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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2

I've said it before and I'll say it again. Any Pakistani who supports Russia is a supporter of India.
So to home shall we support?
USA and Nato?? (if you think this is Russia and Ukraine war then you are only 10% right)
Russia is bad... No she is worse.
But what about the evil alliance of USA and NATO? They are 10 time more worse than Russia.
Their atrocious acts in almost all of world are well known.... Just take one example of their puppet IsraHell.
I will not remind what USA and west did to many Islamic regimes in this world.
A friend's friend is a friend.
BUT.... An enemy of enemy can also be a friend.
A long as both weaken each other it is a win win situation for Islamic world.
As there is a quote sometimes Allah uses a bad person to bring good to this world.
Africa is absolutely a sewer, and you didn’t prove anything . I don’t watch Fox News and rarely ever cite them. I’ve been right about 95% of the time through this entire war. I still remember when you thought Russia would take Odesa. You’ve been proven wrong this entire time. :lol:

You don’t know the first thing about me Somali. :lol:
Africa is absolutely a treasure..

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Any human that supports NATO, is knowingly or unknowingly going against the commandment of Allah. Those who make friendship and alliance with the Jews and Christians who are friends amongst themselves (ie. Zionist world order), have lost their Islam.

Those who support Russia are however, supporting the side of prophecy as suggested in Surat Al Rum.

You wouldn't know that though would you being the famous Brown Sahib on this forum.

It is Russia who is the David in the story against goliath NATO. Russia always looked for diplomacy whilst being deceived and taken for a ride all along, to the point that war was brought onto it's doorstep in which case it had to act. Now the chickens are coming home to roost.
Russia is literally a Christian nation that occupies Muslim territory. You defend Christian imperialists just because they oppose other white imperialist nations.

You wanna talk about being a brown sahib? You're literally acting as the white Russian's butt-boy. You would find a way to blame NATO if the Russian violated and murdered your family.

You think I support NATO, or the US? Clearly you haven't been paying attention to my comments on the forum. People who know me KNOW i do not support NATO and the USA's actions in Muslim lands.

Russia has and continues to support Pakistan's enemies, namely India whom continues to get advanced weapons from Russia to attack and kill Pakistanis.

Russia continues to kill Muslims.

Russia continues to support oppression in Muslim lands.

Do not quote the Quran when you clearly do it inappropriate.

You are a fool. The king of clowns.

Either that, or you're a child.

By advocating for Russia, you support treason against Pakistan.

And those are best case scenarios, because if you aren't any of those things, we're going to have to consider worse scenarios for you.
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Poland Seeks Abrams Tank Service Center and DU Ammunition Production

The Prime Minister of Poland, Mateusz Morawiecki, expressed his country's desire to become the primary service center for all American M1 Abrams tanks in Europe, as well as produce depleted uranium (DU) ammunition for their guns.


The Ukrainian column came under attack near Bakhmut. It is known that the road from Bakhmut is shot through by Russian artillery, one of the columns of the Ukrainian army came under such a blow. It is possible that there was an ambush, as reportedly, the column was moving from Clock Yar to Bakhmut

If this looks like 2024, then your perception of time is off. I suggest going to a psychologist to get that fixed...or a neurosurgeon.


Wann beginnt der kalendarische Frühling?

In diesem Jahr beginnt der kalendarische Frühling auf der Nordhalbkugel am 20. März 2023 um 22:24 Uhr mitteleuropäischer Zeit. "

So spring is already started and if he said "spring is coming" so this implies year 2024.

Civil war in Sudan. Easter shelling of Donets. Military Summary And Analysis 2023.04.16

Winter is coming ....
No hurry
A war lasts 5 years on average.
Some wars 10 years or longer.
The war between France and England was over 100 years.
War between Vietnam and Champa over 1,000 years.
This war will be no exception. That will become very ugly. Neither side wants to negotiate.
Besides, as said time is on Ukraine side. All of Leopards 1 and 2 will arrive end of 2023 and begin of 2024. Ukraine needs at least 4 tank battalions for the offensive.

Wagner stopped recruiting prisoners in February .They where on a 6 months contracts , i guess he is running out of soldiers.

Wagner Group can only afford to throw soldiers into Bakhmut's 'meat grinder' for another 2 months before it runs out of men

Russia’s Wagner mercenaries ‘running out of steam’


He can still tap the Orphanage for manpower.
Ahhh, the renowned PDF brown sahib's raw nerve has been struck. As I said, these brown sahibs would go to lengths deeper than known to man to serve their masters in the West. Cucked slaves of the highest order.

Russia is literally a Christian nation that occupies Muslim territory. You defend Christian imperialists just because they oppose other white imperialist nations.
Read my previous post again with a calm mind so you may comprehend you fool!
I didn't deny that Russia was a Christian country.

