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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2

Get off your high horse. You are in no position to dictate anything. The bitter facts are that Russia has simply absorbed a large chunk of Ukrainian territory. Guess what... Ukraine is never getting these regions back. As things stand, Russia won't stop absorbing more territory in the coming months. Macron knows the score and that cunning frog made the trip to China for a reason.

The Western powers have no choice, but to initiate talks through Chinese intervention. The status quo will have to be accepted as a final solution. You can count yourself lucky if Russia sits at the table because right now they have the upperhand. Russia has no reason to sit with Western powers because Russia is moving ahead in Ukraine.
18% is not considered ‘large’. Large implies majority, and even the horse you are on will tell you that 18% is still a minority.

If the war were to end tomorrow, with 18% occupied, Russia would have gained a border 2x against NATO with Finland, with Sweden an almost admitted, its maritime access with a NATO choke point. And the redefined border will be with Ukraine with much more teeth (regardless of it ever joined NATO or not) then what Ukraine ever was.

How is this a winning formula. ANd we are starting with a very low baseline that Russia keeps the territories. This is not the mindset of genius strategist that everybody thinks Putin is. He was a much bigger threat to NATO and the West with his actions in elections and elevation of the Right movement than this war can ever be

russia is clearly winning in ukraine. Victory in ukraine will lead to russian invasion in poland, romania and other small european countries which have much less capable militaries as compared to ukraine. Europe has dark future and will face destruction and wars in coming years
Russia doubled its NATO border with Finland joining. Please don’t look at the world through a straw.

If Ukrainian Nazis hadn't been exterminating Russian speaking people in the border region then the Ukrainians wouldn't be in this pickle.

OK Swede, deny facts as much as you want. We have seen how brave you were in Afghanistan. How fast did you run out?
This narrative is about as convincing as the WMD one from US against Iraq. Make the lie and half the population will believe it. Kremlin also invaded Hungary, Afghanistan because evidently then there was genocide occuring against the Russian speaking?
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I think you're missing the concern that was raised by the American Secretary of State Janet Yellen. Her concern was not about the size of the trade carried out on the US Dollar versus the Yuan today; to the contrary, the concern was about the challenge made to the tools that the US and the West in general used to have to sanction and cripple the economies and trade of other countries. These financial tools used to bring countries to their knees. They also used to cause the deaths of millions of men, women, and children as we've witnessed what they did to Iraq in 1990s and other countries as well.

"In an interview to CNN, the US Treasury Secretary said: 'There is a risk when we use financial sanctions that are linked to the role of the dollar that over time it could undermine the hegemony of the dollar.'"

Today, if a country is sanctioned unilaterally by the US and its allies - and not through the UNSC, that country can bypass those sanctions by having their central banks engaging in other financial transfer system such as the CIPS and SPFS financial systems. This trade is carried out on currencies in which the US Dollar is not part of. In other words, countries are using their own currencies when it comes to settling their trade.


It appears that King dollar is on verge of losing the crown. The Indian government, last month, said that as many as 18 countries – including Russia, Sri Lanka, UK – have expressed interest in settling overseas trade with India in Indian rupee or INR."

The move from Iran and Saudi Arabia is also very significant. The dominance of the USD as a reserve currency was based on the oil and gas trade carried out on the US dollar. That trade will also be carried out in other currencies such as the Yuan.

"Iran has completely abandoned dollar trade with China and Russia. Saudi Arabia, a key OPEC member, said it will completely give up PetroDollar and will start accepting PetroYuan."

So what can we conclude from all of this? If anything can be learned from the aftermath of the wars and economic sanctions waged on Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Russia, DPRK, and other countries, the effects of these wars have backfired on the hegemonic West, US in particular. Of course, we, unfortunately, lost millions of people in the countries invaded, especially Muslim nations where my country is one of them; but a sweet justice is coming back to elites who engineered this fraudulent and cruel SWIFT system that was used to suffocate countries and the wars launched on its behalf. It is a gradual process. No one is hurrying. The US Dollar is still being used, but it is not the only one in the world which trade is base on.

Have you noticed the countless travel that Blinken was making to Africa? They were all designed to inform them not to trade with China, Russia, Iran, and other countries based on any currencies outside of the US Dollar. They're panicking but it seems grip is gradually loosening.

