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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2

I think a better strategy would be instead of decimating the ordinary Ukranian troop groupings with larger 1k 3k kg glide bombs which are mostly forcefully recruited focus more on western supplied equipment like Nasams,Patriot and older Ukranian air defense equipment like Buk, S-300. Use the larger glide bombs for large targets like ammo/supply depots and highly fortified strategic areas.

To do that smaller glide bombs would be necessary which have more range than these larger ones. SDB type bombs would have about 60 miles range almost like agm 88 harm anti radar missile. Each Su-35 can carry about 10+ 100kg sdbs which can be guided to different radar targets instead of these 1 or 2 large 500kg glide bombs. Russia also needs more equipment to detect the radars like specialised planes or uavs other than the A-50 awacs plane.

After air defense is taken out east of Dnieper considerably(or the bridges are taken out which is a more escalatory measure if this does not work) Ukraine would sit on the negotiation table. Loss of soldiers does not pressure their government. Also the ones who would revolt are Ukranian soldiers themselves if they are decimated the government would send more recruiting from their civilian population and this vicious cycle will continue for a very long time. Same goes for Bakhmut. Instead of taking the soldiers out massively by Tos-1 type thermobaric rockets there focusing on encircling Bakhmut completely would give the same result without supplies Ukranian soldiers can't fight and inevitably surrender. They dont have air-drop supply options but maybe smaller tunnels which are not enough for them to continue the war. Same goes for other areas of advance like Avdiivka.

After that the captured soldiers would call on zelensky govt to sit down at the table on tvs which would have a more pressure effect as these increase the probability of revolt in Ukranian army. Russia has the power to massively take out Ukranian troops especially in east of Dnieper with these new type of weaponry but using them selectively on more important targets would add less to after war damage with Russia that increases with every Ukranian population forcefully recruited or not, killed by the war.
You see, the reason why the US/UK want China, Iran and Europe destroyed in one large war. US taking out China. Russia taking out Europe and Israel and US taking out Iran. Is because so many classified weapons are going to be used in that war, the final war. The US does not want Europe to recover and develop those advanced laser weapons, EW weapons and DEW. Europe is to have Russian occupation and midnight darkness for 1000 years. This is the mission of Putin. Never a chance to get the weapons the Israelis, US and Russians have. China is to be taken out by the US in a new version of shock and awe of US classified weapons. China is not going to get another shot at developing the classified weapons of the USA, for this is the planned final war. The final war because each nation is in awe of the USA decades advance in weapons over rivals. And the US won't reveal their new weapons blueprints or sell them. If you are a docile nation, then servitude to the USA. If you seek to develop the same weapons as the US have, then US wages wars on the new rivals.

This is why Europe is not the servant or occupied by the USA. Europe has freedom. Europe is using Washington to destroy Trump Russia. This is why cia deepstater PNAC Trump wants the US to leave NATO. Therefore the US during these years are under European occupation. They are destroying the enemy of Europe - Trump Russia.

Russia is the tool to bring Europe to slavery of Washington. This is the mission of Trump and the Russia Republicans. And China has signed onto Russia destroying Europe with no escape from Russian occupation. China has signed onto Trump's Russian War against Europe.

China spews Russian Propaganda, the same as cia Russia Trump Republicans.

War on Europe, Iran and China is the new PNAC. The new cia wars.
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He got a medal for ensuring that his ship was an asset to the US Navy
By disobeying the direct order of commanding officer and make a political situation or by illegally entering Oman territorial water and he and his officers laugh at Oman navy after they asking him to leave ?

You are whining about the fact that a single incident did not disqualify him.
No pointing to the fact it's usa that gave medal for bombing civilian not Russia as it mentioned here

You are claiming that he did not deserve the medal, and it is up to You to provide a case for that he did not deserve the medal.
Disobeying commanding officer several time and making hard situation for your respective country , do I need to say any more.

Legion of Merit is not an action or valor medal. It's what we called "Rainbow Salad" medal. you will have one as long as you serve long enough and as long as you don't have any problem.
Did he not had problem ?
Disobeying commanding officer is not considered problem in USA navy any more ?

They are the Staff Officer equivalent of us grunt good conduct medal or MSM for junior officer. You only need to complete an deployment without any misconduct, and you will get it.
And he failed to do that .
Russia is not going to do it. The most pro-USA trolls are the cia Russia Republicans - Trump, Pompeo, Bannon, Tucker, Flynn, Roger Stone.

They want to "make America 'great' again". See China as a foe and Russia as a partner.

The way to stop warmongering America is with LGBTQ, caring, anti-war. Liberalism. Promotion of minorities over the anglos. Though don't do it overtly, obviously. Dems go to the extreme to drive voters to vote Republican. To scare tactic voters to vote cia Republican.

