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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2

China sold their UN vote on the Persian Gulf war to not veto the Persian Gulf War, which began the genocide of Iraqis.

China, which had usually vetoed such resolutions authorizing action against a state, abstained in exchange for a promise from the US government that sanctions would be eased,[4] and that the Chinese foreign minister would be received in the White House

China supported the two blank checks to the USA - the cease-fire agreement and the 2002 UN Iraq War vote that give the USA "justification" for their war on Iraq.

China voted for this UNSC resolution against Iraq:

The most important part of the resolution was the concluding paragraph 34, which required that "[the Security Council]...[d]ecides...to take such further steps as may be required for the implementation of the present resolution and to secure peace and security in the area." This statement was widely interpreted as "obey or we will force you to by all means necessary." This text was used by the United States as a justification for the 1996 bombing of Iraq, 1998 bombing of Iraq, and the 2003 invasion of Iraq, on the basis that Iraq refused to comply with various United Nations resolutions, in order to maintain peace and security in the Persian Gulf region.

China voted for this UNSC resolution against Iraq in 2002:

offering Iraq under Saddam Hussein "a final opportunity to comply with its disarmament obligations" that had been set out in several previous resolutions (Resolutions 660, 661, 678, 686, 687, 688, 707, 715, 986, and 1284).[1] It provided a justification for the subsequent US invasion of Iraq

China sold out Iraq to maintain beneficial business relations with the USA. To make money, as Iraq was bombed.

Here was Europeans, opposing the Iraq War.

Those behind the Iraq War were the US and UK. The cia and mi6. Russia gave the USA a blank check with China in the UNSC.

If you're going to quote, do the whole thing rather than cherry-picking; the U.S. blackmailed others for support using economic penalties and other means. So other hands aren't as clean. Anyways, enjoy the war on European borders. Let's, not anyone forget Ukraine sending forces into Iraq very eagerly; now the chickens come home to roost for them, and may they come home to roost for the others.

Various members of the council were rewarded with economic incentives as a result of their 'yes' vote, and those who initially opposed the resolution were discouraged from voting 'no' with the idea of economic penalties, particularly by the United States.[6] The U.S. successfully obtained a commitment from the Saudi government to provide $1 billion to the Soviets in aid through the winter.[7]

After Yemen voted against the resolution, the U.S., World Bank and International Monetary Fund halted aid programs to Yemen, and Saudi Arabia expelled Yemeni workers.[8] Following the U.S. government's fruitless effort to persuade the Yemeni government to support the resolution, U.S. diplomats bluntly informed Yemeni officials "That was the most expensive no vote you ever cast"—referring to ceasing more than $70 million of U.S. government foreign aid to Yemen.
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By disobeying the direct order of commanding officer and make a political situation or by illegally entering Oman territorial water and he and his officers laugh at Oman navy after they asking him to leave ?

No pointing to the fact it's usa that gave medal for bombing civilian not Russia as it mentioned here

Disobeying commanding officer several time and making hard situation for your respective country , do I need to say any more.

Did he not had problem ?
Disobeying commanding officer is not considered problem in USA navy any more ?

And he failed to do that .
As usual with You, lots of claims and no sources.
If you're going to quote, do the whole thing rather than cherry-picking; the U.S. blackmailed others for support using economic penalties and other means. So other hands aren't as clean.

Various members of the council were rewarded with economic incentives as a result of their 'yes' vote, and those who initially opposed the resolution were discouraged from voting 'no' with the idea of economic penalties, particularly by the United States.[6] The U.S. successfully obtained a commitment from the Saudi government to provide $1 billion to the Soviets in aid through the winter.[7]

After Yemen voted against the resolution, the U.S., World Bank and International Monetary Fund halted aid programs to Yemen, and Saudi Arabia expelled Yemeni workers.[8] Following the U.S. government's fruitless effort to persuade the Yemeni government to support the resolution, U.S. diplomats bluntly informed Yemeni officials "That was the most expensive no vote you ever cast"—referring to ceasing more than $70 million of U.S. government foreign aid to Yemen.
I did not cherry pick. China sold out Iraq for economic benefits. To make money. I did not say this only happened to China. This is how the entire US deepstate treats every nation. To say you can kill Ukrainians for Iraq. Is murder. The US forces and bribes and blackmails the entire globe to support the US, the UK and the UK commonwealth. For anglo "dominance" over you. That is the anglo mission. To divide the pawns and puppets, while the UK and US divide and conquer.

