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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2

Next step on escalation ladder

the West considers a full ban of export to Russia.


Humanitarian Russians saving the world from Western imperialism. :rolleyes:

Only on PDF I see this type of mindset and level of delusion.

The Wagner Occult is responsible for horrendous crimes in Syria, Ukraine, and also in African countries. But these are the good guys.

Shame on anybody who take sides in these games of world powers.

Do not forget that your soul belongs to Allah Almighty and not these worldly pharoahs.

Humanitarian Russians saving the world from Western imperialism. :rolleyes:

Only on PDF I see this type of mindset and level of delusion.

The Wagner Occult is responsible for horrendous crimes in Syria, Ukraine, and also in African countries. But these are the good guys.

Shame on anybody who take sides in these games of world powers.

Do not forget that your soul belongs to Allah Almighty and not these worldly pharoahs.
It is normal, to many people are caught in between and driven by emotions, so it is not that hard to pick uo so called lesser evil side who should help to defeat evil consider bigger by their own ecpirience and taughts.
It is all consequence of non existance islamic countries unified block or one dominant super power to be followed when dramatic and significant world events occurs.

Humanitarian Russians saving the world from Western imperialism. :rolleyes:

Only on PDF I see this type of mindset and level of delusion.

The Wagner Occult is responsible for horrendous crimes in Syria, Ukraine, and also in African countries. But these are the good guys.

Shame on anybody who take sides in these games of world powers.

Do not forget that your soul belongs to Allah Almighty and not these worldly pharoahs.

So you think that US/the West has something to do with God?
So you think that US/the West has something to do with God?

The article that I posted from a Syrian doctor? Anything to say about it?

Allah Almighty have his ways to remind believers that there are consequences for disregarding his teachings.

The OECD bloc is strong and the War On Terror happened because the so-called Muslims are weak, corrupt, divided, and busy undermining each other. Some thought that they could use suicide bombing and terrorism to fight the Great Satan. Many of these morons are dead, not surprisingly.

I am questioning the moral compass of those who complain about Western imperialism here on PDF all the time but champion Russian imperialism in its place.

This is the solution to Western imperialism? To cheer for another colonial overlord and become a part of its propaganda messaging? This is blatant hypocrisy and lack of faith in a person.

The only solution is that the Muslims mend their ways and avoid becoming a party in corruption and mischief of other players.

I do not have much hope though. I will not be surprised if some will declare Putin as their Imam Mehdi as well.
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