poland, Romania to as far away to the UK, US and even Australia, those country will issue refugee visa without skipping a heartbeat. Also, the border connection between Ukraine and EU are highly developed, and Ukrainian have rather large array of transport from airplane to train to automobile to cross into neighbor country

Afghan does not have an open border, nor was its favorable to travel, nor were any Afghani have the means to leave. I mean the only way you can escape Afghanistan is to cross the mountain mostly by foot or by goat into Iran and Pakistan, both Indian and Chinese border was close. Where can the Afghan go on foot really?

But yes, you cannot compare Afghanistan and Ukraine, ISAF expel Taliban in 36 days of fighting, the rest of the 20 years are in a more or less safe low intensity style insurgency, Russia is still trying their hand at Ukraine, and Ukraine, now at Day 439, is still an active warzone.
Same old same respons - look what the US once did. . History will tell you how Russia became what it is today, and that has everything to do with single countries seeking protection in a mutual defence organization. Russia is trying to disrupt, because of what I said earlier.
This may not be black and white, but dont make the mistake thinking authoritarian countries should be treated equally with the rest of us.

Russia is not a global power and shouldnt be treated as such. Its a regional power with way to many nukes, which is basically the only real power projection it has. Russias attempt of power projection is unfolding in Ukraine. Not impressive but devastating for the some 100 km they are able to project its forces outside Russia, when the defender is backed by a defensive organization.

Like I said, you can't see beyond your conditioning, hence your hypocrisy. Believe whatever makes you feel good 👍
and you wonder why Russia hates them

they lost 26 million to liberate Europe and this is how they treat them

You do know Ukraine suffer the more or less the same amount of KIA/WIA in the war than in Russia during the Soviet Campaign, Ukraine lost is about 5.1 million, Russian lost is about 6 million, that mean Ukraine lost more people in per capita term than Russia.

And if you really do study WW2 history, you would know most of those Russian lost is from Germany attack into Russia, and most of the non-ethnic Russian lost is from the Soviet Counter attacking.

So Russian have a history to send non-ethnic Russian to death.. And you wonder who Poland is cheering for now.

The Battle For NW Of Bakhmut And The Battle Of Azov Sea. Military Summary And Analysis 2023.05.09



It did look like it detonated in the air right next to the flag. Seems like a symbolic statement. Could be the russians trying to justify its aggression and get the population to rally around the flag, or some russian opposition trying to create panic. I doubt the drones were launched from Ukraine.
I can do you one better.

Normally with these attack, you have people who are filming it with their cell phone or camera or what not because it was unplanned and sudden, people see or hear drones flying in Kremlin and getting curious and take out your phone and film it.

Unless you are telling me that camera there, for security no less, is just pointing at the roof at the flying flag, which watches nothing but the flag, that camera is adjusted for this video. Normally CCTV like that would have been pointing to the ground or up in the sky, basic security 101, you don't watch your principal, you watch the surrounding, I mean, what are you looking at your principal for? You watch the threat surrounding him (or in this case Kremlin).

Not to mention are we supposed to buy Russian anti-air is that incompetent that they can't even beat back 2 drones intruding their airspace, if this is Capitol hill (Which is US equivalent of Kremlin) that drone would have been down 10-15km away from the Capitol building.
Not to mention are we supposed to buy Russian anti-air is that incompetent that they can't even beat back 2 drones intruding their airspace, if this is Capitol hill (Which is US equivalent of Kremlin) that drone would have been down 10-15km away from the Capitol building.
If it's a fighter jet or a bomber, Russia will definitely shoot it down, the point is it's a UAV.

The same situation will happen in the US, if the enemy using uav suddenly attacks the white house.

They were simply taken by surprise and were never prepared for this situation.
If it's a fighter jet or a bomber, Russia will definitely shoot it down, the point is it's a UAV.

The same situation will happen in the US, if the enemy using uav suddenly attacks the white house.

They were simply taken by surprise and were never prepared for this situation.
anything that fly would have radar signature, that's why you are not allowed to fly drone near airport because your airport radar will pick up that drone, being it a MQ-9 or DJI Mavic and registered that blip on their radar and the Tower can't really talk to the drone.

So yes, if the same happens in the US, they will be shot down, in fact, there was one instance during the King Coronation over the weekend when the police down an unauthorised drone over the parade. So unless you are talking about whatever protecting Kremlin is crappier than an ATC radar, they should be AND WILL BE shot down before they reach Kremlin. I mean, what if that drone carries 10g of sarin gas payload? if you cannot shoot them down, then everyone inside will be dead, in fact, 10g of sarin gas can probably killed an entire block...

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I don't see China or North Korea controlled South Korea, so how do we "Lose" Korea when South is still standing? Which was the reason we go into Korea in the first place?
The same logic can be appliedbboth ways, how have you won Korea when NK is still standing m
anything that fly would have radar signature, that's why you are not allowed to fly drone near airport because your airport radar will pick up that drone, being it a MQ-9 or DJI Mavic and registered that blip on their radar and the Tower can't really talk to the drone.

So yes, if the same happens in the US, they will be shot down, in fact, there was one instance during the King Coronation over the weekend when the police down authorised drone over the parade. So unless you are talking about whatever protecting Kremlin is crappier than a ATC radar, they should be AND WILL BE shot down

1. Some Uavs have very low RCS and are hard to detect
2. Maybe it was a surprise attack and the US did not prepare in advance, did not anticipate that scenario to happen.

In the US situation, the scenario would play out as follows.

1 uav containing explosives successfully attacked the white house like it happened in Russia After that, the US government started to deploy many special systems to prevent uav around the white house and the same situation did not happen again.
The same logic can be appliedbboth ways, how have you won Korea when NK is still standing m
The difference is, I am not the one that say US won or lost, that other guy did, I always said Korea is a draw, and it's stupid to even considering going all the way into North Korea because what happened to North Korean in their southern adventure would happen to the UN Force.

You can go check my post history if you like.
The difference is, I am not the one that say US won or lost, that other guy did, I always said Korea is a draw, and it's stupid to even considering going all the way into North Korea because what happened to North Korean in their southern adventure would happen to the UN Force.

You can go check my post history if you like.
Chill matey, hahahha. You are always getting triggered. Lol
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