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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2

Challenger 1 probably has the same firepower as leopards 1. Both can crack T72s. T90s have very strong armor and protection that’s a different level. If challenger 1 can fire depleted uranium projectile then well… I don’t want to sit in a Russian tank.

Let's hope they've been trained to use them properly. I am not sure many have seen the size of this tank vs a t55 or t72. It is double to triple the size of one Russian tank. It is going to hurt. All 14 of them. As good as they are, they simply arent enough
This is not the point,

The point is that Somalia is relying on grain from Russia and Ukraine and because of the war, that person supports , Somalia is starving .

It relies on international support which comes mainly from the west , the same west Hassan Al-Somal likes to spit at, One should not spit into the well from which he drinks . . .

And you can say your country is " doing great "when you have the second highest mortality rate of infants in the world after Afghanistan.

Nice lyrics though , if only all thought like that :

Barouh atat adonai ( that is in Hebrew means : blessed is my lord )
(Barouh atat adonai)
Barouh atat yroushalaim
(Barouh atat yroushalaim)
Barouh atat adonai
(Barouh atat adonai)
Barouh atat yroushalaim
(Barouh atat yroushalaim)

Jerusalem here I am
Jerusalem je t'aime
Jerusalem here I am
Jerusalem je t'aime
Israela yakirati
Israela yakirati (that is in Hebrew means : Israel my dear i love you )
Ani ohv otarh
Israela yakirati
Israela yakirati
Israela yakirati
Israela yakirati

From the Bible to the Coran
Revelation in Jerusalem
Shalom, salamalekoum
You can see Christians, Jews and Muslims
Living together and praying
Amen, let's gives thanks and praises

Barouh atat adonai
Barouh atat yroushalaim
Barouh atat adonai
Barouh atat yroushalaim

Jerusalem here I am
Jerusalem je t'aime
Jerusalem here I am
Jerusalem je t'aime
Israela yakirati
Israela yakirati ( israel my dear i love you )
Ani ohv otarh
Israela yakirati
Israela yakirati
Israela yakirati
Israela yakirati


The so-called Western-controlled food aid destroys Somalia's bread basket. There are no food aid coming from Ukraine or Russia to Somalia. That is a lie that you conjure up. And the UN that you referenced is a Western-led project that is designed to continue the mayhem and instability in Somalia - an instability that is the root cause of the problem. They try to bring their rotten food during the harvest season in order to harm the farmers and destroy their livelihoods.

So to our Zio resident in the forum who has the blood of our Palestinian brethren on his hands, in Somalia, we're turning the deserts to food-producing oasis regions. When it comes to fruits, vegetable, maize, sorghum, we're self[-sufficient. We also have the largest number of camels in the world, in addition to sheep and goats. We also have the largest coast in Africa. So despite the West's constant interferences using the UNSC, UN, and IGAD, we're beating the odds.


We're building sand dams in the desert in order to meet the needs of our people.


These Zioshists like to run with sound bites. Despite the over 83 years West's interferences in our internal affairs including invasions, embargo, and constant drone and aerial attacks, we're doing fine and beating the odds.
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There are no food aid coming from Ukraine or Russia to Somalia. That is a lie that you conjure up.

Somalia is relying on grain from Russia and Ukraine and because of the war, you support , Somalia is starving .

Well, thanks for your apology but concerning our issues, please let me add one remark:
first of all I know I must accept different opinions - like your support of Russia - even if I don't understand or follow them, but what I cannot accept is constant tone of aggression, insult, the use of smear language and sexual harassment!
Why must anyone with whom you don't agree be called a "brown dick licker", "a LGBTQ sissy", "brown sahib", "shit" or a "bastard"?

Why must constantly the US-Iraq and Israel be mixed into this conflict and only since I and a few others - which in fact truly do not support Israel nor do I support Judaism or Zionism - be called Zionists, or even simply, why do you constantly call Israel "Israhell", wishing them death and destruction ... is this acceptable? No-one here especially you would tolerate or accept the denigration of names, countries or politicians of the Islamic world!

My point again is, here in a forum, it is normal - in fact that's for what forums are - to met peoples with different opinions, but like you mentioned, "this is a free forum and I can post any thread i want" - but at the same time you need to stay polite, honest and respectful and at least have to accept that you will face any disagreement. So any not-support of your opinion is not an insult, which must be replied with another insult and offence, but just an argument, a different opinion. If you only want to hear a reply of your stance, then you should create a FB-or whatever site and post your stuff, you should forbid any critical comments and so is fine, but in a forum you should accept common rules, which includes NOT to instantly bash down with aggression, a most insulting and offensive tone, others who don't agree or even to deny them a right to post their opinion.