Down with the UNSC imperialists - Russia, cia Republicans, mi6 Tories. Down also with Likud Israel.

According to the former speaker of the Russian Parliament, the cia after 1991, controlled and ran the Kremlin. The cia vetted Putin. Putin is linked with Likud, cia Trump, Brexit mi6 Tories.

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Finally ToS-2 tossing around in Ukraine

Here are the facts about Putin.

Putin was pals with war criminal Tony Blair. Tony Blair supported the Chechen War.

This is a direct Tony Blair quote on Putin.

Tony Blair: "It’s my job as Prime Minister to like Mr Putin."

Literally the deepest of the deepstate is the mi6 and British crown and Empire. This "British Crown" deepstate goes back to the 1800s. And the UK Prime Minister, a Bush loyalist, a UK loyalist, said "It is my job to like Mr Putin". When the cia ran the Kremlin in the 90s and vetted Mr. Putin. This gives more evidence that not only did the cia vet Putin, they approved of Putin in the 2000s.

Putin was no populist outsider. Putin is a fake populist. A fake leader of the resistance. A deepstate crony.

Explaining the same pattern with Putin buddy Trump. Trump was no populist outsider.

Here is Trump with old pal Kissinger:


Kissinger sides with Russia getting Ukrainian land.

Here is Trump with Lynn Rothschild.


Here is Trump with Happy Rockefeller


Trump is a fake populist. A fake leader of the resistance. A deepstate crony.

Here is Trump history with deepstate cronies:

Trump was and is the US deepstate. A total fraud. Putin hides this more. Though Putin is linked with cia and Trump-linked Chabad. cia and Trump-linked Likud/mossad. cia and trump-linked Russian mafia. cia and Trump linked Russian oligarchs.

The new PNAC agenda is conflict with rival Europe (Putin supports this PNAC war on Europe), war with Iran, and war with China. The neo-con war on terror, shifted with a new agenda during the Trump years. And Putin is the tool to defeat rival and foe of the US and UK - the EU.

As the cia hides that it controls Trump. It hides that it controls Putin.

There is no animosity between cia Republicans and Putin. Covert or most often overt, no animosity.

Here was Bush and Putin. Two cia cronies.


'I'm Thrilled He's Here,' Bush Says As Putin Visits His Texas Ranch​

Whether you like China/EU/Iran or not. Take these out and there is less opposition to Trump and the cia Republicans.

The agenda of the cia is the agenda of Faux News. As Bill O'Reilly had the 8 pm slot to get the public supporting Bush's terrorist war on Muslims. The war on terror is essentially over. That new 8 pm slot is held by Tucker Carlson, a cia crony, spewing cia agenda to the public for the Americans to not support Ukraine. Faux News has not changed, the same Republican cia agenda.

Here is UK crony Tucker Carlson, promoting the monarchy for "Queen and country"

Deepstate of the British Monarch, mi6, Tories, cia, mossad, Republicans, Likud. This is the Faux News agenda. Therefore further proving Putin is a cia asset.
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Did he not had problem
Disobeying commanding officer is not considered problem in USA navy any more ?

What order?

The only order that was made and I was aware of is Adm Mckenna ordered Rogers to disengage with the Iranian gunboat and form up with the US escort ship USS Elmer Montgomery

Problem is, that order is counteract with SOP (Standard Operating Procedure) which is to engage the Iranian asset if and when you were fired upon, that SOP have started since USS Stark Incident, and in this case, you ALWAYS follow SOP instead of commander order, if one is contradict the other. Mckenna does not have the authority to change the SOP, that have to come from Joint Chief of Staff or CNO, which mean Mckenna's order would have less weight than the SOP.

So, Rogers did NOT disobey a direct order.

And he failed to do that .

Failed what?

You can argue the US report is biased, but there are no Article 32 or 34 hearing, that's no judiciary/punitive punishment, which mean his tour is conducted in good conduct, and therefore he is entitled to the Legion of Merit medal.

He is getting that as long as he was not "write up" and there were no "write up", you can argue that's biased, but well, that's you, and you are not giving Rogers his medal, the US Navy is.
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@jhungary @gambit @Hamartia Antidote

Daughter of Donbass turned out to be tropical fish seller from New Jersey. :lol:

So what she made some good bucks on YouTube
So what she made some good bucks on YouTube
Don't think you can monetize on Youtube with her sub count.

She didn't even have membership function on her account....She is not making any money from Youtube.
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