And to The Chosenites, these folks thought they could easily have everything between the Euphrates and the Nile using SWIFT, NATO, World Bank, IMF, Veto power in the UNSC, etc. Alhamdulillaah, their grip is loosening, and their Freemasonry backers are going to be bankrupted gradually. The cries of our mothers and brethren in Al-Quddus and in other towns in the Holy Land will insha'Allah at some point come to an end. I am hoping and praying it will be soon.

The hadith of everything going back to the silver and gold will be fulfilled.
No dominance is permanent so its fine if this is the cost of NATO’s perceived loss for what may end up in Russia’s neutering.

Iran should have been bypassing $ trade for a long time given than since Shah they have been on one US s**t list or the other. I am sure they tried, they just could not so now its just brownie points.

And fine for Saudi Arabia to receive Chinese payment in on USD for all oil to China. The week after they announced this, Saudi Arabia was on verge of announcing a $30bn deal with Airbus/Boeing for its new airline. It now bears the burden of finding buyers for that Chinese currency to conver to USD to buy these airplanes. Chinese can’t sell them enough socks and underwear to offset all the oil that goes there.
So you think that US/the West has something to do with God?

USA/West has everything to do with Satan.

Since internet massification age began, through massive surveillance, western states acquired all the features of the Devil of Abrahamic religions: omnipresence, omniscience, tempting everybody to do evil things, through bots, undercovers and provocateurs.

Just like Satan, they only lacks horns and tail.

Even diabolical possessions is very like a police informant IM bot, when someone supplant other person identity and talk in his name.

And if someday USA starts nuclear WWIII, then it will be no difference between USA and any eschatology prophecy of the Devil over Earth.


Wagner cut 0506 road. The Russians advanced in the South. Military Summary And Analysis 2023.04.20


Humanitarian Russians saving the world from Western imperialism. :rolleyes:

Only on PDF I see this type of mindset and level of delusion.

The Wagner Occult is responsible for horrendous crimes in Syria, Ukraine, and also in African countries. But these are the good guys.

Shame on anybody who take sides in these games of world powers.

Do not forget that your soul belongs to Allah Almighty and not these worldly pharoahs.

It really shouldn't matter to us. We should lean back and enjoy. America and Europe aren't our nephew's. In fact, the way both have behaved against Pakistan in the past few decades should serve as a reminder to spectate silently from a safe distance. We are not on European/American side. We should be on our own side just like India chooses its own side. In this fight there are no favorites. The strongest side will win irrespective of good and bad. That is how it works in this world. It is basically a jungle.
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Humanitarian Russians saving the world from Western imperialism. :rolleyes:

Only on PDF I see this type of mindset and level of delusion.

The Wagner Occult is responsible for horrendous crimes in Syria, Ukraine, and also in African countries. But these are the good guys.

Shame on anybody who take sides in these games of world powers.

Do not forget that your soul belongs to Allah Almighty and not these worldly pharoahs.
Exactly, siding with Ukraine is not same as siding with west, westerners are hypocrites and they have a history of biting allies. Its just the atrocious russians whom need to be taught a lesson. Their scorching earth policy and their ambitions of russification have been threatening the smaller and weaker countries and i said weak because i don't think that they will ever try to pick up fight against stronger nations directly as they do against weak.
NATO with their Ukrainian puppet government is responsible for forcibly sending Ukrainian teachers, athletes, the elderly, the disabled, and more, to the frontline to face a certain death against the Russian forces.

Ukraine's elite soldiers no longer exist.

Regardless of what people say, the Ukrainian military is made up of freshmen, forcibly recruited with guns pointed at their head before being kidnapped, blackmailed, and trained for only a few days before being sent to the frontline. Expect the few thousands soldiers who have returned from abroad trained by NATO.

This is madness.

#Putin #Ukraine #China #India #UN #Africa #Iran #Syria #US #Germany

NATO with their Ukrainian puppet government is responsible for forcibly sending Ukrainian teachers, athletes, the elderly, the disabled, and more, to the frontline to face a certain death against the Russian forces.

Ukraine's elite soldiers no longer exist.

Regardless of what people say, the Ukrainian military is made up of freshmen, forcibly recruited with guns pointed at their head before being kidnapped, blackmailed, and trained for only a few days before being sent to the frontline. Expect the few thousands soldiers who have returned from abroad trained by NATO.

This is madness.

#Putin #Ukraine #China #India #UN #Africa #Iran #Syria #US #Germany

After millions of Ukrainian young men are dead or crippled in Donba, millions of Ukrainian young women are trafficked to China and sold to Chinese men.
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