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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2

You actually can't.

Unlike Afghanistan, Ukraine has an open border where they can go over to Poland, Romania to as far away to the UK, US and even Australia, those country will issue refugee visa without skipping a heartbeat. Also, the border connection between Ukraine and EU are highly developed, and Ukrainian have rather large array of transport from airplane to train to automobile to cross into neighbor country

Afghan does not have an open border, nor was its favorable to travel, nor were any Afghani have the means to leave. I mean the only way you can escape Afghanistan is to cross the mountain mostly by foot or by goat into Iran and Pakistan, both Indian and Chinese border was close. Where can the Afghan go on foot really?

But yes, you cannot compare Afghanistan and Ukraine, ISAF expel Taliban in 36 days of fighting, the rest of the 20 years are in a more or less safe low intensity style insurgency, Russia is still trying their hand at Ukraine, and Ukraine, now at Day 439, is still an active warzone.
NATO had very little control outside of Kabul and a couple city centers throughout the war. There is literally no other way the puppet government could be overrun by Taliban in just a week after NATO's infamous fumble at Kabul airport.

Afghan borders with all its neighbors are more porous than any of Ukraine's. Also try looking at a map before insinuating that Afghanistan has a border with India. Wakhan Corridor with China is roadless, uninhabited, inhospitable even for travel, no border crossing but Afghanistan has a border with three other countries you're ignorant mind did not realize.

You are as clueless on Afghanistan as NATO who thought Mullah Omar is alive for years after his death.
Ukraine offensive rolling

penetrating 6-8 square kilometer deep into Russian positions in one day

Are certain Twitter accounts getting blocked now on PDF because of graphic content?
They show off Leo 2 in Ukraine the other day, Challenger 2 has not shown anywhere, but they said they already have them.

Abrams are still in the US, with a Jun-Aug deliver window
Ukraine’s 47th tank brigade is on the move with leopards 2.
Are certain Twitter accounts getting blocked now on PDF because of graphic content?

No. It is the new "18+ you have to login to Twitter to see the tweet" rule. Some would say it is for to get more user on twitter. Me think it is also censorship.
No. It is the new "18+ you have to login to Twitter to see the tweet" rule. Some would say it is for to get more user on twitter. Me think it is also censorship.

Don't you see the billionaires have taken over the resistance to be a fake resistance. Pay Spaced-out Karen 8 dollars or microchip your brain and this is the "resistance".

Musk is gonna "protect you from the deepstate of 'globalists'" by you supporting the USA colonization agenda - space karen stuff, Musk deciding "real from fake resistance" to steer you away from meaningful change and freedom, and microchipping your brain. Musk is a fraud.

Trump is another fake resistance billionaire deepstater. Lick the boots of Trump and you get to be the base of the cia Republican Party. Trump would protect you from Muslims, Mexicans and LGBTQ. Trump wanted conflict with China to take out a rival of Washington and London.

Putin is a billionaire fraud "resistance" leader. A fake populist. If you lick the boots of Putin, Putin would protect you from Washington in a limited way to make you feel important. These billionaires have their designated fools to idolize these deepstate billionaires in staged approved decisions that make them your leader. And this is the deceit of the century. Musk is a cia dude/follower. As is Trump and also Putin. Same for Netanyahu.


(the alt media is notoriously pro-Russian, which is why, except for facts these provide, they serve no purpose, their opinions are pro-cia. For instance, they tell their leftist supporters to never vote for Democrats, while the alt media protrays Trump as an outsider fighting the "deepstate of Democrats liberals". Therefore those leftists informed of facts on Washington corruption are told by their shills to not vote. While the Trumper shills tell their alt movement to vote for Republicans. So this only serves the cia to elect Republicans - the leftists are told to stay at home and the "conservatives" are told to vote for Republicans. If you have not figured out wikileaks was hijacked and about electing Republicans, you are manipulated on the left. The reason why the cia promote Obama, Hillary and Biden is because there is dirt on them to inform the alt media so the left stays home. Along with blackmailing info on the Democrats. The alt left is about leaving politics to allow Trump promote 1984 stuff.)

Can't you see the globalists are not the enemy, they are the sockpuppets of the real cia/mi6/mossad deepstate. Globalism is the old brand. The billionaires and cia cronies want you to believe the globalists are the enemy to take down so for the next decades the fools are led to the fake resistance of Musk and Trump fighting Soros in your closet and Gates "the depopulation vacinator" under your bed. So you never focus on the real deepstate. Which is Musk, Trump, Putin, mi6, cia, mossad. The self-appointed global "rulers" (cia, mi6, mossad and cronies) want you to believe they are fighting the "real rulers" - the globalists (which are the sockpuppets). When globalism was the policy to defeat the Soviet Union with capitalism, free trade, and making the oligarchs rich. When China and Europe have benefited from trade. China rose in power from globalism. Trump and the cia seek to burn down the globe for more USA control to destroy the globalist system that allowed China to get too powerful:

The old chaos out of order. The order of international trade smashed with American exceptionalism and expanded empire as the replacement. From Adam Smith to a new form of mercantilism to benefit only the states of USA and UK (and crony supporters).

