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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2

Ahh, the 'brown skins'. Starting to show your true colors?? How about showing your flags here?? If you are a continental European and still support this war then you are dumb because you are being sucked into another war where the island nations like America and the UK can burn and watch from a distance.

The internet is full of WHITE Americans who have wised up from what happened during the Iraq War of 2003--a war which was a proven disaster for America. I can share dozens of videos every day from powerful, prominent WHITE Americans who are starting to voice their opposition to this war.

As for annexing Ukraine, I certainly don't want that. But what was so WRONG in early 2022 for Ukraine to commit to neutrality? It wasn't that long ago we were discussing this war on this forum as it was starting? There were concrete demands by Russia and the crux of the demands was neutrality. Maybe join the EU but not NATO. This war was avoidable had Ukraine committed to neutrality. And don't give us the crap about sovereignty: Sixty years ago Cuba too was a sovereign nation with every right to host the Soviet missiles. But we know what happened.

This war, as I said in this forum recently, will be a disaster for Russia. And I believe Putin is the last man who would wage this war in Russia. After this, there would be another Yeltsin or Medvedev. Time would have sorted this out. Putin is already fairly old. But the Ukrainian dumbs fell for the NeoCon agenda with historic consequences for Ukraine.
Except the one getting burned this time is the Russian. So why a bunch of whiteys from the US & UK complained about it is ridiculous.

& Ukraine is not Iraq it's a defensive war big differences. With just a small fraction of the defense budgets The americans pretty much wiped out half of Russian armed forces. And in the process of wiping out sizable chunk of the Russian demographic. This is good btw. A rogue adversary state getting weakened is good for everyone involved even the Russian I might argue.

Also why bring up Cuba when Ukraine is not even close in comparison?

Ukraine war: UK defends sending depleted uranium shells after Putin warning​

A Challenger 2 tank
Image caption,
The UK is sending 14 Challenger 2 tanks to Kyiv to aid Ukrainians in the fight against Russia
By Laura Gozzi
BBC News

President Vladimir Putin has said Russia would be "forced to react" if the UK sent shells made with depleted uranium to Ukraine.
He accused the West of deploying weapons with a "nuclear component".
The UK confirmed it would provide Kyiv the armour-piercing rounds alongside Challenger 2 tanks - but insisted they have a low risk of radiation.
Depleted uranium "is a standard component and has nothing to do with nuclear weapons", the MoD said.
"The British Army has used depleted uranium in its armour piercing shells for decades," the statement added.
"Russia knows this, but is deliberately trying to disinform. Independent research by scientists from groups such as the Royal Society has assessed that any impact to personal health and the environment from the use of depleted uranium munitions is likely to be low."

Former British Army tank commander - and chemical weapons expert - Col Hamish de Breton-Gordon, said Mr Putin's comments were "classic disinformation".
He said depleted uranium rounds used by Challenger 2 tanks contained only trace elements of depleted uranium.
He added it was "laughable" to suggest depleted uranium rounds were in any way linked to nuclear weapons, which uses enriched uranium.
Depleted uranium is what is left over after natural uranium has been enriched, either for weapons-making or for reactor fuel.
It is mildly radioactive in its solid form. But it is a very heavy substance, 1.7 times denser than lead, and it is used to harden rounds so that they can penetrate armour and steel.
When a weapon made with a depleted uranium tip or core strikes a solid object, like the side of a tank, it goes straight through it and then erupts in a burning cloud of vapour.

The vapour settles as dust, which is poisonous and also weakly radioactive.
Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said sending depleted uranium ammunition to Ukraine would mean the UK was "ready to violate international humanitarian law as in 1999 in Yugoslavia".
"There is no doubt this will end badly for London," Mr Lavrov added.
On Tuesday evening, a spokesman for the Pentagon said the US would not be sending any munitions with depleted uranium to Ukraine.
Shells with depleted uranium were used in Iraq and the Balkans, where some claim it was linked to birth defects.
A 2022 UN Environment Programme (UNEP) report said depleted uranium was an environmental concern in Ukraine.

"Depleted uranium and toxic substances in common explosives can cause skin irritation, kidney failure and increase the risks of cancer," it said.
"The chemical toxicity of depleted uranium is considered a more significant issue than the possible impacts of its radioactivity," it added.

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Moscow is forced to react? By what? Russia army has used all of its arsenals except nukes. Depleted uranium is really not an escalation. The Russians just fear those uranium ammo can penetrate all Russia tanks including the most modern T14s, T90s. Against hardened uranium ammo there is no protection.

the material has very high density. Makes sense. It’s available, it’s cheap because it can be harvested from nuclear reactors. Once fired the uranium material is burned then disappeared. Using hardened tungsten as tank ammo is better but the tungsten material is more expensive and rare.
Ahh, the 'brown skins'. Starting to show your true colors?? How about showing your flags here?? If you are a continental European and still support this war then you are dumb because you are being sucked into another war where the island nations like America and the UK can burn and watch from a distance.