You wanna talk about being a brown sahib? You're literally acting as the white Russian's butt-boy. You would find a way to blame NATO if the Russian violated and murdered your family.
Incorrect but it's your privilege to think that. Rather I am defending a nation that has had war brought to it's doorstep by your NATO masters. They want Ukraine to fight Russia to the last Ukrainian. They hate the fact that they haven't managed to Cuck Russia as much as they wanted. Russia is debt free, has all the food and resources needed, it is the last bastion of true Christianity (i.e. the one that doesn't sleep in bed with your Zionist masters). NATO doesn't like nations that don't fall in line with their agenda and have thus created an environment of conflict in the region shouting "Regime Change" from the hill tops. But I guess Dajjals Warriors can't see this as they're blinded by the 2 cents their masters will provide them for falling in line.

You think I support NATO, or the US? Clearly you haven't been paying attention to my comments on the forum. People who know me KNOW i do not support NATO and the USA's actions in Muslim lands.
You can't have it both ways. You either support NATO or you don't. You can't pick and chose which scenarios you can or can not support them in. Their agenda is the same all along, and that it to further the Zionist interests/agenda. It is the armed Wing of Zionism that you support.

Russia has and continues to support Pakistan's enemies, namely India whom continues to get advanced weapons from Russia to attack and kill Pakistanis.
Russia will take Pakistan seriously once the Brown Sahibs in the Army stop licking NATO A$$ for a few rupees. Although Russia has tried to increase diplomatic ties time and time again, they've received a cold reception in Islamabad, so can you blame them. When Imran Khan went to Moscow, your Uncle Bajwa got a call from Washington to have him removed. Again, it's always the brown sahibs causing Issues.

Russia continues to kill Muslims.
Russia continues to support oppression in Muslim lands.
Your NATO masters have a far worse record than Russia, Full Stop! With regards to Syria, Russian intervention was needed as NATO sent in it's private army to overthrow the government and destabilise the country in conjunction with Israel. All for the oil they discovered in the Euprates Basin. Its always your masters causing war and instability in regions. Russia just entered to bring back stability.
Ever wondered why Israel has bombed Syria for the umpteenth time this month? Or are you too busy playing to the anti-christs tune to earn 2 cents from your Western masters?

Do not quote the Quran when you clearly do it inappropriate.
No please allow me. Watch these 4 minute video and educate yourself. Do you reject the Quran? If so, good luck when you face Allah.

You are a fool. The king of clowns.
The King of Clowns is Zulensky who is so high on cocaine, that he doesn't know what's going on. Funny how he has quickly dismantled the Orthodox Christian Church and paved the way for your Western LGBTQRST agenda in Ukraine. The Fool is you for being his butt-boy. A Jew who has abolished the Christian Religion in Ukraine and decimated the country whilst stealing $400 million of Aid money to buy a villa in Tel Aviv, Spain and Italy. He has taken you and everyone for a ride and brought the world to the doorstep of WW3. And such a clown who danced in high heals on TV promoting Sodomy is your hero. What a Brown Sahib fool you are. I highly suggest you do more research before entering a discussion with Adults.

Finally, a message from your master.

Go ahead, continue supporting his agenda in violation of Islam.
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That is the view of one study: The Social Progress Index. That is their view. I only quoted the piece of the link from BBC that stated this: "According to 'a BBC study', Botswana is 'one of the world’s six best countries to live in', a recent Business Day article claimed".

This is another link that backed up that claim: https://yourbotswana.com/2018/02/04/botswana-as-role-model-an-example-of-the-best-living-in-the-world-is-across-the-border/#:~:text=Botswana was recently rated in,world's “best governed” countries.

View attachment 924920

After you provided a link that debunked a BBC story, you provide new links to articles that use the debunked BBC story as a source…

And Bush is laughing on stage about how he killed a million Iraqis over a WMD lie.
You mean how Iraqis killed hundreds of thousands of other Iraqis when they were not stopped by Saddams killings on tens of thousands of Iraqis?
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Ahhh, the renowned PDF brown sahib's raw nerve has been struck. As I said, these brown sahibs would go to lengths deeper than known to man to serve their masters in the West. Cucked slaves of the highest order.

Read my previous post again with a calm mind so you may comprehend you fool!
I didn't deny that Russia was a Christian country.

