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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2

3,500 tonnes of Russian crude oil were imported to Germany in January 2023, according to the Federal Statistical Office (Destatis). In January 2022, the import volume had been 2.8 million tonnes. Crude oil imports from Russia were thus stopped almost completely, going down by 99.9% in arithmetical terms. Russia’s share of Germany’s total crude oil imports declined from 36.5% in January 2022 to 0.1% in January 2023.


Let's wait and see what will happen in Europe this winter.

Will Europe Survive the Winter?​

Europe may plunge back into Dark Age this winter
Europe will be utterly at Russia's mercy this coming winter

Wow that was some canon firing on selected target !!!
With shockwave destroyed the whole 500+m radius of target.
Simply amazing !!! Wow.

And when Biden is ousted from white house & replaced by none other than Donald da Duck ????
where is American policy towards Russia ... LoLL

When You are elected, you are elected for a period of 4 years.
You are not ousted from the post as President if you serve your term.

Putin’s endkampf against Ukraine

Russia’s small kids learn patriotism in kindergartens, bigger kids learn how to assemble and disassemble rifles. In violence to Russia’s own constitutions that forbid such indoctrination.

Good night

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as if American kids don't learn to use weapons at home from way younger or they are not taught patriotism school.

I also learned to maintain and use G-3 and AK-47 at high school and when I was conscripted after university I could do maintenance on AK-47 with close eye

Whether he’ll ever face trial is unknown, but Putin will now forever be seen as a war criminal.
he will be just like Bush

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