As such, posting a different opinion or events from the war even if I don't like them are fine, indeed to give a broader perspective of what is truly going on, but any post containing personnel insults like quoted above, name calling and country bashing including calling "Israhell", calling the US always the big Satan, constantly advocating to nuke London, Paris, Washington, Berlin or whatever other big Western country since some enjoy the dying of "Western idiots", any post calling one who supports Ukraine a "LGBTQ pussy" or a "brown dick licker" is IMO worth a negative rating since it contradicts all values of common respect, of honest discussion of humanity and decency.

So much for now from my side

I admit to using "LGBTQ Sissy" & "Brown Sahib". I don't recall using any of the other words you've accused me of using. Regardless, as stated, I'll refrain from using aggressive language on the basis that I am not targeted and abused for stating my Pro-Russian stance.

US-Israel-Iraq and other countries should be discussed and will be discussed as this isn't an isolated conflict. There is involvement from all stakeholders. It's called international relations and geo-politics and is pertinent to the Conflict.
With particular regards to Israel, it is an illegal apartheid state going unchecked since it's existence. I stand by my comments on this Terrorist state. If anyone calls a Islamic country names, I'd happily discuss why that is not the case. Pro-Israelis should do the same, but they can't as they realise what the state really is.

I agree, we should remain polite. But it's not good when I'm needlessly targeted. For example, when I opened the thread "Cancer on Earth - The Zionist State of Israel.", within milliseconds you gave me a negative rating. Not that it matters to me but it doesn't set a good tone for further discourse. Instead you should have posted why you think the thread title isn't the case.

For the record, i've never advocated the nuking of London, Paris, Washington, Berlin or whatever. I'm merely stating that the world is heading towards a nuclear WW3 because of the policies of the West.

Anyhow, peace out. I trust that we can respect each others opinions going forward without targeting and engage in a healthy discussion.
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A part of my Vision i posted in "Pakistan Mechanized" thread some years ago, where i described IFV in a way you mentioned "modular vehicle design". Whereas these IFV also have mini-CM like Spear-3 or better, fired out of a tube and APS ect. And these IFV replace the "groundtanks". In my vision there also exists tanks, but flying tanks. Have laser aps and one can take out a carrier group cause no missile will reach them ect.


Hm, this post of mine does no more exists in the "mechanized" thread :(

Let's be real here.
The Americans have reached the culmination point in classic munition design with the Hybrid 6.8×51mm.
That's evolution not revolution.
Revolution would be caseless, like the assault rifles series from the AVATAR movies.
The same works for AFV, no matter wheeled IFV or tracked IFV or a MBT.
Keep in mind, that you can't compare some vehicles with others or be fair when you compare them 1v1.
People tend to compare Israeli Merkava Mk 4M with M1A2 SEPv3 or Leopard 2A7A1 but you can't.
Different DOCTRINES.
Same with Soviet designed vehicles.
The problem with many Soviet (and therefore upraded Russian, still Soviet-influenced stuff) is that they are taking them out of their doctrine + much more potent "anti-things" like Javelin etc. they have to face today.
A T-62M in Syria can survive a TOW-2A bc of his "Eyebrow" armor (same with T-55M/AM).
A T-80U (Kontakt-5) or even T-72B (1985 with Kontakt-1 then) vs a M1A1 from 1988 (no M829A1 "Silver Bullet" (1989) and not the Heavy Armor (M1A1HA 1989) would be a late cold war classic.
So, to say, no matter from which side, this is shit or that is weak etc.
Look at the circumstances...
Soviets produced 35k T-34/76 and 20k T-34/85 during WW2.
They lost 45k of them.
But still, they were good enough for this type of war.
Sherman, overall, especially the later variants, were superior to T-34, many people don't get that.
Could the Americans have produced a overall better tank, in terms of combat abilites? Armor, gun, etc. ?
But you want the "good enough" (you need to ship them, you need spare parts, you want tactical mobility etc.) and Shermans were the only series-tank which could fire during the move with good aim, they had the highest survivability for crews etc.
BTW, my Grandpa was an Adjudant of Kesselring.
On the left, 0:20.
Sadly, died in the last days of the War, was fighting since 1940 (France) to the bitter end...
Somalia is relying on grain from Russia and Ukraine and because of the war, you support , Somalia is starving .


Those are bogus reports in your Western media. Somalia doesn't rely on any food aid from the West. I showed you projects taking place in Somalia. There is an area in the South controlled by the death squad named Al-Shabaab - the so-called Al-Qaeda affiliate in East Africa. There is a war going there. Just like ISIS, the West created Al-Shabaab in Somalia in order to interfere and loot our natural resources. This is the same thing you did in Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan, and in other Muslim lands. It is this area that they created those sound bites and claim they want to "help" people. But they do fundraising, pocket the money, and then try to bring rotten food aid during the harvest season. They actually claim "helping" when what they're indeed doing is to uproot Somali farmers.