(Ie: the best way to stop warmongering Russia is with LGBTQ, caring, anti-war, freedom and democracy in Russia. Promotion of Russian minorities and women over the current "ruling elite" Chabad and Russian Slavs. This would change the dynamics in Russia to be a normal nation that is not killing their neighbors.)

I posted this to the Greeks, if a nation cannot handle nationalism with peace, then you want that enemy to be leftist Green and leftist anti-war no military. You promote leftism among the violent barbarians so your city is not sacked and your nation not destroyed. And you have a military larger than that of genocidal barbarian imperialists - US, UK, Russia.

The cia are already aware of this. MAGA and Russia make "state enemies" of those movements that would defeat their ideology. Antifascists are "terrorists". Trans "terror". Putin jails anti-war pro-peace Russians. Putin is aware of what would bring down genocidal Russia. The cia is aware of what would bring down Imperialist USA. Gold and silver as national currencies would end the US empire, as it cannot finance wars, that is why the cia is promoting the cia ponzi scheme bitcoin to go to 100 million per bitcoin. The cia stages events to make UK and US into "victims" of that which can defeat the USA ideology of terror. To brand their enemies - Muslims, LGBTQ, antifa as "terrorists". And anti-war protesters as criminals in Russia. This is the stuff that Trump and MAGA desire. To make the USA more Russian.

Here are the MAGA, they want to continue the Iraq War resolution. A majority of those traitors that went to Moscow on the 4th of July opposed ending the Iraq War.

The Russia Republicans are not anti-war... they want to stop the rise of China, to have Putin destroy rival EU and Israel/US to destroy Iran.

This is why buying fighter jets is a bad investment. Buying EW proof mortars and field artillery are the way to go. Along with shoulder fired weapons and drones, if they work against Russia. And air/drone/ballistic defenses. The most important are the artillery firepower - mortars and field artillery.

The most effective way for Europe to defend itself from a Russian invasion is matching ground forces firepower with ground forces firepower. Or else the chances of Russia occupation increases.

Yes, US, Russia and perhaps Israel have classified technology that causes missiles and aircraft to fall from the sky. I already said this elsewhere, as I have said the US is trying to get EU states to send much of their weapons to Ukraine, so that Russia can win easily vs Europe (a Europe told by the UK/US to send their military stock of weapons to Zelensky). Europe needs to re-arm.

I posted this meme, months ago:


When laser air defenses are put into action to destroy shells and rounds mid-air. Higher angle artillery strategy ends and you are stuck with human wave/mobile units to defend Europe. Once their laser air defenses are destroyed, you can commence long range artillery strikes.

Europe needs mobile units that are EW/EMP proof. Either protected electronics or low tech 1950s no electronics.

The new weapons of re-armament in Europe must be EW proof/EMP proof. Or else Europe is at a disadvantage against Russia.

There are some true points in it. And yes, laser-AD makes missiles ect. obsolete. We all have read about CRAM with laser and that it meanwhile works far more then 50%. If the development goes on then there will be layered laser-AD 0m-500km with very fast target change (incl. search and lock) and only second to hit the target.
The imperative of warmongering USA/Russia/UK is to have a fake enemy of Muslims, LGBTQ, leftists, anti-war, peace-niks, woke, cancel culture. To outrage the duped public and enhance war support against enemies of the USA and Russia.

To sell the "victimhood" of Russia, of US, of UK. Why. For war support. Lies about Iraq, sell fake victimhood of US, sell the war to the public.

The same is used by Russia, sell fake victimhood of Russia. Sell the lies that Russia is victim of Ukraine.

The shill Democratic Party strategy is to provide the boogeyman. The scary leftist. And have the duped public believe Soros is hiding in their closet and Bill Gates is under their bed. Fearmongering, simply put. And the cia Republicans are behind it. Brexiters are behind it.

For example, the Guardian and the Independent published many articles in support of leaving the EU in the run up to voting day. By the same token, in one of the key televised debates on the Brexit issue, the BBC slanted the panel three to two in favour of Brexit. One of the two “spokespersons” they invited to appear that night to argue in favour of staying in the EU was Eddie Izzard, a buffoonish and widely despised transvestite “comedian” who appeared on the panel with bright red lip stick, mascara, nail varnish and clad in a woman’s jacket and blouse, and a pink beret. Not exactly an advocate designed to appeal to the undecided voters of middle England – or middle anywhere else – one would have thought.

This is how you sell Imperialism to the Russians, Americans and British. Provide the scary leftist that is the threat to Imperialism. And have the public defeat the new terror, the new fearmongering. This was the entire fake War on Terror. Fearmongering.

Listen to the podcast from minute 14:00 about John Kerry.

Most Ukrainians can be described as traditionalist, conservative, soft anti-LGBTQ, and/or borderline racist (wanting to live among their own). While the cia crowd sell Ukraine as pinko-commie to Tucker Carlsonites. Tucker and cronies sell Ukraine as a "Drag Queen country" threatening "traditional" Russia.
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