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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2

Estonia's Foreign Ministry to summon Chinese ambassador due to doubts about post-Soviet countries' sovereignty​

On Friday, the Chinese ambassador to France, Lu Shaye, gave an interview, questioning the sovereignty of Estonia and other former USSR countries.

From wikipedia:

Constitutionally, the Soviet Union was a federation. In accordance with provisions present in its Constitution (versions adopted in 1924, 1936 and 1977), each republic retained the right to secede from the USSR.

To to cast doubts on their sovereignty is more CCP dehumanization. If Trump said China did not have the privilege to be a nation. And should be occupied by the Mongols or UK and US working with the Mongols or Manchu. Chinese would take offense at that. That would be preparation of Trump reasons to not support the freedom of China. Preparations for a US war with China.

Chinese efforts to dehumanize Balts because their "only fate", according to China, "is occupation and rule over by the Russians".

The Trump and Putin mission:

World War 3: Putin wants to destroy NATO and the EU, warns Joe Biden during UK visit​

RUSSIAN President Vladimir Putin's ultimate goal is to destroy Nato and the European Union, thus enabling him to "strong-arm" individual nations, former US vice-president Joe Biden has told guests during a speech to Chatham House.

Mr Biden, who did not rule out a possible challenge to US President Donald Trump in 2020, also took aim at the "charlatans and demagogues" who he accused of stoking prejudices in the UK, the US and the rest of the world.
In an event chaired by Chatham House director Sir Robin Niblett, Mr Biden warned of the dangers of what he called a "declining but aggressive Russia".

He added: "The Russians are using ever tool at their disposal to destabilise and sow discord.
"Putin's ultimate goal in my view is the dissolution of NATO and the European Union rather that the re-establishment of the Soviet Union.

Trump wants the same.

John Bolton Says 'Putin Was Waiting' For Trump To Withdraw From NATO In Second Term​

"In a second Trump term, I think he may well have withdrawn from NATO. And I think Putin was waiting for that," Bolton said.

Trump is the deepstate of the USA. Therefore the Trump agenda and the Putin agenda (both are essentially the same) is the cia Republican agenda.

An entire thread was started by a pro-CCP member on how NATO (whitey) bombed a train and killed civilians during the Bosnian War. Therefore, every NATO did this and, therefore NATO whitey bad. Because a train was destroyed, Chinese 50 centers say a Russia occupation of Europe is ok. You are witness Russian propaganda and Chinese propaganda and lies to vilify Europe, to get no support of Europe when the PNAC agenda happens to eliminate freedom in Europe. Therefore, Europe must re-arm.

UK and US were part of the WWII Allies, with China. UK firebombed Dresden. Therefore, according to CCP logic. China did that too. Because UK Allies did the crime. China was part of an alliance that did crimes. Germany has a right to invade and occupy China because the Allies firebombed Dresden. Don't blame the Brits. Blame China. This is CCP logic. The 50 centers have marching orders to attack Europe. Europe needs energy, economic, military and political independence. And know that Brexiters, Russians, CCP and cia Republicans are not Europe's friends.

The message of scapegoating Estonians and Europeans for UK and US crimes:

Don't blame Israelis for Israeli crimes.
Don't blame Brits for British crimes.
Don't blame Americans for American crimes.
Don't blame Russians for Russian crimes.

Don't kick Russia, US, UK off the security council.

Blame whitey Estonians. Says CCP trolls. Punish whipping boy "Estonia" for UK, American, Russian and Israeli crimes.

Trumpers are happy with this:


Europe has to re-arm. Don't expect the US to save Europe from Russian occupation. Russia cia Republicans are on Team Putin.

Europe is facing occupation. And the UK Brexiters and US cia don't care about rival EU. And Russia and China want Europe to burn.
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China sold their UN vote on the Persian Gulf war to not veto the Persian Gulf War, which began the genocide of Iraqis.

China, which had usually vetoed such resolutions authorizing action against a state, abstained in exchange for a promise from the US government that sanctions would be eased,[4] and that the Chinese foreign minister would be received in the White House

China supported the two blank checks to the USA - the cease-fire agreement and the 2002 UN Iraq War vote that give the USA "justification" for their war on Iraq.

China voted for this UNSC resolution against Iraq:

The most important part of the resolution was the concluding paragraph 34, which required that "[the Security Council]...[d]ecides...to take such further steps as may be required for the implementation of the present resolution and to secure peace and security in the area." This statement was widely interpreted as "obey or we will force you to by all means necessary." This text was used by the United States as a justification for the 1996 bombing of Iraq, 1998 bombing of Iraq, and the 2003 invasion of Iraq, on the basis that Iraq refused to comply with various United Nations resolutions, in order to maintain peace and security in the Persian Gulf region.

China voted for this UNSC resolution against Iraq in 2002:

offering Iraq under Saddam Hussein "a final opportunity to comply with its disarmament obligations" that had been set out in several previous resolutions (Resolutions 660, 661, 678, 686, 687, 688, 707, 715, 986, and 1284).[1] It provided a justification for the subsequent US invasion of Iraq

China sold out Iraq to maintain beneficial business relations with the USA. To make money, as Iraq was bombed.

Here was Europeans, opposing the Iraq War.

Those behind the Iraq War were the US and UK. The cia and mi6. Russia gave the USA a blank check with China in the UNSC.
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