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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2

After you provided a link that debunked a BBC story, you provide new links to articles that use the debunked BBC story as a source…

You mean how Iraqis killed hundreds of thousands of other Iraqis when they were not stopped by Saddams killings on tens of thousands of Iraqis?

And that justifies an illegal invasion of a sovereign nation based on the lies about WMDS does it?! Idiotic pathetic hypocritical logic. The invasion itself led to decades of instability in the region, leading to the likes ISIS wreaking havoc across the middle east and terrorist attacks in Europe.
Nobody is going to avoid dropping standard of living when global inflation is at an all time high. Of course people right above lower middle class will drop in their earning ppower. All over the world not in first world, hunger has gone up.

You seem to be equating the West's inflation to the rest of the world. The "World" or at least a growing majority has seen the economic tsunami coming and is taking the necessary steps of de-dollarization to best protect their countries.

Those states that are either stuck due to Western grip on those State's sovereignty to make independent economic and political policies. Or those states have suffered from decades of Western economic sanctions or the IMF/WB/Petrodollar debt-trap. It is these countries that are facing food shortages.

Another major contributing factor to food shortages is how the West has siphoned off large chunks of grain shipments from Ukraine and Russia. Reports of the theft committed by the West have been lodged in the UNSC on multiple occasions in the past year. This is despite the West being aware of the famines, food shortages and humanitarian catastrophe in Yemen, Libya, Syria, Afghanistan and other poor states.

But then again, Karma came right on cue to punish the thieves as Western states like Slovakia have put ban on Ukrainian grain, citing fatal pesticides detected. Or Poland whose local production has taken damaging hits due to cheap (or free) Ukrainian grain shipments, calling for a pause in import of grain from Ukraine.

Also don’t cry for billionaires or be worried about them. It’s easy come easy go. THey got rich invested in stock market and it went up they got richer. It went down a bit and they lost some of that paper wealth.

I am the least bit worried about billionaires, but they are getting gutted as the Federal Reserve Bank prints more and more paper. Billionaires are a good indicator on how deep the West's economies have sunk.

It’s how capitalism works. Its not a petro state where the few royalty will always just keep making more money and keep investing in London.

London is losing its capital market, as petro-dollar becomes weaker and weaker. London's precious property market is set to lose more than 10% in value. Any sensible business minded person will take their money elsewhere to invest.

It’s fine for you to find a data point and assume that US is in its downturn. But after a recent visit: airports are full, resorts including Disney (people I know visited) are packed so they have increased their entry tickets, and new big SUVs are still moving off the dealer parking lots and cars are priced at all time high and still. Selling.

In a state with a population of 300 million plus, even the minority elites or semi-elites can fill up Disneyland. Besides they aren't gonna be able to enjoy their "Big SUVs" or have disposable income, by the time they've in the middle of summer. As the U.S economy will take a powerful hit this year.

I look forward to searching you down when that happens. Be sure to be online at that time.

Don’t expect US’s demise any time soon. But yes, every country is going to have negative news. No country is perfect and heaven for its entire population. Ever… its just better for more of the people/most of the people.

No country is like America, which has a fraudulent economic system, invades other countries who chose to exercise independent policies, employs mafia tactics and bombs other states who choose to de-dollarize.

Don;t you mean luftwaffe? I am sure the F-16 was also considered similarly but then across 4-5 wars it has outclassed every Russian/Soviet platform (and still would) without ever being shot down

Ah you're talking about the same F-16s that were shot down in Serbia? Yes?

So what about them?
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And that justifies an illegal invasion of a sovereign nation based on the lies about WMDS does it?! Idiotic pathetic hypocritical logic. The invasion itself led to decades of instability in the region, leading to the likes ISIS wreaking havoc across the middle east and terrorist attacks in Europe.

An occupier is legally in charge of ensuring stability in the occupied land. Responsibility for the blatant failure to do so in Iraq therefore lies with the American regime. Moreover the CIA's hand behind "I"S, instigator of domestic strife in that country, is an open secret much like the affinity of the ruling cabal in Washington with divide and rule strategies against nations they set their sights own. So responsibility for all war-related Iraqi deaths after March 2003 doubly falls on the US regime.

What's more, USA-imposed sanctions between 1991 and 2003 killed off additional hundreds of thousands of Iraqis including children. Depleted uranium rounds fired during operation "Desert Storm" caused birth malformations in countless thousands of Iraqi newborns.

