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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2

He has seen a lot being part of the American 'Beltway' Political system. Was part of the Kennedy administration and many since then. He knows how the American political system works. And in one of his recent videos, which I posted in another thread today, he says something like 'Biden would like to win the 2024 elections as a 'War President' because, if/when Trump comes back to power, then Biden is likely to face major legal issues for which there are credible evidence. To understand US geopolitics, one needs to understand how the US domestic politics works.'

Brilliant insight!

As I have repeatedly said, this war ends when America decides to end it!! Europe has no say in this which amounts to much. All the Europeans jumping up and down in this forum never forget that!
He has become a overly religious peace activist, basically protesting all US foreign policy. He is one of Russias useful idiots. His appeal to authority is based on a long gone past, and he is drawn towards conspiracy theories.
Saw a video where a reputable analyst (Ray McGovern?) said something like 'In 6-8 weeks, Russians would reach the Dniper River which is a natural boundary. At that point, either Americans would tell Zelensky that the 'gig is up, compromise' or there will be a decision to escalate even more. If that happens then Russia, if pushed to a defeat, would even use tactical nukes.'
Last video is from februari which makes him pretty off the mark.

The dnipro runs next to kiev as well. Which would make him comically delusional.

In a month russia is lucky to have taken bakhmut and avdivka. Let alone sloviansk/kramatorsk or anywhere near the dnipro
He has become a overly religious peace activist, basically protesting all US foreign policy. He is one of Russias useful idiots. His appeal to authority is based on a long gone past, and he is drawn towards conspiracy theories.

Last video is from februari which makes him pretty off the mark.

The dnipro runs next to kiev as well. Which would make him comically delusional.

In a month russia is lucky to have taken bakhmut and avdivka. Let alone sloviansk/kramatorsk or anywhere near the dnipro

Europeans sound like having 'coping mechanism'. I take no sides in this war and my posts would show. But I also think that Putin would rather use nukes than be seen 'defeated' and I also think the war will swiftly end when American decides to. You Europeans are once again sucked into a NeoCons war based on false premises like Russia would attack a NATO country and expand blah blah!
'I wish you good fortune in the wars to come'.

I have memories of the Marder, memories of a Panzergrenadier battalion, memories of my stay in Germany ... And to see now what the European heads have become, there is no trace left of the Europe of my youth, and although I did not know the DDR now their music brings me the remains of a Germany that disappeared.


Sadly now Deino types are what remains of what was once Germany in the 1980s

Guys who, with their mixture of ignorance and symbolic games, are capable of creating frightening tragedies.
"and although I did not know the DDR now their music brings me the remains of a Germany that disappeared"

You go through life so blind that you can't even read


This is what is left of Germany: guys who do not pay attention, guys who cannot read a sentimental text from memories, guys who are blinded by ideological fanaticism.
i say he is a visionary
He isn’t. He is ex KGB spy. He is a man of the past. If you want to know how Russia will look like in 5 years, then see Cuba. People there are desperate, hungry. More than 1,000 foreign companies have left Russia. 2,000 foreign companies more want to pack their suitcases. In 5y the Russians will stand in queue to buy bananas. They will wait 20y to buy a car.
Putin wants to loot foreign companies that will only encourage them to run faster to exit doors.


This dreadful tragedy would not have happened with guys like Helmut Kohl and Oskar Lafontaine.

That dreadful tragedy has happened because Europe is full of guys like Deino.

Sadly now Deino types are what remains of what was once Germany in the 1980s

Guys who, with their mixture of ignorance and symbolic games, are capable of creating frightening tragedies.
This is what is left of Germany: guys who do not pay attention, guys who cannot read a sentimental text from memories, guys who are blinded by ideological fanaticism.

Höööö! Me is still here! As long as i stay, Germany has a chance!


Concrats to your first "Dino rating" :tup:
Said over a year ago, that Europe needs to re-arm. Have more firepower than Russia. That includes nukes. Have the capacity to roll back Russia if the European Union is invaded.

How many nukes did Germany make. How many tens of thousands of mortars do the Baltic States have. How many thousands of updated FH-70 have Italy made in the past year. How many hundreds of arms factories did Germany open up.

The Ukraine war is a learning experience. It is a one shot learning experience, that Russia is not your friend. Russia wants to occupy you. US failed. US could have sent enough military equipment last year to Ukraine to roll back the Russians. US sits on ~15000 tanks, IFVs and field and rocket artillery/SPGs. Expected Europe to send the little arms Europe has which Europe needs to defend their own nations from an invasion.

So where are the German made nukes, how many did Germany make in the past year. How many nukes did Italy make in the past year. US was not nuked during the cold war by Moscow because the US had nukes. Japan was nuked at the end of WWII, because the Japanese had no nukes, therefore the US felt it could use nukes without reprisals of getting nuked. MAD works. How many tens of thousands of shoulder fired weapons did Germany make in the past year.


I underestimated in a previous post. Russia could have over 20K tanks. Russia is throwing old repaired storage tanks, along with newer tanks into the battlefield because Russia does not want their entire "fleet" of newer tanks destroyed. They want to save a few newer tanks for an invasion of the Baltics.

Wikipedia suggested 19.300 tanks:

That did not include IS-3 and many other tanks. The US believed Russia destroyed thousands of tanks starting in 2013, turned out these were false assumptions.

We do now know that Russia has been preparing this war for years, probably since the annexation of Crimea. Repairing old tanks (unused in warfare) and equipment for a grand war with NATO for years. This is the test war to knock out Ukraine, to later attack Europe.

This is not desperation, this is the readiness of Russia to wage war with as much repaired storage equipment as possible. Trying to win without tipping the hand of Russia that Russia has years worth of weapons to conquer Europe. Russia wants you to laugh, not prepare for defense.

Russia wants to win, yet make it seem as though Russia is not strong - (wasting and risking the lives of Russian minorities and prisoners), so it does not spook Europe into an arms race. That is the Russian strategy. By the war with NATO Europe, expect the entire fleet of Russian storage tanks to be repaired. So that is something like 20-25K+ total tanks to invade Europe. Russia does not care if they lose most of those tanks, their objective is to win. Don't expect Russia to hold back during a war with NATO, as they have been with Ukraine. Russia hopes it can deal a crushing blow to Ukraine in the next months, and have Ukraine sue for peace, and have Europe deceived that Russia is weak.

While the Swiss refuse to sell or donate Rapier Air Defense system and instead the Swiss are destroying 60 ADS with 2000 missiles. Europeans foolish destroy or donate their old weapon to Jordan or another nation not in NATO or defending Europe. Russia puts their old tanks into storage and is currently repairing them. If you concentrate enough tanks on one line, the infantry run out of anti-tank weapons, and you have a massive breakthrough of tanks. Russia has not tried this tactic in Ukraine. Is planning for Europe with a much longer front to defend.

Russia lost 100K soldiers in months. So if 100K soldiers die in destroyed Russian tanks, Russia does not care. These are old tanks that are expendable. Russian Soldiers are expendable to the meat grinder. The objective of Russia is to win. Russia feels zero threat from Europe invading Russia and capturing Moscow. That is not in the though-process of Europeans. It should. You have to make your enemy fear losing everything so your enemy does not attack you. Europe needs nukes in comparable numbers to Russia. Firepower in comparable numbers to Russia. Ways to stop the Russian attacks dead in their tracks.

Did Russia throw their entire army and equipment into Georgia. No. Russia has not in Ukraine either. Russia is planning to do so vs the European Union.
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