The internet is full of WHITE Americans who have wised up from what happened during the Iraq War of 2003--a war which was a proven disaster for America. I can share dozens of videos every day from powerful, prominent WHITE Americans who are starting to voice their opposition to this war.

As for annexing Ukraine, I certainly don't want that. But what was so WRONG in early 2022 for Ukraine to commit to neutrality? It wasn't that long ago we were discussing this war on this forum as it was starting? There were concrete demands by Russia and the crux of the demands was neutrality. Maybe join the EU but not NATO. This war was avoidable had Ukraine committed to neutrality. And don't give us the crap about sovereignty: Sixty years ago Cuba too was a sovereign nation with every right to host the Soviet missiles. But we know what happened.
The demand for neutrality is equivalent with sending an messenger demanding that you tear down your city wall or you will be invaded.
An invading army wants the defender to remove all defensive measures ahead of the invasion.

Such a demand is an attack on the sovereignity of a nation.

That is what is wrong with it.

This war, as I said in this forum recently, will be a disaster for Russia. And I believe Putin is the last man who would wage this war in Russia. After this, there would be another Yeltsin or Medvedev. Time would have sorted this out. Putin is already fairly old. But the Ukrainian dumbs fell for the NeoCon agenda with historic consequences for Ukraine.
Russia uses depleted uranium: "A Russian Defense Ministry bulletin said Russian T-80BV tanks would be armed with these powerful munitions, according to Russias TASS news agency. The bulletin noted that the T-80BVM (the letter M stands for modernized) features the improved weapons stabilizer and the loading mechanism for the 3BM59 Svinets-1 and 3BM60 Svinets-2 munitions. The Svinets-1 has a tungsten carbide core, while the Svinets-2 uses depleted uranium. " both sides will rather poison the people and the land in Ukraine for decades
Russia uses depleted uranium: "A Russian Defense Ministry bulletin said Russian T-80BV tanks would be armed with these powerful munitions, according to Russias TASS news agency. The bulletin noted that the T-80BVM (the letter M stands for modernized) features the improved weapons stabilizer and the loading mechanism for the 3BM59 Svinets-1 and 3BM60 Svinets-2 munitions. The Svinets-1 has a tungsten carbide core, while the Svinets-2 uses depleted uranium. " both sides will rather poison the people and the land in Ukraine for decades
I read up on the russian tanks in the ukraine war. While it's true that Russia uses DU rounds like the svinets they were only used only in limited capacity most likely because there's not a lot of svinets in service or storage.

Fun fact: most russian tanks are allocated mostly HEAT rounds with only 2 sabot rounds per tanks

Instead most ammo used by the rusky are the outdated mango rounds. They are near useless against western armors not on the ukrainian armors.

I'm not going to take Russia threat to use DU seriously because if they had (in sufficient numbers that is) they would used them since the start.
Turns out china & russia actually loves the west.

“Today, according to the Chinese American Restaurant Association, there are over 45,000 Chinese restaurants currently in operation across the United States. This number is greater than all the McDonald’s, KFCs, Pizza Huts, Taco Bells and Wendy’s combined. When asked to rank their favorite types of restaurants, Chinese places almost always come out on top. On every day of the Lunar calendar, it seems there’s nothing quite as all-American some good Chinese food.”

So basically, Chinese culinary hegemony over the fast food empire will always remain unchallenged.
And as it turns out, the west really loves the Chinese.
I personally don’t see “color” however, when it comes to food that tastes good. But then again, I’m not sitting in an ISW troll farm, putting in a double shift.

“Today, according to the Chinese American Restaurant Association, there are over 45,000 Chinese restaurants currently in operation across the United States. This number is greater than all the McDonald’s, KFCs, Pizza Huts, Taco Bells and Wendy’s combined. When asked to rank their favorite types of restaurants, Chinese places almost always come out on top. On every day of the Lunar calendar, it seems there’s nothing quite as all-American some good Chinese food.”

So basically, Chinese culinary hegemony over the fast food empire will always remain unchallenged.
And as it turns out, the west really loves the Chinese.
I personally don’t see “color” however, when it comes to food that tastes good. But then again, I’m not sitting in an ISW troll farm, putting in a double shift.
Just pointing out the chinese & russian hypocrisy that say they hate the west but can't stop eating KFC for some reasons.
Russia and its poodle india has been wiped out now there will be a massacre of invading russian establishment and armed forces in Ukraine and throughout the world
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