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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2

Invasion seems going so well they are recruiting from retirement homes it seems

@waz. I sincerely apologise if I have broken forum rules. It wasn't my intention to make you look silly.

Also @Deino & @That Guy - I also apologise.

Going forward I'll conduct myself with professionalism, so long as I am not targeted for supporting the Russian position in this conflict. There should be a fair balance in the discourse going forward on both sides
I don't believe I ever directly mentioned or targeted you. Your attacks were completely unwarranted.

I do not need your apology. Conduct yourself like the good Muslim like you claim to be, and we will have no further problems.

My opinion on Pakistanis supporting Russia will continue to remain the same, but again it was never targeted towards you specifically.
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Challenger 1 probably has the same firepower as leopards 1. Both can crack T72s. T90s have very strong armor and protection that’s a different level. If challenger 1 can fire depleted uranium projectile then well… I don’t want to sit in a Russian tank.
how much is the price of DU shells , wonder if its not better to use antitank missiles with the range about 10km instead?

Wagner Boss tells Putin to declare victory & end Ukraine war - 'Russia Achieved Its Goals..'​

Meanwhile Ukraine Military leaks via Pentagon reveal weaknesses in Ukr armed forces and unable to continue war ...
You’re a joke that’s why I’m laughing at you.
In the end america does far more good, if you don’t agree then every country on earth can give back our charity and please don’t call us next time a shit hole has a natural disaster.
Oh and we don’t let in our fair share gtfo and educate yourself

The joke is you and your shitty country. And you dont even check that your country is dying. :lol:
The joke is you and your shitty country. And you dont even check that your country is dying. :lol:
EU is dying and USA is the killer.

USA will prevail.

EU is no longer useful since USSR doesnt exist.

It's a perfect mystery from where EU will get their energy needs in the next years. When the problem is discussed, it's always talking about the next months or the next winter, like if it wont exist one hundred more winters the next hundred years :lol:

BTW nuclear plants in Germany has been recently closed.
Let's be real here.
Me is real.

The Americans have reached the culmination point in classic munition design with the Hybrid 6.8×51mm.
That's evolution not revolution.
Revolution would be caseless, like the assault rifles series from the AVATAR movies.
The same works for AFV, no matter wheeled IFV or tracked IFV or a MBT.
Keep in mind, that you can't compare some vehicles with others or be fair when you compare them 1v1.
People tend to compare Israeli Merkava Mk 4M with M1A2 SEPv3 or Leopard 2A7A1 but you can't.
Different DOCTRINES.
Same with Soviet designed vehicles.
The problem with many Soviet (and therefore upraded Russian, still Soviet-influenced stuff) is that they are taking them out of their doctrine + much more potent "anti-things" like Javelin etc. they have to face today.
A T-62M in Syria can survive a TOW-2A bc of his "Eyebrow" armor (same with T-55M/AM).
A T-80U (Kontakt-5) or even T-72B (1985 with Kontakt-1 then) vs a M1A1 from 1988 (no M829A1 "Silver Bullet" (1989) and not the Heavy Armor (M1A1HA 1989) would be a late cold war classic.
So, to say, no matter from which side, this is shit or that is weak etc.
Look at the circumstances...
Soviets produced 35k T-34/76 and 20k T-34/85 during WW2.
They lost 45k of them.
But still, they were good enough for this type of war.
Sherman, overall, especially the later variants, were superior to T-34, many people don't get that.
Could the Americans have produced a overall better tank, in terms of combat abilites? Armor, gun, etc. ?
But you want the "good enough" (you need to ship them, you need spare parts, you want tactical mobility etc.) and Shermans were the only series-tank which could fire during the move with good aim, they had the highest survivability for crews etc.

Thats why everyone discuss if groundtanks are still useful cause of what happend in Ukraine. Flying tanks will solve the problems of groundtanks and a lot other problems.

BTW, my Grandpa was an Adjudant of Kesselring.
On the left, 0:20.
Sadly, died in the last days of the War, was fighting since 1940 (France) to the bitter end...

One of my grandfathers was russian pow, survived, but died in early 60s cause of bad health. My other grandfather was not long in war cause of early get heavy wounded and died in 70s with cancer.
Me is real.

Thats why everyone discuss if groundtanks are still useful cause of what happend in Ukraine. Flying tanks will solve the problems of groundtanks and a lot other problems.

One of my grandfathers was russian pow, survived, but died in early 60s cause of bad health. My other grandfather was not long in war cause of early get heavy wounded and died in 70s with cancer.

All things aside.
Let never forget our forefathers.
Without our ancestors our country would have been much earler a shithole like the whole western world.
It was the German ethos in everything what made they - and our country, great.
Today ... CUNTry.

Full Front Update. Easter Ceasefire. Situation in Bakhmut. Military Summary And Analysis 2023.04.16

The joke is you and your shitty country. And you dont even check that your country is dying. :lol:
Sure thing just one of the best countries to live in and myself and family are proof anything can be accomplished even when coming from nothing.
Keep crying, jealousy is a bitch
Is Russia winning? Last I checked they’ve lost more men then US in over a decade of conflict in just over a year. #winning

Full Front Update. Easter Ceasefire. Situation in Bakhmut. Military Summary And Analysis 2023.04.16

Seems like Ukrainian forces are on the brink of collapse in the East of Ukraine. If Zulensky doesn't begin his counterattack soon, Russian Advances will be huge in the coming days after the fall of Bakhmut.
Things are now so bad, whole Battalions of Ukrainian forces are refusing to fight.
The joke is you and your shitty country. And you dont even check that your country is dying. :lol:


US GDP will exceed $27-28T this year, with GDP per capita near $80K, with the highest disposable income per capita in the world.

World class companies
World class universities
Science and technology base that is the envy of the world
Million upon millions that are trying to immigrate here

You can live the very best life here if you’re willing to work for it.
New thread created as a result of so many tweets, links that now corrupt the download.
Is it possible for you to read my posting? Could you help me please? I don't know why but my account doesn't get approved. I'm waiting for days.
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