Kissinger does not want Kissinger approved globalism anymore. Kissinger wants Putin to annex parts of Ukraine. Wants trumpism. Kissinger is the perennial advisor emeritus to Washington politicians, and is part of the deepstate. The deepstate wants you to believe in your false pride that you thought of supporting these crooks and criminal in Trump and Putin on your own. Langley VA carefully crafts the geopolitical events to shape you to support Trump, Putin or another of these billionaire Oligarchs as your leader.

When the whole thing is carefully crafted and staged with events to make you believe Trump is your anti-deepstate hero. That Musk is fighting against the deepstate. Same with Putin. Putin does things and says things to make it seem as though Putin is fighting Washington. When the entire script is Washington approved for the sole purpose to make sure there is no meaningful resistance. China fell for cia deception. MAGA fell for cia deception. Muskers fell for cia deception. Putinites fell for cia deception.

Musk sees there are tens of millions that hate Fauci and believe Fauci is the deepstate, therefore Musk says "I want to be their leader". Fauci was the patsy. The face of the covid crisis, so Medical Industrialists Rockefeller and buddy Kissinger are not pinned for the entire medical response. Fauci is the patsy fall guy, the media focused their attention on Fauci, so you blame Fauci, not Kissinger and Rockefeller - those behind the curtains of the medical industry with the vaccine agenda. And Musk wants to lead that movement to blame the patsy - Fauci. A completely false resistance that leads nowhere in terms of ending the USA deepstate, the Washington criminals.

This is where the entire lot of anti-imperialist Putinites fail to see these infdividuals are the fools, are the duped, are the manipulated. A carefully crafted production for those that hate Washington, to have their cia-approved fake populists and fraud leaders. These anti-imperialists support the wars for the benefit of Trump, Musk, Putin, and the Russia cia Republicans. The cia have their new Christian Zionists and the new Christian Zionists that are bloodthirsty for revenge wars are the Trumpers and Putinites. Have paid shills get you to believe the worst about the "globalists", then aim those 5th columnists and fanatics to destroy the enemies of Trump and Putin, destroy the enemies of the cia and mi6. Those that live their life and don't pay attention of shills telling you how "Bill Gates controls the globe" are the sane.

Those that fall for these sockpuppets to burn down the globe for Trump/Putin are the dupes:

If you wear the cia approved tinfoil hats and believe Schwab and Gates are the controllers of the globe, then you side with Putin. Putin is a cia asset connected to Trump and Russian mafia dating back to the mid 90s. Putin is then your designated leader of the movement to fight the EU "globalists".

The new Osama Bin Laden enemy is the globalist LGBTQ woke leftists. The cia worst enemy is the globalist LGBTQ woke leftist. Ask Pompeo.

Pompeo pushes the idea that the most dangerous person in the world is a (pro-globalist) pro-LGBTQ woke leftist liberal.

Mike Pompeo Boldly and Insanely Claims Teachers’ Union Leader Is “the Most Dangerous Person in the World”—Ahead of Kim Jong Un

Fighting globalist sockpuppets and you are on Mike Pompeos side.

The cia wants their endless wars. And EU did not go along, so EU gets slandered as the "globalist deepstate" that need elimination by Putin. When the cia since the 50s wanted to destroy their rival the EEC.

BTW, EU operates in a globalist system. The EU parliamentarians are not globalists, as in the old 80s globalists of Rockefeller and Kissinger. The real globalists are the old Oligarchs that went pro-neocon. Currently these oligarchs have switched to overtly/covertly backing MAGA, the new Project For the New American Century. Globalism was the system set in place by Washington and partners, and exists today. EU and China both operate in a system of globalization and globalism. Washington wants you to focus your hate against those rivals that prospered during globalism - China and EU. And make them your globalist foes. Washington moved on from globalism and does not want it anymore.

Putin is not smashing the systems of Washington. Putin is not defeating Washington. Putin is "recycler" of Washington things MAGA/Washington does not want - NATO, globalism, an economically strong and independent Europe. Trump and Russia cia Republicans plan to recycle China by destroying the globalist prosperous China.

This is the agenda.

The first new war is against Europe. You are witnessing it. The globalist system is far superior to the system Pompeo and Musk want to replace it with. It is the old cold war order of free trade and capitalism, that Europe and China hijacked and made their own altered form, separate from the Washington criminals. For this the cia/MAGA crooks label Europe as "globalist" enemy.
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Weapons tracing shows Russia firing new cruise missiles at Ukraine just weeks after production


A Russian Kh-101 air launched cruise missile reportedly shot down by Ukrainian air defenses. (Ukrainian Air Force on Twitter)

BELFAST — Weapons researchers have gathered examples of newly-produced Russian cruise missiles that have been used against Ukraine, in what they say is a sign that Russia’s stockpile of munitions has become so thin weapons are being used in the war just a few months after assembly.

The discovery implies that Moscow is facing serious stockpile issues and increased production pressure that “might not be indefinitely sustainable,” according to Damien Spleeters, deputy director of operations at the Conflict Armament Research (CAR) group, a UK based weapons tracking organization. The news comes as Britain warns Russia is trying to rebuild its cruise missile stockpile.


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