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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2

Russian satellite intelligence is just getting way better and ground intelligence too

they seem to know where the Ukraine ammo dumps are and also I think Russian disguised as Ukraines on the ground are giving away locations

1,500 armoured vehicle and 260 tanks have arrived in Ukraine over month ago and still no counter offensive

the Spring Counter offensive is turning into the Summer and the window of opportunity will soon be gone

Russian has always been good at jamming signals and electronic warfare their bloggers are always hacking Western nations

I think now they are showing their true ability and jamming almost everything Ukraine has to offer

seems like Russian War Machine is finally marching forward
Russian satellite intelligence is just getting way better and ground intelligence too

they seem to know where the Ukraine ammo dumps are and also I think Russian disguised as Ukraines on the ground are giving away locations

1,500 armoured vehicle and 260 tanks have arrived in Ukraine over month ago and still no counter offensive

the Spring Counter offensive is turning into the Summer and the window of opportunity will soon be gone

Russian has always been good at jamming signals and electronic warfare their bloggers are always hacking Western nations

I think now they are showing their true ability and jamming almost everything Ukraine has to offer

seems like Russian War Machine is finally marching forward

Are you throwing s**t against the wall hoping it sticks?
Russian satellite intelligence is just getting way better and ground intelligence too

they seem to know where the Ukraine ammo dumps are and also I think Russian disguised as Ukraines on the ground are giving away locations

1,500 armoured vehicle and 260 tanks have arrived in Ukraine over month ago and still no counter offensive

the Spring Counter offensive is turning into the Summer and the window of opportunity will soon be gone

Russian has always been good at jamming signals and electronic warfare their bloggers are always hacking Western nations

I think now they are showing their true ability and jamming almost everything Ukraine has to offer

seems like Russian War Machine is finally marching forward
Here's the thing though, the Russians still aren't jamming properly, and if this is the best they can do then they're in real trouble.

We have news that the Ukrainians managed to launch local counter offensives successfully along the no man's zone, especially in Bakhmut, pushing Russian forces back quite a bit.

The over all offensive will start soon, probably within weeks. The window won't close because the Russians don't have the current resources to actually take advantage of delays. The Ukrainians are waiting for the ground conditions to become better, as mud is still an issue for their tanks and transport vehicles.
NATO had very little control outside of Kabul and a couple city centers throughout the war. There is literally no other way the puppet government could be overrun by Taliban in just a week after NATO's infamous fumble at Kabul airport.

Afghan borders with all its neighbors are more porous than any of Ukraine's. Also try looking at a map before insinuating that Afghanistan has a border with India. Wakhan Corridor with China is roadless, uninhabited, inhospitable even for travel, no border crossing but Afghanistan has a border with three other countries you're ignorant mind did not realize.

You are as clueless on Afghanistan as NATO who thought Mullah Omar is alive for years after his death.

NATO have complete operational control of Afghanistan when we were in Afghanistan, that mean all road junction, cities and defences, that's evidence from the number of ambushes Afghan insurgent manage to pull on the ISAF force in that 20 years, I can probably count them all with my hands, there are probably more little bitty engagement but overall that is not raising to any kind of level of concern

What we don't have is Complete control of Afghanistan, ie, control everyone and everywhere, therefore the insurgent can put up IED, but then that is not expected to have to begin with, and that also did mininal problem for civilian, I mean if you look at the other side, What Russia did in Ukraine is a lot worse than just putting IED in roadway, attacking Power Plant, Missile and Drone attack into Civilian population center, artillery bombardment in the city, I mean, all if Afghan have seen thru all these, they may leave in dove too, if they can. At least when we were there, the population center were not bombed almost daily, and they still have power and water in the country unlike in

Another thing is, the geographical situation in Afghan play a big role on why people aren't leaving, I have talked to a herder when I was stationed in RC-East, the one close to Pakistani border, the herder constantly cross into Pakistan to herd goat and he told me he would have to walk 3 days with the herd each way across the mountain to be able to herd them. That's not going to be easy for regular people. The thing is, for Afghan that live in the big City like Musa Qala, or Lashkargah or even K-town, they aren't going to get access to the border because virtually the only way out if either by plane, or travel by car, and we have ISAF roadblock between main road (Again, operational control) and then not too many of them would have been able to leave anyway because they either don't have a car, or don't have paperwork.

And I know enough of Afghanistan and Ukraine, when I WAS THERE in Afghanistan between 2005-2006 and I WAS THERE when Russia invaded Ukraine back in April last year and some time before, I wouldn't say I am "Expert" on the issue, since I don't live there, just because you think that I am wrong does not mean A.) I am indeed wrong or B) You are right. So calling people ignorant about issue like that is pointless, and I wonder how long you have been in Afghan and Ukraine to be able to call me that. I mean, maybe you spend more time than me over there? I don't know. And to be honest? I don't really care.
NATO have complete operational control of Afghanistan when we were in Afghanistan, that mean all road junction, cities and defences, that's evidence from the number of ambushes Afghan insurgent manage to pull on the ISAF force in that 20 years, I can probably count them all with my hands, there are probably more little bitty engagement but overall that is not raising to any kind of level of concern
If the US and Nato had millions of mini uavs similar to the DIJ with grenades and thrown at the guerrillas, and many other small and medium sized uavs similar to the DIJ and TB-2, the war in Afghanistan might have had a ended differently with few casualties and few losses for the US.

The reason the US and Nato lost was because they weren't ruthless enough, and they didn't have effective technology. It became a long war of attrition and was ultimately unacceptable to the United States and NATO
Understood. I'm waiting for the footage of a chally or preferably a leo2a4 taking out a Russian tank.
I am not too sure about this.

If I were the Ukrainian, I would most likely use the mobility and accuracy of these Western Tank to go behind the enemy line and cut off the Russian defence locally, and then pile in IFV/APC to take control of that line, very much like Desert Storm, that's why we don't see much tank-on-tank action during that war and most tank kills are racked up by Bradley instead.

For the Russian to do a tank-on-tank engagement, they would need to have sufficient armour and a well entrenched defensive line, I doubt they would just run their tanks into the Ukrainian western tank, because that's more or less suicide if they had done so. If I am a betting man, I would say Russian would most likely use their tank as a static defence, like the Iraqi did back in 1991 war.

But then you never know. As an ex-tanker, I too wanted to see a tank on tank engagement to see whether the western equipment are up for the task, but I would have to say this is kind of very unlikely

If the US and Nato had millions of mini uavs similar to the DIJ with grenades and thrown at the guerrillas, and many other small and medium sized uavs similar to the DIJ and TB-2, the war in Afghanistan might have had a ended differently with few casualties and few losses for the US.

The reason the US and Nato lost was because they weren't ruthless enough, and they didn't have effective technology. It became a long war of attrition and was ultimately unacceptable to the United States and NATO
We don't really need drone as we are technologically more advance than the Taliban, they probably could put up a fight if they have drone, but we would still be able to perform just about anything we like in Afghanistan, because the Taliban don't have an effective A2/AD platform, and our EW and RF Attack capability are probably million mile ahead of Taliban for them to be able to make those platform valuable.

But yes, we should have taking an more aggressive stance over Afghanistan, I mean, the RoE set in Afghanistan is not there to win war, and I have heard from my colleague that after 2011 when they killed OBL, the RoE get more absurd, so I agree we should be more aggressive

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