What we need to be understood from the soundbites that you claimed is, they're cleverly designed to destroy Somalia's break basket.

Now, you the rat-eating Pajeet boy claiming to be an Israeli, it is your evil entity called Israhell that keeps getting those 3.5 billion USD from US and other billions from EU. Without Western support, you would never have been able to come and settle within Arab and Muslim lands. :lol:
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What you laughing, @RoadAmerica ? Everyone who kill an US is my friend.
You’re a joke that’s why I’m laughing at you.
In the end america does far more good, if you don’t agree then every country on earth can give back our charity and please don’t call us next time a shit hole has a natural disaster.
Oh and we don’t let in our fair share gtfo and educate yourself

Larger glide bombs have about 40km range. Good for taking out fortified targets or supply depots. Russia can also use small diameter bombs. Smaller bombs would have more reach like 80-100km deep inside Ukraine. Sdbs can be used against detected Ukranian sam systems - radar equipment like Nasams as a cheap anti radar missile alternative.

They can also be used in toss bomb mode in my opinion like not in a ballistic trajectory but flying low in Russian territory to avoid sam detection and get into altitude at the last moment to release the bombs and return low to safety again from about 80km range for SDBs. For example a Nasams site in Kharkiv can detect-attack a high flying Su-35 from 80km and can intercept the aircraft before it launches the bombs at that high altitude. However in low flight mode it can't be detected and intercepted in time as it would just briefly get into high altitude 10-12km to release the bombs and return low altitude and back to its base.
Bla bla bla bla lolz

Falling asleep lmao reading all this ha ha

lolz nah just a guy laughing *** off seeing some poor pak fellow crying for Russian victory hopeing it will change the world order lmao without knowing Russian will **** pak in the *** with help of Indians every time…the irony here is fucking hilarious
Weed effect?
I believe must be a cheap one also
Those are bogus reports in your Western media. Somalia doesn't rely on any food aid from the West.
I showed you projects taking place in Somalia.
Which is not enough to feed your population. See above.
There is an area in the South controlled by the death squad named Al-Shabaab - the so-called Al-Qaeda affiliate in East Africa. There is a war going there. Just like ISIS, the West created Al-Shabaab in Somalia in order to interfere and loot our natural resources.
Nonsense. Hardly any resources are being extracted. Quite likely less then the millions of aid given.

Also…al shabaab consists of mostly somalians and could grow because so many somalians fight for its “ideals”.
Muslims need to look at their peers instead of not take responsibility.

When i see you speak about jews and the west you are really not far off from joining….
This is the same thing you did in Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan, and in other Muslim lands.
Afghanistan and iraq cost trillions. For what..a few millions?

Math is not your strongpoint is it?
It is this area that they created those sound bites and claim they want to "help" people. But they do fundraising, pocket the money, and then try to bring rotten food aid during the harvest season. They actually claim "helping" when what they're indeed doing is to uproot Somali farmers.

Unfounded conspiracy theory regarding food aid. How disgusting.

And now leaching of the west again…living in canada. No shame…

Putin's air defenses destroy U.S.-made HIMARS, Russia kills 145 Ukrainian troops in Donetsk​


Wann beginnt der kalendarische Frühling?

In diesem Jahr beginnt der kalendarische Frühling auf der Nordhalbkugel am 20. März 2023 um 22:24 Uhr mitteleuropäischer Zeit. "

So spring is already started and if he said "spring is coming" so this implies year 2024.
Spring offensive** not the season.

And Bush is laughing on stage about how he killed a million Iraqis over a WMD lie.
And he should be in prison for war crimes as well.

You won't find me defending the US on the topic of imperialism ever.

This isn't a what about situation, they're both wrong.
No hurry
A war lasts 5 years on average.
Some wars 10 years or longer.
The war between France and England was over 100 years.
War between Vietnam and Champa over 1,000 years.
This war will be no exception. That will become very ugly. Neither side wants to negotiate.
Besides, as said time is on Ukraine side. All of Leopards 1 and 2 will arrive end of 2023 and begin of 2024. Ukraine needs at least 4 tank battalions for the offensive.

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recall , when last year I said it'll be a forever war and how people said no

Who says the EU is tired of supporting Ukraine?

A new 1 billion euros artillery ammo package for Ukraine

That will bring lots of Russian zombies direct to hell.

good , nota being busy at Europe , means the rest of the world can solve their conflicts and make peace with each other
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