And to top it off, Washington shares guilt in the atrocities committed by Saddam: the latter's rise to power was facilitated by deliberate US intervention to this effect.

In short, the USA regime is the root cause for Iraq's martyrdom, and when time is ripe it will be held to account for this and its innumerable crimes against nations across the world. On that day, pinning the blame on others and deflecting via shaky rhetoric will no longer work. And that day is drawing closer at an ever accelerating pace.
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Africa is absolutely a treasure..

This is not the point,

The point is that Somalia is relying on grain from Russia and Ukraine and because of the war, that person supports , Somalia is starving .

It relies on international support which comes mainly from the west , the same west Hassan Al-Somal likes to spit at, One should not spit into the well from which he drinks . . .

And you can say your country is " doing great "when you have the second highest mortality rate of infants in the world after Afghanistan.

Nice lyrics though , if only all thought like that :

Barouh atat adonai ( that is in Hebrew means : blessed is my lord )
(Barouh atat adonai)
Barouh atat yroushalaim
(Barouh atat yroushalaim)
Barouh atat adonai
(Barouh atat adonai)
Barouh atat yroushalaim
(Barouh atat yroushalaim)

Jerusalem here I am
Jerusalem je t'aime
Jerusalem here I am
Jerusalem je t'aime
Israela yakirati
Israela yakirati (that is in Hebrew means : Israel my dear i love you )
Ani ohv otarh
Israela yakirati
Israela yakirati
Israela yakirati
Israela yakirati

From the Bible to the Coran
Revelation in Jerusalem
Shalom, salamalekoum
You can see Christians, Jews and Muslims
Living together and praying
Amen, let's gives thanks and praises

Barouh atat adonai
Barouh atat yroushalaim
Barouh atat adonai
Barouh atat yroushalaim

Jerusalem here I am
Jerusalem je t'aime
Jerusalem here I am
Jerusalem je t'aime
Israela yakirati
Israela yakirati ( israel my dear i love you )
Ani ohv otarh
Israela yakirati
Israela yakirati
Israela yakirati
Israela yakirati

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Who says the EU is tired of supporting Ukraine?

A new 1 billion euros artillery ammo package for Ukraine

That will bring lots of Russian zombies direct to hell.

Nice - slow - but they are at least making a contribution - but no where near what the USA is doing given that the economy of the EU and USA are similar in profile.

I really wisht the UK had purchased back the Challenger-1's from Jordan recently, refurbished them to then send to Ukraine. The Challenger-1's took on and beat the T-72 series in the first Iraq war and is capable of still taking on and defeating all of the derivatives of the T-72s/80's/90's ...

During the First Gulf War, British Challengers destroyed roughly 300 Iraqi tanks without suffering a single loss in combat.[22]
@Mohsin A yesterday I intervened against a fellow mod and here you are abusing people Do you realise how silly this makes me look here?

@waz. I sincerely apologise if I have broken forum rules. It wasn't my intention to make you look silly.

Also @Deino & @That Guy - I also apologise.

Going forward I'll conduct myself with professionalism, so long as I am not targeted for supporting the Russian position in this conflict. There should be a fair balance in the discourse going forward on both sides

Russia's Scary Night Attack In Bakhmut & Ukraine's Failed Offensive | Russia-Ukraine Conflict

Nice - slow - but they are at least making a contribution - but no where near what the USA is doing given that the economy of the EU and USA are similar in profile.

I really wisht the UK had purchased back the Challenger-1's from Jordan recently, refurbished them to then send to Ukraine. The Challenger-1's took on and beat the T-72 series in the first Iraq war and is capable of still taking on and defeating all of the derivatives of the T-72s/80's/90's ...

Challenger 1 probably has the same firepower as leopards 1. Both can crack T72s. T90s have very strong armor and protection that’s a different level. If challenger 1 can fire depleted uranium projectile then well… I don’t want to sit in a Russian tank.
@waz. I sincerely apologise if I have broken forum rules. It wasn't my intention to make you look silly.

Also @Deino & @That Guy - I also apologise.