Incorrect but it's your privilege to think that. Rather I am defending a nation that has had war brought to it's doorstep by your NATO masters. They want Ukraine to fight Russia to the last Ukrainian. They hate the fact that they haven't managed to Cuck Russia as much as they wanted. Russia is debt free, has all the food and resources needed, it is the last bastion of true Christianity (i.e. the one that doesn't sleep in bed with your Zionist masters). NATO doesn't like nations that don't fall in line with their agenda and have thus created an environment of conflict in the region shouting "Regime Change" from the hill tops. But I guess Dajjals Warriors can't see this as they're blinded by the 2 cents their masters will provide them for falling in line.

You can't have it both ways. You either support NATO or you don't. You can't pick and chose which scenarios you can or can not support them in. Their agenda is the same all along, and that it to further the Zionist interests/agenda. It is the armed Wing of Zionism that you support.

Russia will take Pakistan seriously once the Brown Sahibs in the Army stop licking NATO A$$ for a few rupees. Although Russia has tried to increase diplomatic ties time and time again, they've received a cold reception in Islamabad, so can you blame them. When Imran Khan went to Moscow, your Uncle Bajwa got a call from Washington to have him removed. Again, it's always the brown sahibs causing Issues.

Your NATO masters have a far worse record than Russia, Full Stop! With regards to Syria, Russian intervention was needed as NATO sent in it's private army to overthrow the government and destabilise the country in conjunction with Israel. All for the oil they discovered in the Euprates Basin. Its always your masters causing war and instability in regions. Russia just entered to bring back stability.
Ever wondered why Israel has bombed Syria for the umpteenth time this month? Or are you too busy playing to the anti-christs tune to earn 2 cents from your Western masters?

No please allow me. Watch these 4 minute video and educate yourself. Do you reject the Quran? If so, good luck when you face Allah.

The King of Clowns is Zulensky who is so high on cocaine, that he doesn't know what's going on. Funny how he has quickly dismantled the Orthodox Christian Church and paved the way for your Western LGBTQRST agenda in Ukraine. The Fool is you for being his butt-boy. A Jew who has abolished the Christian Religion in Ukraine and decimated the country whilst stealing $400 million of Aid money to buy a villa in Tel Aviv, Spain and Italy. He has taken you and everyone for a ride and brought the world to the doorstep of WW3. And such a clown who danced in high heals on TV promoting Sodomy is your hero. What a Brown Sahib fool you are. I highly suggest you do more research before entering a discussion with Adults.

Finally, a message from your master.

Go ahead, continue supporting his agenda in violation of Islam.

@waz … once again like we discussed yesterday
That is the view of one study: The Social Progress Index. That is their view. I only quoted the piece of the link from BBC that stated this: "According to 'a BBC study', Botswana is 'one of the world’s six best countries to live in', a recent Business Day article claimed".

This is another link that backed up that claim: https://yourbotswana.com/2018/02/04/botswana-as-role-model-an-example-of-the-best-living-in-the-world-is-across-the-border/#:~:text=Botswana was recently rated in,world's “best governed” countries.

View attachment 924920

So one study says Botswana is one of the 6 best places to live in the planet, and another one places it at 45. It is up to you which one you believe, but looking at the criteria used by the BBC, I tend to agree with them.

Remember your friend stated "Africa is a sewer", and I was busting his nonsense. Now, I leave it to others to rate it after they read this piece of the link that I posted.

View attachment 924921

I think you, the rainbow-wearing fruity cake, is just arguing for the sake of argument.

Here is another report describing Bostwana.

45th out of some 200 countries in existence means it outdoes over three quarters of them according to that ranking. Your point stands either way.
Well, in the "old world of war" (till ~ 2000) tanks were essential for greater ground operations. But as everyone can see in Ukraine it isnt fully true anymore. All the ATGMs, Drones, guided arty shells ect. lower the efficiency of "ground tanks". So to compensate one have to provide much more tanks or more higher armored tanks to get the same result as 20-30 years ago. But as you said Ukraine do not get enough tanks and the few more higher armored tanks are to few and to heavy to make any greater effect on the whole line of contact.

Nah, use modular vehicle designs where you can use the main chassis for nearly every role.
Make it under/max 60 tonnes with passive & active armor.
It's evolution, like in nature.
Better protected tanks, better AT measures.
It's like Tyrannosaurus and armored herbivores.
The main idea of a tank or MBT is to have much damage potential and taking large amount of damage which all other vehicles can't absorb.
I mean, look at historic examples like western knights, then weapons, armies, tactics etc. changed but in the end, there came always again the idea of a "tank" up.

You need in most cases from verything something.
Then you need competent NCOs, good command structure, clear political goals (no never ending Afghan-scenario, where is nothing to achieve, only costs in every sense) etc.
The only army in the world which has QUALITY and quantity and is best prepared for different situations is the US, from the political aspect they are weak imo and let them drown into stupid colonial skirmishes because of several "not good enough" - reasons.
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