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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2

That will be the major event of the year.

German media compares the upcoming Ukraine offensive against the Russians at Melitopol to the Deutsche Wehrmacht offensive against the Red army at Kursk. German tanks run against Russians hidden in their trenches. Ukraine offensive against Russia army at the Crimea to Mannstein’s mechanized corps.

Ostfront/Kolonne deutscherTiger-Panzer Geschichte: 2. Weltkrieg / Ostfront. - Kolonne deutscher Tiger Panzer.- PK-Foto, 1943. aus: Zeitschrift Signal, frz. Ausgabe, 4. Jg., Heft 19, 1943, S.14

Eine Kolonne von Tiger-Panzern an der Ostfront im Sommer 1943
Quelle: picture-alliance / akg-images
NATO with their Ukrainian puppet government is responsible for forcibly sending Ukrainian teachers, athletes, the elderly, the disabled, and more, to the frontline to face a certain death against the Russian forces.

Ukraine's elite soldiers no longer exist.

Regardless of what people say, the Ukrainian military is made up of freshmen, forcibly recruited with guns pointed at their head before being kidnapped, blackmailed, and trained for only a few days before being sent to the frontline. Expect the few thousands soldiers who have returned from abroad trained by NATO.

This is madness.

#Putin #Ukraine #China #India #UN #Africa #Iran #Syria #US #Germany

This is one of the sad sides of a war. There is more understanding from Ukraine’s side as it is in defence of the country, and like the U.K. and others in WW1/2 , people are called up to fight. However , there is less understanding when Russians do the same thing, dragging/tricking men into helping invade another country.

After millions of Ukrainian young men are dead or crippled in Donba, millions of Ukrainian young women are trafficked to China and sold to Chinese men.

It’s no different to most wars. People have short memories or don’t read history books. If you got drafted and did not go , they arrested you. You fight to defend your country or sit in prison. Now, if a country was doing this to get men to invade a country , then that is nuts.
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After millions of Ukrainian young men are dead or crippled in Donba, millions of Ukrainian young women are trafficked to China and sold to Chinese men.
Yeah right. Most Ukranian women and children have gone to EU and US - that'll help the local countries facing declining birth rates, especially with Ukranian men forced to go to the front lines and prohibited from leaving the country.

It is in EU that Ukrainian women have been reported to be the victims of trafficking, sexual exploitation, and lured into pornography casting. In fact, UK has been advised to make a law to prevent single men from sharing their homes with Ukranian women due to reports of sexual exploitation.
18% is not considered ‘large’. Large implies majority, and even the horse you are on will tell you that 18% is still a minority.

If the war were to end tomorrow, with 18% occupied, Russia would have gained a border 2x against NATO with Finland, with Sweden an almost admitted, its maritime access with a NATO choke point. And the redefined border will be with Ukraine with much more teeth (regardless of it ever joined NATO or not) then what Ukraine ever was.
18% is pretty large. It does not imply majority. And this specific 18% is a huge loss for Ukraine as it was the epicenter of Ukranian industrial capacity.

The current occupation zone also deprives Ukraine of significant access to the Black Sea and complete cutoff from Sea of Azov. EEZ will go to Russia, as will the major offshore oil & gas deposits in the Black Sea. This is a huge loss for Ukraine.
It really shouldn't matter to us. We should lean back and enjoy. America and Europe aren't our nephew's. In fact, the way both have behaved against Pakistan in the past few decades should serve as a reminder to spectate silently from a safe distance. We are not on European/American side. We should be on our own side just like India chooses its own side. In this fight there are no favorites. The strongest side will win irrespective of good and bad. That is how it works in this world. It is basically a jungle.

I see no enjoyment in suffering of people in any part of the world.

Your stance is fine otherwise. Being neutral is much better than selling your soul to a tyrant coz you have grievances with the other camp.

I don't want to comment on contributions of some members in this thread but it does look like "imaan" of some is for sale when money is involved. Shameful.
Bakhmut begins to more and more looks like Stalingrad for the Ukrainians. Just to hold that small city Ukraine is sacrificing thousands of it's men , what makes it so important for Ukraine
The railroad.

It provides better access to other cities for advancing.
The war on Gog and Magog is upon us. Devine punishment for the wicked has begun and with its culmination in Jerusalem.
The War between Russia and Ukraine is nothing. Worse it yet to come. Its all there, for those who understand.

Not much competent

In the last night a Russia bomber mistakenly bombed the Russia city Belgorod. Too bad, because of evidence the Russians cannot deny it and accuse Ukraine. I hope they won’t nuke themselves by mistake.

Die Straßenkreuzung in Belgorod, auf der die russische Bombe am 20. April niederging.

Die Straßenkreuzung in Belgorod, auf der die russische Bombe am 20. April niederging. Bild: AFP
I see no enjoyment in suffering of people in any part of the world.