Going forward I'll conduct myself with professionalism, so long as I am not targeted for supporting the Russian position in this conflict. There should be a fair balance in the discourse going forward on both sides

Well, thanks for your apology but concerning our issues, please let me add one remark:
first of all I know I must accept different opinions - like your support of Russia - even if I don't understand or follow them, but what I cannot accept is constant tone of aggression, insult, the use of smear language and sexual harassment!
Why must anyone with whom you don't agree be called a "brown dick licker", "a LGBTQ sissy", "brown sahib", "shit" or a "bastard"?

Why must constantly the US-Iraq and Israel be mixed into this conflict and only since I and a few others - which in fact truly do not support Israel nor do I support Judaism or Zionism - be called Zionists, or even simply, why do you constantly call Israel "Israhell", wishing them death and destruction ... is this acceptable? No-one here especially you would tolerate or accept the denigration of names, countries or politicians of the Islamic world!

My point again is, here in a forum, it is normal - in fact that's for what forums are - to met peoples with different opinions, but like you mentioned, "this is a free forum and I can post any thread i want" - but at the same time you need to stay polite, honest and respectful and at least have to accept that you will face any disagreement. So any not-support of your opinion is not an insult, which must be replied with another insult and offence, but just an argument, a different opinion. If you only want to hear a reply of your stance, then you should create a FB-or whatever site and post your stuff, you should forbid any critical comments and so is fine, but in a forum you should accept common rules, which includes NOT to instantly bash down with aggression, a most insulting and offensive tone, others who don't agree or even to deny them a right to post their opinion.

As such, posting a different opinion or events from the war even if I don't like them are fine, indeed to give a broader perspective of what is truly going on, but any post containing personnel insults like quoted above, name calling and country bashing including calling "Israhell", calling the US always the big Satan, constantly advocating to nuke London, Paris, Washington, Berlin or whatever other big Western country since some enjoy the dying of "Western idiots", any post calling one who supports Ukraine a "LGBTQ pussy" or a "brown dick licker" is IMO worth a negative rating since it contradicts all values of common respect, of honest discussion of humanity and decency.

So much for now from my side
Nah, use modular vehicle designs were you can use the main chassis for nearly every role.
Make it under/max 60 tonnes with passive & active armor.
It's evolution, like in nature.
Better protected tanks, better AT measures.
It's like Tyrannosaurus and armored herbivores.
The main idea of a tank or MBT is to have much damage potential and taking large amount of damage which all other vehicles can't absorb.
I mean, look at historic examples like western knights, then weapons, armies, tactics etc. changed but in the end, there came always again the idea of a "tank" up.

You need in most cases from verything something.
Then you need competent NCOs, good command structure, clear political goals (no never ending Afghan-scenario, where is nothing to achieve, only costs in every sense) etc.
The only army in the world which has QUALITY and quantity and is best prepared for different situations is the US, from the political aspect they are weak imo and let them drown into stupid colonial skirmishes because of several "not good enough" - reasons.
A part of my Vision i posted in "Pakistan Mechanized" thread some years ago, where i described IFV in a way you mentioned "modular vehicle design". Whereas these IFV also have mini-CM like Spear-3 or better, fired out of a tube and APS ect. And these IFV replace the "groundtanks". In my vision there also exists tanks, but flying tanks. Have laser aps and one can take out a carrier group cause no missile will reach them ect.


Hm, this post of mine does no more exists in the "mechanized" thread :(
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What a mentally retarded gandu you are; A by-product of being a eunuch cucked slave of the west.

My support for the Russian position is based on morality in the grand scheme of things. War was brought to Russias doorstep by your masters. It has nothing to do with me being Pakistani, so get that in your thick demented head.

Hopefully you can process that information and stop having brain farts and random fits.
Bla bla bla bla lolz

Falling asleep lmao reading all this ha ha

OK I am a Pak boy..
He is a Pak boy...
Who are you? A Na-Pak boy???

USA and Nato will fight this war until the last of Ukrainian men.
lolz nah just a guy laughing *** off seeing some poor pak fellow crying for Russian victory hopeing it will change the world order lmao without knowing Russian will **** pak in the *** with help of Indians every time…the irony here is fucking hilarious
Oil at 86$ . Russia providing 20% discount

But Russia is selling more oil then ever. It's basically working with India and china

Seems saudis are also with Chinese on purpose cartelizing oil by cuts

Losers are American consumers and prolongation of ukriane war

Winners India Russia China saudis and share holder of Exxon/CVX


Putin's men wipe out 315 Ukraine troops, 73 artillery units in Donetsk; Setback for Zelensky​

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