Your stance is fine otherwise. Being neutral is much better than selling your soul to a tyrant coz you have grievances with the other camp.

I don't want to comment on contributions of some members in this thread but it does look like "imaan" of some is for sale when money is involved. Shameful.

To be honest, I look at the whole thing from a business angle. Business wise a war against the Western Anglo bloc is good for world balance. The Western nations have too much power. Too much power is never good.

Humanitarian Russians saving the world from Western imperialism. :rolleyes:

Only on PDF I see this type of mindset and level of delusion.

The Wagner Occult is responsible for horrendous crimes in Syria, Ukraine, and also in African countries. But these are the good guys.

Shame on anybody who take sides in these games of world powers.

Do not forget that your soul belongs to Allah Almighty and not these worldly pharoahs.
yeah What a nice bunch of cannibals and headchoppers ,Russian oppressed in Syria

Chinese won’t sell iPhones to Russia they will sell overpriced domestic phones to dumb Russians. Putin makes Russia to a chinese colony.
there are good chinese brands like Huawei or oneplus ,...
I myself prefer Huawei over Iphone
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Not much competent

In the last night a Russia bomber mistakenly bombed the Russia city Belgorod. Too bad, because of evidence the Russians cannot deny it and accuse Ukraine. I hope they won’t nuke themselves by mistake.

Die Straßenkreuzung in Belgorod, auf der die russische Bombe am 20. April niederging.

Die Straßenkreuzung in Belgorod, auf der die russische Bombe am 20. April niederging. Bild: AFP

Yep - does it look like discipline in the Russian Armed Forces is falling apart ? is this a precursor to civil war in Russia and the eventual breakup of Russia ??

Video on attached link :

Maybe the pilots will also be given bravery awards ? Previous drunk pilots who rammed into a drone got awards.. so this has to be worth something by russian standards of bravery and skill ???

lol ...
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The article that I posted from a Syrian doctor? Anything to say about it?

The article from a "syrian doctor"? I saw a lot of such articles during the last decade. Dont you wonder why this "syrian doctor" do not cry about the oil what the US steal from Syria? Every day till today? Did Russia do that? No. Did Russia invaded Syria? No. Did US invaded and bomb Syria? Yes. So you now know all about the article from this "syrian doctor".

Allah Almighty have his ways to remind believers that there are consequences for disregarding his teachings.

God is a loving God, not a hating God. What is that kind of thinking you have? Do you really think God create all things only to have then fun to punish the things he created? That is absurd.

The OECD bloc is strong and the War On Terror happened because the so-called Muslims are weak, corrupt, divided, and busy undermining each other. Some thought that they could use suicide bombing and terrorism to fight the Great Satan. Many of these morons are dead, not surprisingly.

Who divided them? Was it Russia or China? Or was it the US?

I am questioning the moral compass of those who complain about Western imperialism here on PDF all the time but champion Russian imperialism in its place.

This is the solution to Western imperialism? To cheer for another colonial overlord and become a part of its propaganda messaging? This is blatant hypocrisy and lack of faith in a person.

What russian imperialism? Who moved out of Europe, end the soviet union military pact? And who do not moved out of Europe and increase the NATO military pact to the east to the borders of Russia?

The only solution is that the Muslims mend their ways and avoid becoming a party in corruption and mischief of other players.

And that is happening in the middle east. And it is happening cause not only Russia but also China, SCO, BRICS ect. pressure against US/the West. And this pressure gives the countries in the middle east the air to breath, let them form what you see as an solution. And yes, it is an solution. It is part of the "multipolar world order" and middle east will become one of the poles in this multipolar world order. You can hate this, but me is liking this development very much, cause it then gives Europe also the chance to be a pole in the multipolar world order, ending beeing only a dog of the US.
USA/West has everything to do with Satan.

Since internet massification age began, through massive surveillance, western states acquired all the features of the Devil of Abrahamic religions: omnipresence, omniscience, tempting everybody to do evil things, through bots, undercovers and provocateurs.

Just like Satan, they only lacks horns and tail.

Even diabolical possessions is very like a police informant IM bot, when someone supplant other person identity and talk in his name.

And if someday USA starts nuclear WWIII, then it will be no difference between USA and any eschatology prophecy of the Devil over Earth.


Well, i have an other understanding of "Satan". For me "Satan" does not exists. Only God exists.
Maybe the pilots will also be given bravery awards ? Previous drunk pilots who rammed into a drone got awards.. so this has to be worth something by russian standards of bravery and skill ???

lol ...
well if they want to copy USA , they had to give him that medal as USA gave a plethora of various medals to their navy crew who shoot down a civilian passenger planes in international air corridors while they were in another country territorial water in defiance of their commanding officer direct orders
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